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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. the reason people are going ga ga over the legacy gt is because the people that are driving it are not women, aka mostly not getting autos, mostly are more willing to push the car's limits, etc. i don't know what you're talking about feeling cramped...i'm 6'3" 240 and i fit just fine...i will give you that its not the most comfortable car ever, but hey...its more of a sports car.
  2. don't the transmissions go to shit pretty quickly with additional power goodies?
  3. and just think...you could have saved yourself all that typing if you'd just spend a little more time reading. The wording of the letter CLEARLY states that "immigrants," not specifying legal or illegal but implying both, are prohibited from voting. It just so happens that he sent it ONLY to registered Democrat voters. To be registered to vote, most people are gonna be legal. That is a blatant factual error, and in this case is just a fucking lie. this isn't an issue of democrat vs. republican, as i'm a vociferous moderate, this is just a case of being blatantly fucking ignorant and slimy in your campaigning, and not doing the right thing once you've been called out on your fuckup.
  4. last time my friend got caught drinking on the roof of a dorm at BU, they kicked him out of housing w/o a refund (housing costs $7700 a year) and fined him $1000
  5. everyones trying to take all the fun out of college.
  6. you're not gonna get kicked out of college. a friend of mine punched a BUPD officer and knocked him out cold and got away with it. colleges don't care that much.
  7. my ex got hers done by a guy Mike at Body Stain...he did pretty good blackwork, but the other artists there are pretty good. they have a website i think.
  8. fuck this, you used up all your good lucks getting it itb. lock
  9. what i don't understand is why the bastard won't even drop out, regardless if it was his direct fault...as a good leader, you would take responsibility for your employees. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/10/23/navarrette/index.html
  10. i would do so many things to her. smart hot chicks > *
  11. reasons i'm going to kill you.......
  12. fake as fuck but hilarious!
  13. you better have an open bar at the reception...i fucking hate it when there's not an open bar at wedding receptions
  14. damn thats a nice gun...450 is a little rich for my blood though. free bump
  15. follow the rules, post a price for the SKS
  16. the PS3 is waaaay too pricey as it is, so the profit margin would probably be pretty slim. as far as the Wii goes, Nintendo is sending a vast number of consoles stateside. i heard somewhere near half a million PS3's will be here for launch, and that by the end of the year about 2 million will be released. the Wii's goal for the end of 06 is 4 million, so the abundance could hurt you.
  17. in the 1950s the U.S. voluntarily halted the advance. While some generals favored an all-out destruction of N. Korea, no one predicted the advance of a massive Chinese force, and once it happened, no one wanted to get in a war with China. Cliffs: blame the chinese.
  18. and on your back porch will be a Child Services agent, waiting to take your kid because you were "inappropriately touching" him.
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