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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. young isn't gonna go pro if he knows whats good for him next year = heisman
  2. Thats his dad's new toy, and they're ripoff SSR. Kazera KA-1 or something like that. They were on the car when bought. I'm real tight with him, if you look in Kill Stories, there's a story about the Xfire vs. the A4.
  3. my car hits warp 9.9 true story
  4. someone had to have the cojones to say it
  5. hahahahahhahahahha haha hahahahhahaa ha sig material
  6. fuckin ski clubs. they need to go fuck themselves that being said, do you know alex bishop? white crossfire/black A4
  7. I work at a coffee shop, and one time my coworker thought a customer said something offensive to him. Funny thing was, he exploded and yelled "get the fuck out before I call the cops" to a frail old lady. I didn't stop laughing for a week.
  8. Patriots rule, Trojans rule, you lose, sorry thanks for playing
  9. It is supposed to snow in Bellfontaine tonight and through tomorrow. There happens to be a hill near Bellfontaine with various cleared paths where snow often falls. I have a large plank that has straps with which I secure myself to it. Anyone else feel like hitting up Mad River tomorrow?
  10. well sheit, i always miss this good stuff...even if it is four days in advance... i needa get off my lazy ass and meet some of you lame bitches in person
  11. Okay, I went shooting yesterday and was mad tired and fell asleep watching the Orange Bowl, so its getting shipped in approx. 2 hours.
  12. Dude that blows, sorry to hear your Scion is fucked up
  13. what kinda wireless mouse? willing to part with it separately?
  14. I can't wait until USC rapes Texas. Its gonna be a shootout, and USC is gonna come out on top because of superior coaching. Pete Carroll is the Bill Belichick of NCAA football. EDIT: Predictions...USC 45 Texas 30
  15. i saw that on the news. i laughed so hard i choked on enchilada
  16. hope you're into Autoweek and Road & Track, cuz that shit is getting shipped off today
  17. ND deserves a lot of credit. in the eyes of the NCAA, they lost to USC, but we all know that reggie bush did in fact push lienart into the endzone, regardless of whether the extra 7 seconds was justified or not (i think the extra time was legit, the push in wasn't). OSU will win, but its not going to be a trouncing.
  18. "You ain't got no problem, Jules. I'm on the motherfucker. Go back in there, chill them n****** out and wait for the Wolf who should be coming directly." Got any pr0n?
  19. Haha I aim to please. But seriously, I have a shitton of recent Road & Track and I think a couple Maxims. All my other stuff gets sent to school. Interested?
  20. 1. Get [more] hot college pussy 2. Raise my shitty, shitty GPA 3. Get a band together 4. Do a backside 540 on video. (Snowboard) I think I speak for all of us when I say; cut back on the pr0n just a little bit. of course, that is always the one that i break before january 3rd
  21. at home I have Roadrunner and its about 2500kbps at school i run on a T3 line and its about 54mbps, or i just go wireless at ~ 15mbps
  22. Who else remembers when the somali gang busted into Gahanna Lincoln and the police issued a lockdown. Man, that was funny. With regards to this, cop was shooting in self defense. The only reason that there is this much outrage is because it was a cop, and not another fucking Somali. What if the situation involved the cop being Somali. I would've expected the same kind of outcome then, not some fucking racial sympathy; "Oh come on, Frank, the kid has got a knife and his skin is the same color as mine. I'll let him run it through me a few times since he doesn't know better." I hate the "hate crime" plea for everything that white people do the black people.
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