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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I'm looking for 2 18 pitch, 3/4" oval head bolts between 1"-1.25" Also, does anyone want to get me some Trois Pistoles? I love that shit.
  2. r kelly would totally piss on that
  3. i heard it sucked regardless of the subtitles. a friend said it was a bad last-ditch attempt of Mel Gibson's to reclaim all his respect he lost in every movie post-Braveheart (greatest movie evar)
  4. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol/sign_hayguyz03.jpg
  5. i think of facebook as more of a joke. people take myspace seriously, whereas facebook is just one of those time-wasters.
  6. http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/5413/3527/1600/679344/romowned3.jpg
  7. punch the bitch in the face and tell her to fix her own damn problems
  8. unsportsmanlike conduct is a larger rule that encompasses taunting, and its probably different by NCAA rules. Either way, ND fans are all a bunch of fanboy fucks and ND fucking has to join a conference. The only reason they're independents is cuz they want to always have a bowl bid. Join a fucking real conference.
  9. My New Years fucking rocked:cool: Champagne on South Beach, fireworks on the beach, watching crazy people have sex on the beach knowing that people like this would not have sex if it weren't so dark and they weren't so drunk. Tequila Chicas w/80 kinds of tequila. Drinking since 1130am and passing out at 3am. And no fucking hangover!
  10. be honest, how do they sound? EDIT: i actually am interested, not just shitting on your thread
  11. 80GB iPod video a trip to Vermont to ski a trip to South Beach to get trashed for New Years and the 5 days after some Buckeye's stuff (probably going to transfer to OSU after the summer) some cash a good haul
  12. passed away. R.I.P. James Brown, one of the craziest motherfuckers to ever walk the planet.
  13. Chargers are gonna rep the AFC, the Bears will fall to the Saints and the black and gold will be in the Super Bowl for the NFC. LT, Rivers, and Merriman vs. Brees, Bush, McAllister, and Colston. Oh yeah, and the Steelers are down 14-7 to the Ravens. lights out.
  14. what's the difference between your mom and a pretzel? a pretzel doesn't have my nuts on its chin
  15. congrats man. now we just need sam and linn off the market and the pussy will be that much easier for us normal schmucks. in other news, you better have a bitchin bachelor party and invite all of CR.
  16. Okay, so this is obviously a biased article, but what stands out to me is wtf happened to the right and ability of the people to keep the government in check. This government was set up so that if the people thought it necessary, any leader could be taken out of power had he become lucid and out of his mind. In the initial stages of the war, Bush asked for I believe $87billion, and people flipped a shit. Everyone on the left said it'd be better spent doing this that and the other thing. Everyone on the right said it was a necessary expenditure that would result in a better situation for Iraq. Now, almost 4 years after the initial invasion, they're still asking for billions more with the promise that "we need money to make it better." Sorry, Bush Administration, you failed with the first $87billion, and then the rest of the money (wherever the $350billion came from, I'm skeptical but whatever). Now you want us to give you more so you can continue to fail? Fuck that. Yet, if the 70% of people who disapprove of the Bush administration's handling of Iraq decided they just wanted to rise up and displace him, every one of them would be standing in a back room in the airport with their pants down getting a cavity search.
  17. puts his balls in other men's mouths
  18. Fuck driving, take the T where you need to go. Its 1.25 for a ride, and you can get a card with any value you want. The T, while never punctual, takes you pretty much anywhere you need to go in Boston. Definitely tour Fenway, and while you're in that area check out Boston Beer Works, its a great place to grab a bite, watch some sports, and have a good beer. If you get sick of eating at any of the 8 trillion Legal Seafoods, there's myriad good restaurants on Newbury Street, which is a place you should check out anyways. Good shopping, nice place to walk around, and Sonsie is a good restaurant. If you feel like going out and dropping $50 for some amazing Port wine and dessert, check out Todd English's dessert restaurant Finale. There's one in Park Plaza, one in Harvard Square, and one at Coolidge Corner. If you're looking for good bars, there's a number of good ones around Coolidge Corner, as well. Go to Chinatown (Boylston St. stop on the Green Line on the T) if you want to have some legit Chinese food and do some sakebombs. If you have time, do NOT miss the Museum of Fine Arts, which has a stop named after it on the E-Green line (outbound). MFA is one of the most impressive collections in the world, and its the kind of thing you could spend a whole day in. Forget about the Boston Duck tours; $29 tourist trap. The Science Museum is pretty cool, I think they still have the Body Works exhibit (real human cadavers on display). If you're into cigars or wine, be sure to check out Churchill's Cigar Lounge at David P. Ehrlich Co, which is the second-oldest cigar store in the U.S. (1868). With a walk-in humidor, you can get all sorts of cigars and then plop down in an infinitely comfortable leather sofa with a nice Merlot and watch sports. The Boston Aquarium is usually cool, and its got a ridiculously huge tank in the center, but probably not worth the price of admission this time of year. The prudential center is definitely a good way to be tempted to drop hundreds of dollars on shit you and whatever lady may be accompanying you don't need; Gucci, Lacoste, Chanel, Louis Vuitton. All there. I'm actually in CT right now, so you won't get to see me. But good luck.
  19. guys i was just coming to check out the scene, but you're all BITCHEZ and i'm gonna retreat to akron and stroke off until may. mkaaaaaaaay?
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