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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Main and 4th at about 4am on a friday night...$20 goes a long way there. seriously though, campus
  2. 1972 Hurst Olds 442 Indy Pace Car 1987 GNX 1995 E36 M3 OBDI
  3. who the fuck is counting all 88 times? being .09 means for only a couple drinks (give him the benefit of the doubt) he'd have to be...i dunno, 110 pounds with football gear on soaking wet.
  4. what I'd rather save my pennies for: a V-10 NSX http://www.motortrend.com/future/concept_cars/112_0510_acura_nsx/
  5. i'm going to give a speech that would bore the president to death. throw me in the slammer.
  6. not even worth watching...kinda like Mike Tyson's last figth
  7. okay i am gonna rant here...what the fuck is going on this fall, is it "School Shooting and Old Man Young Boy Rape Season" this year??? fuck!
  8. wow, a really well thought out, intelligent, coherent post by a cr n00b. thank you.
  9. am I the only one that realizes that we're all seeing the dawn of World War III? in the mid-1930s no one in America paid attention to Germany because we figured they were still so destroyed from WWI that they posed no threat. Their economy was in shambles, they had a crazy little leader, but we didn't think much of it at that point, because we had our own depression to deal with. Compare to now......yea, we're fucked.
  10. ok i meant dominant colors are black, white, silver...yellow/red ones are okay, but not particularly common.
  11. A prime example of why people don't like Republicans. I'm seriously getting concerned with the welfare of this nation. Up until now, every president has wanted to keep his party in power but has always been very supportive of those who support his policies in other parties. In this administration, I see nothing but George Bush constantly slamming "Democrats" (as a whole, because he knows every Democrat running for Congress and knows what each one stands for) for being weak-kneed and not having the moral fortitude to make tough decision in regard to the safety and security of this country. This attitude is sounding more and more like a damn dictatorship. --We can't be trusting those foolhardy Democrats for they are too weak on tough issues. We need a man of steel at the forefront, commanding our troops to victory.-- Does anyone know how to say "steel" in Russian? "Stalin." I'm an admittedly fiscal conservative, but goddamn I want to live in a democracy where more than two parties are recognized as functioning members of our society. We've gotten to a point in our society where we're so fearful of being attacked that all we can do is listen to those extremists that have A) the wherewithall to get in the public eye (aka money and connections) and B) those that are extreme enough that people want to support them for fear of being lenient. Fuck the current political climate.
  12. don't sweat the little things man. he's a fuck and although you put a lotta energy into being a friend, just do soemthing to fuck him over....give him a car condom or something (saran wrap around all the doors, hood, trunk, etc). then, give his girlfriend a donkey punch
  13. are you fucking kidding me? Estoril Blue is one of the rarer colors...the only colors I ever see E36 M3's in are white, black, and silver
  14. Sorry, but the best color for any M3 ever is an E36 Estoril blue: doesn't have the wheels i like, but this is a damn good example http://www.c2motors.com/sold/DSC03105.JPG
  15. painted CF = okay...exposed CF for the sake of showing it off = teh lame how much does a wrapped set of those rims go for, andy?
  16. my grand slam was supposed to come with sausage
  17. Step one: kerosene Step two: zippo Step three: beer + hammock + nap Step four: profit
  18. Not a fan of that lower lip on the front...looks like CF? that hood isn't stock either, is it? thats my favorite part of the car (other than the wheels...breyton?) other than that, fuckin slick car. There's a couple sick cars around here at BU, including a Brabus ML350 and a few other moneymobiles, cuz anyone who can afford to have a car at BU has a reaaaaallyfuckingnice car.
  19. G.R.A.W. is fuckin sweet, Saints row is fun but disappointing...good thing that updates will be available, cuz there are mega glitches. NCAA07 rocks, as does FIFA06.
  20. dey give you wiiiiiiings people still steal radios ya know
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