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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. good lord that actually made me sad
  2. lol as the son of an E36 M owner I'm obligated to tell you what an idiot you are. seriously though, I love the B5 S4, they're amazing fun to drive and have amazing potential without doing any major overhauls on the FI.
  3. even though sometimes a price may look like a steal, i always take a step back and think "what else could i buy with $XXXX" and realize that sometimes not spending money at all is the better deal
  4. i found a better pic...seems to be called the "Shark II" by ASMA or something: http://www.benzworld.org/gallery/data/533/medium/Mercedes-CLS-Shark_II_ASMA.JPG
  5. good to hear "justice" is coming around...hope you get off with nothing, man, best of luck with that
  6. got to say, if nothing else your creativity cannot be topped. cool project, cant wait to see some vids
  7. I usually just DL movies and reformat using Videora...if you download in .avi format it does a good job of reformatting to mpeg without fuckin up the audio (unless the avi audio was pre-fucked up)
  8. Jeff (l36tols1) is a great help, set me up with a new phone easy as pie.
  9. best of luck...you shouldnt have any problem getting away from the B&E charge, considering you didn't break anything and "entering" isn't a crime..trespassing is a different story, but isnt' that a misdemeanor?
  10. could be worse...at least no one got you for street racing, cuz they crack down on that shit like crazy still, sucks to hear the man is stickin it to you
  11. I love Chicago, but I visited some friends at UChicago and oh good lord,the south side is fucking scary.
  12. this is your "i'm back, bitches!" post? edit: just checked senior members area
  13. So my dad was parallel parked downtown and the meter was fed and everything, and he got a ticket for not having a front plate on his M3. It got dismissed when he took it to court. Is it cuz you can't get a ticket for not having a front plate if you're not driving?
  14. THIS IS YOUR PATRIOT ACT. Seriously, I don't want to make this a political issue but this week has seen one of the worst selloffs ever. We can only hope the weekend will provide some time to recover our senses. Sorry about your loss man, but hopefully out of the loss you'll find your way to a better job.
  15. I'm 100% immune (fell facefirst in a patch once, nothing happened) so I wouldn't know, but I've heard that if you rub your cock with poison ivy a genie will appear and grant you 3 wishes.
  16. You have to be kidding me about Moss having an attitude problem and Belichick not being able to handle it. Disciplinarians mean NOTHING in football, just look at Tom Coughlin; some of the greatest players in the game on the Giants and the motherfucker always falls apart in the 4th quarter. Has any Patriots team member ever been quoted as saying anything contrary to what Belichick says? If you think Belichick isn't a great coach and leader, then you've got a serious problem. You can't take away 3 Super Bowl rings from the guy. You know how many Super Bowl rings Tony Dungy has? And how many times has Dungy won the NFL Coach of the Year award? Wait, you mean he didn't even win it the year that he won the Super Bowl? How sad. Oh and don't even compare Dallas Clark's receiving to Randy Moss's. Dallas Clark had Peyton Manning throwing to him while CBs scrambled to cover both Wayne and Harrison, Randy Moss was the one and only target for who else but Aaron Brooks who started 8 games, and Andrew Walter had the other 8...how awesome. To be honest, I want to see the Colts go 16-0 this year so I can be sure they choke in the playoffs again.
  17. wow, not gonna lie i'm kinda disappointed that this shit thread is at the top of the kitchen...bad form
  18. The only experience I had with Lima was playing soccer against their team, and I remember the soccer field smelling like shit.
  19. There once was a man from Nantucket Whose dick was so long he could suck it While wiping his chin He said with a grin "If my ear was a cunt I would fuck it"
  20. than the sword. list your favorite proverbs (lol to those who thought this'd be perverted)
  21. its funny when girls say "i'm not in the mood, can't we just cuddle?" the way i got around that with my ex was "yeah, but you're gonna feel my dick poking you in the back all night"
  22. wednesday night, homie...ain't nothing but dogs out tonight although i was given the same advice by my friend who goes to Butler...perhaps tomorrow
  23. the only time i actually enjoy watching Pinks is when the guys agree to go heads up. negotiating lengths is boring, i can understand negotiating car mods though (tires, NO2, boost control, etc)
  24. http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u32/Balaoroc/shocker_101.jpg upon seeing that, my friend said "HA, yeah that'd sure stop the show"
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