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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. yeah, she's probably in love with it. just not ones that penetrate man-poopers
  2. well duh. you like the cawk
  3. myspace is the lame. my sister has one, and all she does on that is click 'reject' when sketchy 25 year old dudes friend her (she's 15). yeah, i bet some of you fuckers have tried to get on her, you sick bastards.
  4. this is the best thread ever
  5. yeah, i play BF2 a fair amount, and i can say from experience its really annoying to get constantly pwned because of some stupid thing, like people manipulating a glitch. my way around crying like a little bitch; get my mind focused on something else in the game. "LEMME UP SO I CAN CAMP. OH MY FUCKING GOD LEMME UP. MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE. YOU'RE SUCH A RETARD I'M GOING TO RAPE YOU IN THE ASS"
  6. keep the badges off. black is a badass look, and with black/black/black tint you're not gonna want "37 pieces of flare"
  7. dibs on Gran Turismo 3. pm sent
  8. this is a 100% guess, but i'd bet its the red one in the background of the 2nd pic
  9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7118750192530790377 maybe its just me, but I find that people that take videogames as seriously as life being tortured in-game is one of the funniest things evar. this is probably a repost, but it deserves it because its teh funnay
  10. OSU will not be #1 until stamina/consistency is achieved, which is something Jim Tressel has struggled with.
  11. Mr. T, Vin Diesel and Chuck Norris once took a shit in the same toilet. The result was Rosie O'Donnell. Mr. T coined the phrase, "I see dead people," after the waiting staff at Denny's forgot his birthday. The last time Mr.T went hunting he got a 10 point buck, a white rhino and two bald eagles... He is no longer allowed into the zoo. The last man who made eye contact with Mr. T was Ray Charles. Mr. T hates playing 'Rock Paper Scissors' because he doesn't believe anything could beat rock. He always chooses rock, and when someone throws paper, he says,"I win." If someone is foolish enough to dispute this, he takes his clenched fist and punches them in the face, then says, "I thought your paper would protect you." Mr. T puts the laughter in manslaughter A Vinism: When Vin Diesel goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket.
  12. Mr. T once ate four 72 oz. steaks in 12 minutes. He spent the first 5 minutes laughing at the fact it takes Chuck Norris fifteen minutes to eat three.
  13. Worst: you get the stereotype of being the scum of the earth Best: you get to be a bitch to everyone because its the stereotype <--no experience in the field whatsoever
  14. I think clapping during a movie says a lot about the movie. think about it... the point of any performance, be it musical, theatrical, or cinematic, is to allow the audience to dissociate itself from reality for a given amount of time. at a concert, you're not going to go rock out to metallica in order to figure out how to get your taxes in order. you're going because metallica fucking rocks and their show will entertain you. you don't go see "hostel" because your wife won't let you piitb and you're looking for a way to convince her. you're going because you want to suspend your disbelief that there is no fucking way that kind of torture chamber could exist; you want to get lost in the movie and actually believe that kinda shit could happen. why is clapping for an awesomely filmed scene in a movie any different from clapping for an awesome Flea bass solo? EDITed for tard grammar
  15. Cavalier:Catera::fugly fat bitch:fugly fat bitch with a boob job
  16. http://www.myspace.com/:marc2:
  17. i keep my wallet and cell phone in the same pocket. magnet + cell phone = teh lose even if i moved the wallet, wouldn't it still fuck up my credit card?
  18. I think the F50 is okay looking. I never could really get around the giant holes in the front bonnet. The F40 IMO is one of the craziest ferrari's ever, but I'd disagree with jeremy and take the Enzo > F40
  19. myspace is for stalkers, facebook is for stroking your college e-pen0r (i have facebook, not myspace)
  20. I don't know who works where or whatever, but my wallet/moneyclip just basically went to shit so I need a new one. I figured I'd check here to see if anyone has a really nice wallet they wanna sell that they don't use, or knows where I can get one. I've had Boscas, Fossils, basically every non-designer one and they just all fall apart on me, so I'm probably looking for something a bit more expensive and reliable. ALso, black leather is MUST
  21. it looks like a Charger mounted an 05 stang, and that was the crack baby
  22. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5587010895482106872 Top Gear vs. Playstation http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1458622773848980849&q=Top+Gear Veyron http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4636126912979578001&q=Top+Gear Enzo
  23. As much as i hate to admit it, i finally see the reason behind the 21 drinking age
  24. give us some spoilers...sum up the torture. a couple friends told me it was good i'm not gonna see it; torture/gore movies are pointless and stupid
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