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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. CHANGE SCARES ME AND CORRUPTS CHILDREN naw I'm jk, I agree that the modern media is going too far sometimes. As much as I believe the responsibility lies with the parents, its still not too much to ask to censor a little on TV and stuff.
  2. quit being such a pussy and getting beat up by cops to the OP, bitches aint shit but hoes n tricks except the lovely women on this board, you're all special
  3. you should leave. before anyone has to point out any of the billion things you deserve to die for
  4. not $148k???? dude who do you think you are, someone who doesn't drive a cougar?
  5. Stuck up late writing a shitty paper about how the media has been the only thing to curb presidential imperialism in the past 50 years, specifically citing LBJ and Nixon's dilemmas in Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, My Lai Massacre, Rolling Thunder, Kent State) and the Watergate scandal. This paper is total shit, so how's your night going?
  6. just downloaded this, some of its pretty fucking good, some of it is but for the most part I've just made a playlist using this and tacked on some of my classic selections such as: Highway Star by Deep Purple (aforementioned) Living in the U.S.A. by Steve Miller Band Never Been any Reason by Head East I Just Want to Make Love to You by Foghat Free Ride by Edgar Winters Rock and Roll, Hoochi Koo by Rick Derringer and lots of others...hint: if you want an amazing driving soundtrack, get both soundtracks from the movie Dazed and Confused. You won't regret it.
  7. Mister Cool Ice approves of this thread http://www.wunderkraut.com/art/ice1.jpg
  8. its because everyone who's a cop is a cop cuz they want to hold a gun and drive like they're in dukes of hazzard
  9. ^^^you at least know what you're talking about. it really is annoying when I make a call and the guys look at me dumbfounded like they didn't just step underneath a guy midair trying to get a rebound. Whenever they give me shit I either A) tech 'em up if I'm in a shit mood or they've been disrespectful or B) if they've been respectful or they come up to me and ask me why instead of just yelling 'what???' I tell them "if you were watching tv and you saw Shaq do that to Garnett, would you be screaming for blood or saying that Shaq had every right to do that"
  10. i'm in a similar situation, I ref intramural sports for BU. I mostly do basketball where 99% of the people are really cool and every once in a while there's a dick, but reffing soccer is a whole different story. In no way am I being racist, but the truth of it is that the fucking foreigners who take it way too seriously make it suck. Most of the goofy college kids just wanna get drunk and play soccer, but there's a lot of REALLY good teams made up of all Saudi or all Brazilian or all German kids and there's maybe one of them that treats anyone with respect. I've ejected people for trying to sneak shots at other guy's balls, blatantly taking a swing at another player, slide tackling the goalie unprovoked. Its annoying as hell.
  11. binge drinker on weekends, raging alcoholic during the week
  12. i'll pay you $40 to never make another shit thread again
  13. as long as you realize its the west's fault, i'm ok with that answer
  14. you'll pull out a B if you wrote coherently, history essays are basically the same shit over and over again. but yeah, lmk if you ever need history help n shit.
  15. if you need help, i'm a history minor and crank out papers like that about 9 times a semester. you want tough, talk to me after you've taken a final exam consisting of 2 questions that account for 100% of your grade in a class. The short answer to the question, by the way, is that the both the U.S. and the Soviet Union were too embroiled in the Cold War to try to deal with the Middle East. Tensions started after WWI when the Ottoman Empire was dissected by European nations who had no idea how to separate countries according to ethnic groups instead of land masses, so historically bellicose factions were forced to coexist. After WWII, the Soviet invasion of Iran didn't help things, and finally the creation of Israel was the straw that broke the camel's back. After that, things were perpetually downhill.
  16. shit, man, i love that beamer, have ever since i picked up that monitor at your place. whats the new car you're giving up all this stuff for?
  17. You missed a couple... last sentence should be "It's" not "Its" In the first sentence, "their" should be changed to "its" or CPD should have "officers" after it, the CPD is an organization not a plural.
  18. here's a question for the girls, if we haven't scared them all away yet... have you ever heard of "the move" cuz i know every guy here knows what i'm talking about.
  19. he makes a good point...you do love da stuntin
  20. i'm not hefty...is he even in this thread?
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