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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol10/fireworks101.gif
  2. Mike, you could have the truck for a week if you'd give me one of those cases. All this talk about beer makes me long for the bar I went to in the British Virgin Islands. They had 3 beers on tap: Strongbow, Newcastle, and Boddingtons. Best bar ever.
  3. yeah, he goes to osu. I forget all the mods he has, but I helped him install his downpipe, and I think he just got the same Perrin TMIC as you. Next time he decides to drop some coin on a mod, I'm sure we'll meet up.
  4. do you know Danny (SuBaRuA here)? He's got a black one with a few mods. He's done the same thing you did shaving the rear emblems. You should consider getting L7 emblems to replace the Subaru stars, it looks pretty cool.
  5. this thread is now about posting amazing pictures http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol10/nocaptionneeded.jpg
  6. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol10/whatcanyousay.jpg Mr Cool Ice approves of your response
  7. You still have yet to respond. If you're gonna talk down to people around here, at least show us how high up you are on the social ladder so we can grovel and adorn you with niceties.
  8. Indeed they are. So what do you do, just kinda sit in the swamp you congealed in, or are you some glistening beacon of human achievement at whatever school/job it is you attend?
  9. She went crazy and fucked up a bunch of my shit, including the external harddrive that had all the pics. I'll see if I have any cellphone pics, but I've gone thru 2 phones since we dated so there's very little chance. edit:nope nothin
  10. Speaking of remedial reading comprehension, how the fuck did you misread "Boston (University)" to mean I go to Boston College. I go to Boston University, cuntmuscle.
  11. So we're all clear that you do indeed have a small penis then? What do you use to compensate? A whiney bitch attitude?
  12. How old are you, 16? You're a fucking retard, now just give Spaceghost more of a reason to ban you so CR can be done with you instead of drawing out your driveling buffoonery to the point where everyone on CR just wants you to die. Really, why don't you just fucking leave?
  13. Shoku and Kooma are the best in columbus, IMO. I hate Haiku. I used to eat there a lot, but recently they've just gotten worse and worse
  14. my ex was a size 0, had C tits, and was tight as a glove. and she was a freak. she was also a crazy bitch
  15. clear out your inbox....i wanna get some pics of your phone. for the rest of you fucks, some content: http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol10/YouCANTDryMeBish.jpg
  16. My good friend JP (from Connecticut, not coltboostin) hung himself last night. As far as everyone knows, it was because his girlfriend broke up with him. He didn't leave anything...no note, no warning, nothing. It's terrible that reminders have to come in such a fashion but the only thing keeping my head on my shoulders is the knowledge that I should just keep reminding myself that no girl is ever worth my life. Though I know he's in a better place, I'm sure he as well as all those around him know it was the ultimate mistake he made. No matter how shitty something gets, the human mind can recover, and as selfish as it is for me to say it, it's not worth putting your friends and family through the heart-wrenching pain of losing you. I don't mean to make all of your days worse or filled with sadness, I just needed to do what JP would want me to: make sure no one else made the same mistake he did.
  17. I bet since it's sporting a Hyundai license plate frame that its the owner of a Hyundai dealership trying to generate publicity.
  18. To, Too, and Two. Learn them. Use them. Love them. That out of the way, my brain aneurysm subsides and I can wish you the best of luck in dealing with dirty fucking whores that thrive off the inequities in the child services/divorce custody system. Hopefully they'll get what they have coming.
  19. yea you can see the same billboard on the left of the frame. its wonderful how BS that is
  20. not interested in any motorolas, i've dealt with MotoHeadache for the past year
  21. The Apache will be around forever, but when I get a real job and stop mooching off my parents like a poor college student, here's a few of my goals: Daily fun car: 2007 Acura TL Type-S http://www.familycar.com/RoadTests/AcuraTL-S/Images/RightRear2.jpg ...IMO the best bang for your buck in terms of balancing comfort, speed, and style. I like the Legacy GT but if I were going for a luxury car, the Scooby is just a little to loud and rough around the edges. Weekend warrior: Late 90's Viper GTS http://www.fastcoolcars.com/images/1996_viper_gts/1996-Dodge-Viper-GTS-quarterlow_hre-sm.jpg You can get them right now for less than $50 in perfect showroom condition with low miles, in several years they'll be even cheaper. The market for these isn't very strong, so even after they become collector's items they won't be too expensive. All in all, one of the most fun cars I've ever driven. Dream muscle: 1972 Olds Cutlass 442 Vert, Blue/White http://www.oldsclubofflorida.com/Images/Members/Maniates_G_M_72_442_Convert.jpg Don't know why, but this car has always been the diamond in the rough for hugeass cars with big blocks under the hood for me. I love the design outside, the interior, the way it looks from all angles. I'll die a happy man if I ever own one of these. Way way way out there dream: Lamborghini Diablo VT + 1967 Shelby AC Cobra 427 These two cars are in my eyes the perfect duo. They both are born for the track, and IMO the Lamborghini is so incredibly perfect in its sports car execution. Mid-engine, rear drive, manual gearbox. The simplest form of a race car you can imagine. And the Shelby is the most amazing combination of American muscle and European sports car design.
  22. I'm looking for a decent Verizon phone. Something newer, higher end maybe. My second Moto e815 is taking a shit...again.
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