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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Linking this for a friend, he just moved to Miami and has this car garaged but still wants to sell it. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=209049543&dealer_id=58404083&car_year=2003&search_type=used&num_records=&keywordsfyc=&make=HONDA&transmission=&model=S2000&distance=25&make2=&address=43004&default_sort=priceDESC&advanced=&certified=&max_mileage=&max_price=&sort_type=priceDESC&min_price=&body_code=0&end_year=2007&keywordsrep=&color=&start_year=2000&drive=&engine=&fuel=&doors=&style_flag=1&cardist=4 Cliffs: 2003 Honda S2000, Black ext/Black Int/Black Conv., 33,xxx miles, SSR wheels, new suspension (were both on when purchased), $21,750. Clean car, never been abused, only a clean weather car. I believe 2 Zum knows the son of the owner.
  2. it was me, i had my Aston Martin's cloaking device on. stfu n00b you dont know how to drive
  3. i live in a DORM, fool, that used to be a sheraton HOTEL. you're gonna get PWNED.
  4. hahaha i was wondering why you were being a prick. no offense taken, i figured you just misread it or something.
  5. thats why GOW 2 and GOW 3 are planned...so they can charge you $150 for three games that total the length of one instead of $50 for one
  6. wonder what its like to get sloppy 50ths on your wedding night
  7. probably the cheapest one you'll ever find at this price...congrats on not being an asshole and trying to extort people for $19000
  8. Troy Smith has also been playing in the Big 10 this year, and has only been even close to challenged by Michigan. Face it, no one even stood up to the task in the Big 10. Penn State, usually a formidable defense, fell apart faster than a house of cards. Troy Smith is used to having Ginn wide open because there's not a DB in the midwest that could cover him. Now he's got an entire secondary that could cover him, Gonzalez, Robiskie, and Hall simultaneously.
  9. its gonna be OSU offense vs. UF defense. If OSU can recover from the inevitable interceptions that Troy Smith throws, they'll win. And they will definitely win.
  10. i think blue v the trojans is gonna be an amazing game
  11. UF's defense is good. Way underrecognized, and they also have had the hardest schedule in the nation. The SEC this year was incredibly tough, whereas the Big 10 was a total disappointment. I'd like to see UF's defense challenge Troy Smith, not to mention that Chris Leak is a GREAT quarterback, far superior to Chad Henne. This year, Leak has 2700+ yards, 22/13 TD/INT, and a rating of 146.76. Henne, by comparison, is a yard short of 2200 yards with 20 TD and 7 INT, and a rating of 144.15 and given strength of schedule and the quality of their recievers, I'd say that Leak outclasses Henne by a lot.
  12. I have an old pair of Rossignol Rebel Freerides, i think from the 2nd or 3rd generation of shaped skis. They are effin' amazing; I really dislike the new trend of wide wide skis, and these things are amazing for carving giant slalom style which is what i love to do. I'll be home after jan 8th, then to the 15th so i'll be down to hit up mad river whenev
  13. the apache will be getting: a heating coil.
  14. Bromley Mtn, Dec 27, 28, or 29. Top to bottom, straight down Twister. I'll bring my Rossi 184's, my friend would probably be down for a race. You gonna be up east this winter?
  15. joe rogan is so much better on youtube than he was on the man show
  16. my policy on modding cars: it can be as fast as you want, it can be as loud as you want, and it can be as dominant as you want. but when you go to pick up a chick in it and she says "oh....a focus", you'll realize you're still a fucking dumbass.
  17. yeah, but this is a Hockey East rivalry game. Its probably the most intense rivalry in hockey, other than maybe Bruins/Canadiens. still, it was fun as hell to stay at BC and party with a bunch of people. One guy looked like he was gonna take a swing at me for wearing a BU jersey, but most people were pretty good natured about it.
  18. I don't know how many of you guys follow college hockey, but here at BU its pretty much equivalent to OSU football, except in a much smaller arena. And we're not as dominant. Regardless, last night I witnessed possibly the most ridiculous event in college hockey history. At Boston College's Conte Forum, they had logically turned off the air conditioning, since it was December and no one expects it to be 60 degrees and humid in december. So when gametime rolled around, and we were sitting there for a few minutes, we noticed that the humidity caused the ice to start fogging over! after 10 minutes, they called the game off for "unsafe conditions". anyone ever hear of an indoor game called for weather?
  19. tartan turquoise, same as my truck. best GM color evar.
  20. dark red, maybe metallic, with a white canvas top. pimpmobile style.
  21. i farted. it smelled like old peaches.
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