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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. as a sox fan, I feel blasphemous saying this but I would honestly hate to get in the way of possibly the most amazing story in baseball history, the Rockies. A team of nobodies coming together to win the series? Fuck, I'd feel like the Cardinals when they beat the Tigers. Then again, Boston winning the series would directly lead to a city-wide madhouse party. Imagine when OSU won in Tempe x 10000000.
  2. well thats silly, why dont you get one that says "Fuck Boston" because that's spelled correctly.
  3. hello, i'm the internet. no, i don't think we've met, you must be new. remember kids, down the road, not across the street.
  4. is this the first time 2 MVPs have faced off in the World Series? Tulowitzki vs. Pedroia? GO SOX!
  6. and thats about all we're going to ever see from J.D. Drew ever again...
  7. the Apache gets 14 on the highway going 55...sucks
  8. beckett is sick nasty, and bobby kielty is sick against lefties
  9. The level of flame in here has turned this thread flamboyantly gay.
  10. BC has the best corners in college football right now, its part of the reason their safeties are getting so many INTs. QBs are having to throw up the middle. That said, they haven't really encountered anyone good enough to get around those corners yet, so they def. don't deserve to be #1.
  11. My parents got back from their 25th anniversary trip from Nice/Brussels/south of France and provided me with a couple pictures that are comic gold. Originals: http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/francetrip043.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/resize.png Caxide's stupid motivational posters http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/hilaryposter1.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/hilaryposter2.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/pierre1.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/monty1.jpg Help me create funnah content, CR.
  12. My uncle was regional director of emergency operations for the Red Cross, genius, if anyone knows how local relief and security budgets are spent, its him.
  13. truly the most trippy film ever made DJ Danger Mouse did The Grey Album which is a mashup of Jay-Z's Black Album with the Beatles White album There's also Jay-Zeezer - The Black & Blue Album which is the Black Album and Weezer's Blue album
  14. i'm gonna bet that he was poisoned with antifreeze. antifreeze is a hydrocarbon like alcohol, and if you drink antifreeze you're sposed to solve it by drinking alcohol cuz the stomach will break alcohol down faster/greater priority than antifreeze. the more you know....
  15. this is basically proof that the terrorists have won. we're allowing--nay, ENCOURAGING our lives to be built around a fear of attack. we have two options: A) get over it, get on with life as always without spending shitloads of money on this "threat" or B) IDENTIFY OUR FUCKING ENEMY. You can't say our enemy is Iraq. You can't say our enemy is terrorism. You can't say our enemy is Al-Queda. Our government needs to pass down from Commander in Chief to the grunts on the front line the order to kill SOMEONE. Right now we've got 150k troops with itchy trigger fingers and after 4.5 years the brass still hasn't given a clear indication of who they should be aiming at. Sunnis? Shiites? Terrorists? men, women, children? no one knows who we're fighting, so we either need to kill everyone or kill no one. and people wonder why this blackwater shit is happening.
  16. I love how 90% of the conservative people saying "I want government out, give me my guns and my strippers" are the same people that support a Constitutional ban on gay marriage.
  17. Do you know what all that cockamamy bullshit you posted means? It means that Franklin County is spending our tax money to buy new trucks and cars, guns, and whatever else they can think of to "protect" us from the apparently imminent attacks in Columbus, OH which is obviously the kind of earth-shattering attack the terrorists would execute. You know what all that feel-good equipment is gonna do? Its going to sit in a closet with top security clearance and collect dust until a politician with his head located somewhere other than his colon realizes we should probably just get rid of it. You basically just proved the point that this anti-terrorist shit is completely useless.
  18. THIS IS YOUR PATRIOT ACT I love it when the government gets a bug up their ass about this stuff.
  19. Thorne, when are you just gonna buck up and admit newsgroups are not infallible and that private, invite-only torrent sites (a la Oink) might be just as good as your precious newsgroups. Admit it and I might send you an Oink invite...I should have some within a couple weeks
  20. your postsecret gimmick is lacking teh funnah
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