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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. What the fuck Jack Bauer doesn't even need to sleep, piss, or eat, easily #2 behind Brock Samson
  2. damn, i guess i better start de-modding my trackless trolley
  3. i think there's one being developed right now, but I think an idea that would be immensely popular would be an Apple cell phone derived exclusively from the iPod. Something with that type of theme would sell really well IMO. other than that, i think one with a really good voice record feature would be cool...in college i'd probably use a voice recorder (and have actually thought about getting one of those adapter things for my iPod) as i sleep through class and sometimes want to re-hear lectures.
  4. right up there with "Lifestyles Communities Pavilion", even saying "The LC" sounds dumber than "Promowest"
  5. find out where he lives and just go beat the ever loving piss out of him. if justice isn't going to serve itself, take care of it.
  6. John McCain is going to be the next POTUS (President of the United States) so it doesn't really matter. Its a good thing, too. Anyone too liberal (read: Hilary Clinton) would fuck up the stasis in a negative way, but absolute stasis is a bad thing; change is needed. McCain is a fairly moderate conservative and most of all he's fucking DOWN TO EARTH GUY that doesn't prattle on and on about ridiculous ideals for his potential administration.
  7. you want some sick newer metal, listen to Mastodon and Mogwai, a couple of the bands my cousin (Jeff Caxide, bassist for Isis) has toured with. He said one of his fondest memories is shotgunning beers in a hotel room with the Mogwai guys at 4am after a show. God I wish i was a rocker.
  8. If I were him, I'd construct a gigantic 150 foot tower and fly a 90 foot wide flag from it, just to piss people off.
  9. Slap bass is actually a pretty respected style, but I do have to agree with you; I love Wolstenholme and bassists that use effects and shit, the best of which is Justin Chancellor.
  10. Truf...the whole engine's rotation is to the right, so the rotational inertia both pushes down on the right side and lifts up the left.
  11. that vid is in KM/h, right?? you want it nonetheless. use it to be a limo driver at night, and make up the cash that way.
  12. Well said! Seriously, you fucks, get a grip. 1) Whether you like them or not, RHCP is one of the most influential bands of the last 15 years, and Flea is definitely one of the best bassists around. He's not the same as others, but saying flea sucks is like saying Vic Wooten, Jaco Pastorius, or Les Claypool suck just because you don't like the bands they play in. 2) Where the FUCK on the tickets did it say that you were guaranteed to love every moment of the show? And where is there a license agreement that says people are not allowed to promote sports teams they like wherever they want in any way they want. Would you guys be a bunch of crying pussies if Kiss played a show in Ann Arbor wearing OSU jerseys because people payed good money to see a show and were disappointed? I honestly can't believe you guys are whining and complaining about something so fucking insignificant. Yeah, it may be the greatest rivalry in sports but why not laugh it the fuck off instead of getting on the rag about it.
  13. and the classic goatse, but lemonparty takes the cake
  14. that girl must've lost one hell of a bet
  15. best of luck giving the motherfucker what he's got coming
  16. surprised it took this long...you have the creepiest look EVER in that first pic.
  17. http://www.goodeggonline.com/tubgirl.jpg kekeke tubgirl!!! lame
  18. the bidet...mmm so fresh and so clean. when i was in spain a friend of mine was really drunk and took a shit in one of those...hilarity ensued.
  19. college = dorm room dorm room = uber internet uber internet = constantly online = nerdboring
  20. congrats man. don't pull over the stinky fleetside chevy apache, unless its for a compliment.
  21. Mitsu Evo Forums: New CF Hood, roof, gauges, steering wheel, wing, bumpers, doors, A-Pillars, wheels, transmission, pistons and side mirrors. (Pics) UPDATE! --- Took flight, collided with 747 (pics) M3 Forums: Lost to S4, contemplating suicide. S4 Forums: Beat M3, still getting a chubby for RS4. Porsche Forums: ITT We post trophy case pics Supra TT Forums: Overloaded 4th dyno, still can't get out of 10.xx's
  22. in soviet russia, this thread still blows
  23. i think its a double repost
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