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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. why the fuck does everyone keep saying girls??? I mean, I love the ladies as much as any of you guys on here but at least once a week there's someone bitching about "I FUCKING HATE WOMANZ THEY ARE EVIL SHITBREATHING SLUTS AND NEED TO DIE"
  2. government needs to ban dihydrogen monoxide, its seriously fucking up the world http://www.dhmo.org/
  3. oh and another one: Convertibles with the radio off on a summer evening at 100+ mph. NOTHING beats that, except maybe that + roadhead.
  4. HAHAHA the best part of that is there's a time limit
  5. ^^^caption: "Mephistopheles cat disapproves"
  6. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol3/sogoth.jpg
  7. this is an original thread topic. discuss
  8. 1. an ice cold beer on a summer night out in the woods camping with friends 2. power 3. smug sense of self satisfaction
  9. i said could. how do we know its true? what proof is there either way? at this point, it is one's word against another. thats why we have a justice system, and if i were zanesvillepgt i'd take whatshisname to court for this kinda shit. edit: spaceghost, the legal use of the word slander is in your definition, and it makes no distinction between what is true and what is not, according to your definitions. you kinda pwned yourself. in other news, did anyone see the other day that the convicted offender killed himself after people hung "child-rapist" signs around his house telling everyone about him? as much of a bastard as he is, i think that shows a little repentance on his part.
  10. you forgot "pricks that are annoyed by everything the sun shines on other than themselves"
  11. Pete Gibson did a great job for me. Koltak & Gibson, its worth giving him a call.
  12. dude...that's not cool regardless of what he may have done, you're exhibiting slightly stalkerish tendencies, and this kind of shit could be considered slander. you might want to rethink your role and consider taking a less publicly active approach.
  13. http://www.cisnky.com/images/blog/ceiling_cat.jpg
  14. -white people -people that steal my shit -people that steal other people's shit -black people -brown people -gay people -straight people -religious zealots -people that demand that you accept their view of the world instead of just acknowledging that it might be right -Dennis Rodman -Britney Spears -people that leave their blinkers on -mexicans -asians -portuguese -nazis -self-important indie kids -emo kids -scenesters -my masturbating roommate i'll come up with some more
  15. this thread is super. on another note, i just took a big poop, and it was more interesting than this.
  16. i vote banhammer for making a thread about britney spears
  17. i can't find a nice pair of slacks that can disguise my gigantic dick. seriously, though, 6'3" 240-50. Its hard to find decent clothes. I usually just get loose fitting stuff at Old Navy or Kohls cuz its cheap and i'm not fashion conscious enough to care about brand, just appearance. Hoodies FTW to make it all not matter.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/2007/LAW/02/15/caged.parents.ap/index.html So I can't get out of a bullshit traffic ticket, but these assholes can get 2 years in prison for caging 11 retarded kids??? I'm moving to fucking Norwalk.
  19. LOL@EXTREME MASTURBATING hahahahahhaha. Thats such a fucking funny term. I just imagine some guy jumping out of an airplane and jerking off all the way down until he pulls his parachute. "You don't know how it is. Masturbating while you're plummeting towards the earth is just the greatest rush you can feel"
  20. I don't think he's got a thing for me. He went to a Catholic school in New Jersey for HS, and his only real problem is that he's immature as hell and CANNOT close a deal with a girl to save his life. Seriously. Its a big step if he holds hands with anyone. Last year we saw him making out with a girl drunk as fuck at a party, and he denies it. WTF?? Its not like she was ugly! I really don't think he's gay though, since once when he went to the bathroom when he was "done", I peeked at his computer and it was normal girl-on-girl action. Definitely straight. I think I'm gonna tell the other guys and see what they think I should do.
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