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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. read up, neonkiller...i already said that....mooch
  2. cell phone = electronic lasso people have gotten themselves so wired in that they forget what it is to unplug and enjoy the world. i personally hate the feeling of recognizing my ringer in a quiet room, even if its an appropriate venue to have a phone. this sentiment coming from a guy that lives off the cellular industry is quite moving haha.
  3. van damme just kicks doors in...he is otherwise defenseless
  4. ben, i heard it had TWO BIG BOTTLES:eek: and is both fast, and furious
  5. Fuck that "loophole" mentality. I hate that shit were people try and get away with shit instead of paying up. If you do get a lawyer, I got a recommendation for Pete Gibson of Koltak & Gibson from another member on CR (I forget who...speak up, because I owe you bigtime) to work out shit on my 2nd speeding ticket (when i was under 18:o). I don't know how much he does in this kind of litigation, but he was an amazing lawyer and a really really good guy to work with.
  6. <--never had a virus, don't plan on getting any. its not that hard to protect yourself, you just have to be a little educated about them...take an hour out of your life, do some google searches, and read up on that shit.
  7. i noticed that when i was with my (ex) girlfriend...my celica was always fine, but go near her civic and i was electrowned
  8. little do you know that Jack Bauer is actually Dick Cheney in disguise. i honestly think this show does better than any other show in making you hate the antagonists; Nina Meyers, Shari Palmer, Habib Marwan, and even people that just get in the way of Bauer, like Prez Logan, etc. And they make you change your mind about people; i.e. Tony Almeida...he was an asshole in the beginning, now he's Jack's best friend. I love this show too much...does it show?
  9. you obviously did not just watch the premier...go watch it. now. president logan is fucking horrible. i love how he's such a good actor that you really loathe his character. also, i think Jean Smart is doing REALLY well so far as the first lady. this show has really good acting most of the time.
  10. Yea, no kidding. I'm finding that i'm eating a lot of my previous statements. This season sucked. Although, I must say, and I'm just putting that out there, but Vanderjagt is my hero.
  11. ^^^The Crossfire is built to be a small small car that feels solid. When you drive it, you really don't realize how close you are to the rear wheels. Not only that, but with big fat 19" wheels in the back it does NOT like to kick the back end out and is very stable at speed. Its just a good daily driver sports car.
  12. I've been a 24 nerd since the first season, and I've loved every episode. This season is by far the most original and best-written. Do yourselves a favor and watch the other season DVD's if you can, it'll help understand the character so much better.
  13. Be ready to deal with [insert lawyer from TV ad here]. As far as her being a black woman, as PC as I try to be, there's certain truth to the stereotype. Good luck in dealing with what seems like just a regular old crazy bitch.
  14. THROW THE FUCKING BOOK AT HER. This is the driver I literally have the least sympathy for on the road. If it weren't for the innocent kids inside (however fucking annoying they are), I would wish a rollover upon every one of those conceited bitches. Hope you and Jessica feel better and its nothing serious.
  15. You don't even wanna hear how much BU costs per year
  16. Now Marc, that post isn't being entirely fair to me. I was dumbass enough to bet on the Pats winning the big game, but I was NOT dumb enough to bet against Pitt vs. Indy. Just so you know, I'm rooting for Pitt the rest of the way. Broncos suck, Seahawks suck, Panthers suck. It will, though, be the first time in my life I want to see the Seahawks win JUST so I can see Farrior, Porter, or Polamalu flatten that little fucking bitch Matt Hasselbeck and make him cry in the XL.
  17. The ultimate ricer comment is "Planned Mods" followed by some typical generic jargon rattling off a setup they saw on the local DSM forum or whatever. Even worse is using pictures of "lambo doors" that are from another car. And is it just me, or do the lambo doors that are sold in aftermarket kits just look freaking stupid. IMO the best vertical doors are the ones like the SLR McLaren or McLaren F1 have that open flat at the top, but even the Lamborghini doors open straight up and look nice. All the aftermarket kits open slightly outward and then straight up and look like big stupid wings.
  18. Marc, you're $20 richer and your boys are in the conference finals. Of the teams left, I'm all about Pitt!!! They are the only team that actually looks like they deserve to win a super bowl. I think i'll be back in C-bus the first week in march for spring break, at least for a day before I go to mexico, you'll probably get your money then. Ninety Fox, I know where you're coming from. New England wins a few DESERVED and WELL EARNED super bowls and allovasudden we're lying, backstabbing cheaters. However, I am a fan of football, so i'm just glad to see Cowher and the Steelers play some good ole smashmouth football.
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