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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Yeah, I'm interested in the GMH-100. I'll let you know if I'm coming to Athens this weekend
  2. True about the drag racing thing...those I-6's aren't really happy until they're doing 80+ mph to begin with, and with FI they won't get traction til 3rd gear. One of my favorite car projects I've seen (several times, actually) is the S50 motor swapped into the E30 body, Smurf I'm lookin your direction.
  3. is there a function for a Utility player? I remember in the ESPN league I ran last year, there was a Utility player that could be anyone and it was a really toss up who did well on any given week, sometimes the Utility was the make-it or break-it factor; a risky QB having a good week, or a defense putting up a ridiculous game. Last year I had both Patriots and Bears defenses and on several occasions they would net me a combined 50 points. If there is a spot like that, I say include it and maybe get rid of one RB/WR or WR/TE spot
  4. Damn, that's a slick ride. BFG G-force t/a rubber, am i right? Very very clean car, I'm envious.
  5. If I buy any of this stuff it'll be in a few days, but I've got no problem coming down to Athens...talk to you soon on the phone perhaps
  6. http://forums.filefront.com/customavatars/avatar146268_1.gif
  7. Yeah, my dad's convinced he'll never sell his car...which is a good sign, I might get it in the future. I agree with you completely, as its IMO one of the best cars for the track that you can call your daily driver and still be comfortable (it takes a lot to make me comfortable...6'3", 250#). Any glimmers of FI in your car's future? EDIT: sorry for the threadjack but this one was going nowhere anyways
  8. it gave me the error initially, but i just clicked on some link and it took me to the right screen...whatevs, its all solved now
  9. ^^^ dunno what you're talkin about, everything worked just fine for me
  10. Yeah, research goes a long way in car purchasing. Dealers like Denny Dotson rely on awe factor of faster or ricier cars to get their clientele to make an emotional purchase and throw caution to the wind. All they have to say when a wide-eyed 16 year old ricer waltzes in after taking a spin in an RX-8 or turbo civic or whatever is say "well, we've got another guy who came in earlier and who was very interested and said he'd come back tomorrow" and little Johnny excitedly buys the car without negotiating price or looking into carfax reports or common problems for whatever model car it is. EDIT: I also noticed you have a 95 M3...OBDI i assume, is it stock? My dad's got the same, stock silver/gray 5-spd with the 20-spoke (double 10) wheels, 2dr, spoiler. Always loved the OBDI M3s.
  11. I remember seeing that car there. It seemed to have been kept in relatively good shape, and it stood out because it was straight up stock. Do you remember what the mileage was like?
  12. He's not being Porkist, knucklehead, he's keeping Kosher.
  13. ^^^what, gonna try double vag, double anal?
  14. Signed up...the Boston Bomb Squad is comin to take down your Aqua Teen signs and disarm your offense, bitchezzz!
  15. Yeah, how many channels are the amps you have? and what are you lookin to get out of them?
  16. This is what you have to remember about buying used cars: you are buying every problem and bit of wear and tear that you may or may not be aware of in that car. When you buy a car that has been modified for performance, or just riced out, you don't know for sure but you can [generally] accurately guess that it will not have been driven with the greatest care and forethought for the longevity of the car. Denny Dotson's cars are not only not above this generalization, but they are the epitome of its truth.
  17. so, really, you owe denny dotson, not the other way around!! buahahaha. jk, he's still a prick
  18. All I have is anecdotal evidence, but I was looking at a car there with a friend who was interested in buying a sprayed yellow SRT-4 they had, but from another acquaintence we were warned away from it because apparently there's a guy that will buy a new car, modify it, rack up miles for a few months while he beats the piss out of it, then flips it to Denny Dotson and takes one of their cars or something. Even if that isn't true, just look at the shit they sell...the CRX on the site, the turbo'd Celica (big fuckin whoop), the ricey-ass RX-8.
  19. Goddamn, I wish this was a parts car so I could throw the front suspension on the truck. Good luck on the sell.
  20. Maybe you should put something in the rules, especially when it concerns legality of firearms etc. As much as it is up to the individual to be responsible, if CR acts as a marketplace you should at least in writing try to put up rules.
  21. OVERNIGHT PARTS FROM JAPAN??? RHD = cool AWD option = cool Denny Dotson selling it = wouldn't ride in it even if I had a flamesuit, helmet, and had just seen Lewis Hamilton's team install a 12-pt cage.
  22. boooooo men in tights hooray beer!
  23. i'm definitely in. you all are going to school
  24. yeah that and having a gun within Boston city limits is pretty much the dumbest thing you can possibly do, especially if you're a college student planning on hosting any parties
  25. Indeed it isn't. are there certain parts of the house your dog doesn't go? cuz that would work ok, especially if it was an unfurnished basement or something
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