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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. yeah, having gone through it and having my natural speed calibrated from 80 to 65, I agree too.
  2. WRONG FORUM N00B!!!! naw just kidding. but seriously, wrong forum
  3. im not a shoulder to cry on, its just a friendship goin way back to when some mutual friends were dating. she takes most of her problems to her boyfriend, i'm just the guy she comes to for advice about ridiculous circumstances like that
  4. so he just needs her as his copilot NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW wait....no....still NSFW http://www.metacafe.com/watch/65484/chaos_4000/
  5. I'd take the GT3, doesn't it track a lot faster than the GT2 in cornering? EDIT: and I wanna know what "Officially" means. Does that mean some nerd in a room with a calculator figured that given the right altitude, absence of wind, and road conditions the GT2 is CAPABLE of hitting 205 if it had in infinitely long stretch of road or has it actually gone 205 mph.
  6. this is pretty much the best time of year....scratch that....century to be a new england sports fan. Go Sox!!!
  7. actually, this is 100% true. if there's one person she hates more than her dad, its her dad's skank that he ran off with. Sam.......:shiftyeyes:
  8. Ok so there's this girl I've been amazing friends with for going on 9 years and there never was nor will there ever be any romantic interest between us. She's 20, as am I, and lives in CT and our really good mutual friend lives in Boston near me. So how do I tell her to stop being an idiot? The rundown: Past 2 years she's gotten preggers 3 times by the same guy who is her long-term boyfriend, each time has been a miscarriage. Its gotten to the point where we've started naming her kids, and then she miscarries and its devastating but relieving cuz she DOESN'T want to be a mommy but is against abortion and adoption. She's on the pill but is very undisciplined about it. The boyfriend is an ass and I don't trust him enough to not be a shitty father and a worse husband. How do I make her listen to reason? I've tried telling her straight up and it wont work that way.
  9. my dad's self-employed now and my sis is 17, so it doesn't take much out of his day to run down to the courthouse, put up a stink and leave.
  10. just edited my previous post, it is indeed not a moving violation but my dad's story still stands. they won't even bother charging you if you just show up to fight it.
  11. FIGHT IT. Fuck what these guys are saying. My dad got the same ticket, fought it, judge threw the whole thing out of court without batting an eye.
  12. isn't LG coming stateside with the Prada to compete in the hipster iPhone market?
  13. I've been in a football pool the past 3 years which has directly led to me becoming like a crack fiend for watching my games. Which has also led to me having a built-in filter to drown out everything that John Madden, Tony Kornheiser, and Joe Theismann (before he got booted from MNF) say.
  14. Bump for a good car, my dad had one of these before his M3, AMAZING in winter and the Mazda V6 is solid.
  15. Slug is the shit, Minneapolis scene for the motherfucking win. As far as local hip hop, there's a guy at OU who has a huge following named "Nig-Unit" (please don't ban me, I'm just trying to spread the word). He's pretty solid.
  16. zomg kitchen noob gonna git raped edit: for clarity, behold http://low-quality.net/images/mccheese2copy.jpg
  17. voluntarily making my nuts hurt isn't somethin i'm interested in. ever. still, someday who knows what shit will hit what fan girls around here just get used to you blowing on their chest anyways
  18. we need abstinence-only education, banned abortions, and no health insurance for kids. that'll solve our problems. edit: if the sarcasm wasn't enough, what about the people who keep losing jobs due to NAFTA, etc.? DON'T GIVE ME SOME 'THAT WAS CLINTON' BULLSHIT. The fact remains that we have free trade, we are NOT competitive enough, and people are losing jobs. just gonna tell that guy that his kids can't get insured cuz he got laid off and there's no program for it? fuck that. fuck this half trillion dollar war.
  19. what if you got a blowjob from a girl that was so beat she looked like a guy. and she was a he before she was a she edit: :marc:
  20. QFMFT I definitely don't align myself, but I'll probably end up voting blue this year unless that fuckface whore wins the primaries. I'm encouraging everyone I know to register Democrat and vot against Hilary; its not like we definitely need a Republican at this point, we just need to fucking make sure she doesn't get in office. Obama won't do much because he won't get shit for support in Congress, so if we get rid of the possibility of Hilary we could actually have a decent 4 years.
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