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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. have you considered talking some sense into the kid? Tell him he's got a 2.2 Ecotec and that he'd be better off just putting that money towards a future project. There's little/no point in making a slow car a little less slow for image. Just my $.02
  2. aaaaaand my prediction holds. i told you all, hasselbeck is a little bitch
  3. The Line: Pittsburgh -4 to Seattle O/U 48. I'm gonna take Pitt. Alexander is a good player, but I don't think that the West Coast Offense is gonna be able to withstand the kind of pressured, physical game that Pitt is gonna throw at Hasselbeck. Not to mention that Hasselbeck is a pussy that went to BC and can never be more than 1/3 the man Roethlisberger already is. Also, consider the path each has gone through in the road to the XL. Seahawks have played Washington (fucking joke) and Carolina (I contest that it was a fucking joke). Pitt beat Cinci (w/o Palmer), INDY!, and Denver. Pitt has had their problems in the regular season, but they adjusted and got through it. Seattle has had a fairly easy NFC this year and aren't prepared to play a bigass team like Pitt. GO STEELERS!
  4. since when do you need help hitting on Abercrombie employees
  5. Considering I don't know what the fuck any of that means, I'd say I still have a life.
  6. I got all outfitted in my über flamesuit and I've only gotten flamed twice... What is this shit?
  7. Okay, first of all I see the irony in me calling out people my age for their immaturity. How do I respond to this? Suck a fuck, I'm smarter than the average bear. There average age of the CR member seems to be declining. There are a lot of 16-17-18 year olds, and consequently the number of idiot posts has increased. There are a lot of people around this age (Tim/accord dude or whatever you call yourself, Da Troof) that can make a coherent post, but its idiots like "Dan" that get on here and post stupid stupid shit like free ipod scamtronics and just waste fucking space. I know there was a consideration for implementing a "charge" for CR, and it being winter the need is greater than ever. http://site1.rimkus.com/images/FireSuit.jpg on
  8. Willkommen...its not that hard, especially when I'm a dick and keep reminding you:D To all those that wanna see his rides: right click the link, go to "properties", copy the destination URL, paste it on the browser, and delete the first set of "http://"... Nice GT. Looks like you've got some good stuff in mind for it.
  9. I'm not sure that it's quite that extreme, but they certainly do have a no-nonsense aura about their justice system. Aka back when bitches were suing McD's over extra-hot coffee w/o warning labels that burned their laps and caused them severe mental stress along with a difficulty finding labor and getting pregnant or some shit like that, some bitch tried the same gag in the UK and it got thrown out of court.
  10. I didn't read that closely after it stopped being English, but thanks for pointing that out. I wasn't raggin' on Hendricks, I was just saying that he just found a reputable local (although he's in FL, and Hendricks is in NC) big-motor auto shop to rock out his slow car. Catch my drift? It was a generic statement, nothing specific. Smokinhawk, is he a douchebag on ls1tech, or is he generally intelligent most of the time.
  11. El Karacho1647545492


    inb4thalock Just fucking buy one and fuel the economy, cumbucket.
  12. I'm just betting that the owner is some punk kid who mommy and daddy gave a shitton of money to. He probably heard that 240sx's are teh 1337, bought one and got pwned by everything. Then, he went to mommy and daddy who gave him the credit card, and he ran by the local auto shop that happens to have a huge hardon for LSx motors, and told them to do what they wish with the shitty car and a huge budget. The dudes at the auto shop had probably seen things like this before, saw opportunity with this ricer idiot, and decided to go buck nasty on mommy and daddy's bank account. Now junior got too many speeding tickets and mommy and daddy made him sell the car, but forgot to teach him to spell check his ebay auctions. IMO its probably a fucking sweet car that has most likely been driven by a complete idiot for the first short years of its undeniably short life...It'll probably blow up b/c of constant redlining and a complete lack of respect for the car. It reminds me of a black S2000 with an LS6 (I think?) swap. I remember him from srtforums, so some of the mopar fellas here might know who I'm talking about. He's got his trunk and doors welded shut, I believe, and its pretty much a straight up trackmobile.
  13. if this insanity doesn't stop, everyone is gonna get donkey punched
  14. inb4thaban. Don't break the law, don't pay the consequence. If you want to make it complicated, you could call it the transitive property of equality. However, its actually one of those things you're supposed to inherently know, such as how fish routinely avoid non-aquatic environments. Also, never say you hate "the police". Say you hate "certain" police.
  15. I only ever see yuppie (even more so than myself) rich kids driving Saleens; Go to Woodward cruise if you ever get the chance. Its the only way those kids feel secure; showing up in a factory sorta-fast (relatively) car.
  16. If Ford and GM want to shake the stigma of bad quality and have a directly positive effect on sales, maybe they should improve their quality. Take Chrysler as an example. DiamlerChrysler's quality has been doing much better, along with their concept design in general.
  17. i'll bet you anything that the CEO doesn't drive a Ford
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