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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Point taken, but it doesn't change the fact that fewer people would like to see Republicans try...we've already experienced that for several years and it blew asschurros.
  2. Wrong. Just plain wrong. 71% of people are dissatisfied with the job congress is doing, 24% approve, 5% have no opinion. That is probably the statistic you're thinking of. The part that makes you wrong as that you SPECIFICALLY said "Democratic Congress". The most recent Gallup polls show that 41% of people approve of the job the Democrats in Congress are doing, while only 33% of people approve of the job Republicans in Congress are doing, which pretty much coincides with Bush's approval rating. source: http://www.galluppoll.com/content/default.aspx?ci=1600 Now that I've corrected the statistical inaccuracies, here's some more statistics for you. Of 5 recent presidents (Eisenhower, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, all of whom were re-elected to second terms) only Nixon's approval rating was worse at the end of his term than Bush's currently is. As of Feb 2007, only 21% of people believe leaders of other countries have respect for Bush, where as 73% believe they don't have much respect for him at all. That compared to two years before in Feb 2005 when 38% of people thought he was respected. More people believe that Democrats would do a better job being in control of Congress than Republicans would should they get control (35% vs 25%, 34% believe it'd be the same either way). So now that the statistics are up, I'll state my flat-out opinion. I think Bush is so full of shit it's starting to permeate his brain, which is why he issued a commutation for Scooter Libby today (that means his conviction remains on his record and he must still pay the quarter-million in fines, but he serves no jail time). That is complete bullshit. Libby was sentenced to two and a half years, which is NOTHING compared to the white collar crimes sentences in the private sector. Still, what Bush is doing is wonderful in a way because he's just hammering nail after nail into the coffin that buries the ridiculous Republican agenda for the next several elections.
  3. Probably because they fuxxed up and filmed it and mirrored it, forgetting about that detail or somewhere sometime some dumbass made a rhd version of kitt
  4. yeah except it wouldn't be blood and carnage, just rolls and multi-elbows. and boobies...lots of boobies
  5. I don't have a car that's worth racing because I'm poor and can't afford one. oh and miller, since that other thread got locked, i didn't blow you off, i sent you a text you never responded to.
  6. You know, I've usually noticed the number of multi-hundred post threads die down in the summer, as does the bitching. Why is this year so different?
  7. does this count as a threat? regardless if it is or isn't, trying to get people to fight on cr is something that should at least merit thread deletion.
  8. this thread delivers what it promises up front...pure, unadulterated shit
  9. vanilla ice stole from Bowie/Queen. Fuck that. Eddie Money for the motherfuckin win.
  10. what i've heard: benoit strangled his wife and son during the weekend before he cancelled his wrestling appearance, then yesterday he hung himself
  11. i believe it's cavin's gt2. don't quote me on that though
  12. sometimes, when someone goes apeshit, all they really need is a swift punch to the nose. dunno if you're proficient at fighting, but break his goddamn nose with one punch...its pretty easy, and he won't really be in any shape to hit back. or call the authorities
  13. AW BOB SAGET Actually, just to add a cherry to the monstro-deluxe sundae that was my caribbean vacation, i just spent the last 2 days in indianapolis watching lewis hamilton make the entire Ferrari team look like a bunch of drooling latchkey kids.
  14. from a pretty cool vacation in the british virgin islands. Skin was sunburned, sailing was undertaken, beverages of considerable alcoholic content were consumed with alarmin rapidity. So anyone feel like giving me the skinny on the latest CR drama? Cliffs notes?
  15. don't go to boston in the summer. its a great city but you will fry in the sun and sautee in your own sweat from the humidity. toronto is an 8 hour drive (thru detroit or buffalo) and is always spectacular fun. the entertainment district is great, they have amazing bars, and I like to think of it as a cleaner, slower paced version of new york city.
  16. suprised no one has said this: Asshole usually I hate Asshole, so i play the extremely fun variant: Strip Asshole
  17. I've got two...one you can only play once a year, the other you can play whenever an abundance of longnecks is found. 1) The Annual George W. Bush State Of The Union Address Drinking Game Extravaganza. Ingredients: A case of your favorite beer and a bottle of your favorite liquor. In my case, I use Jager and Bud Light because its cheap and tasty. Rules: Every time G-dub mispronounces a word, you take a shot. Every time he uses the words "liberty/freedom", "homeland security", or "America" you take a swig of your beer. To this day, I have never done this with anyone that could survive the whole address. 2) Land Mines. Ingredients: as many cases of Bud Light bottles as you can fit in your trunk, enough cups for the people that are playing, and a quarter. Rules: everyone sits around a table with a beer and a cup. the first person pours any amount of beer in the cup, spins the quarter, drinks ALL the beer in the cup, and picks up the quarter with the same hand they drank with without their ass leaving their chair, ALL before the quarter stops spinning. Should they fail to pick up the quarter in time, they must repeat the cycle but use more beer than last time...now you see why its important to budget your beer consumption. Once you've finished your beer, grab another but hold onto the empty bottle. At any time when someone has spun their quarter, you may slam the bottle down on it to cause it to stop, and they will have to drink again. But you leave the bottle in the place where you slammed it, and it becomes a "land mine" so if anyone hits it with the quarter, it goes ricocheting off and becomes harder to pick up. After about 6 rounds, everyone is completely shitfaced and the table is covered in beer bottles. after 10 rounds, people are usually calling for substitutes to come help while they go puke.
  18. Yeah, but the masters quoted me at $11k in body repair alone. So that just leaves me with the other option
  19. and their ability to fix my truck? I know that there are schools for all sorts of auto shit, and they obviously are going to need a "canvas" other than the shop teacher's Hyundai. 1) Do you think they'd want to use my truck? 2) How would I go about getting in contact with them about doing free work on my truck? 3) Has anyone had experience on either side of this transaction before? 4) Is it a wise thing to do, and will the results be....acceptable?
  20. i gotta say as much shit as you're slinging this guy's way i think he's got a pretty solid grip on the mentality we like to attribute to ourselves here at CR. yeah, he's not throwing a turbo on it right now and he's putting on a CAI and exhaust or whatever. i haven't read the whole thread. asking him why do that is like asking you, thorne, why the fuck would you buy a WRX? so it performs well, is reliable, and is an awd sports car. could you not have gotten that from, say, a B5 S4 for a comparable price, and ended up with a faster car? Its just what suits you, man. This guy isn't coming on here with claims of greatness or aspirations of a 8-second street car in a neon. He's just doing what he enjoys for a few dimes less than you may choose. carry on, n00b
  21. haha, i remember when jon's green neon was sitting in pieces at the westerville road shop as barua and i tried fruitlessly to reassemble the daytona. how'd the neon turn out, jon?
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