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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. congrats to Pitt in an amazing one-foot tackle by Roethlisberger to save the game. amazing football. I'm faithful to the Patriots because i'm originally from CT. other than that, my alliance changes by team. i've always hated bill cowher, but i give Pitt credit this year because their game was solid. i hate the colts, but i still respect their ability to be an amazing NON-PLAYOFF team. i can't wait to see pitt vs. ? in the big final, i sincerely hope its the bears because that would be an amazing game.
  2. thank you now can you figure out a way to get man on the moon, or perhaps you were planning on tackling the task of creating the combustion engine
  3. isn't bling supposed to speak for itself? i love how they sound like a car salesman when they describe what the xfire comes stock with. dumbasses
  4. when wake just turns into a white blur, you're going fast i'd still rather have the RX-7 though
  5. well done. Good luck, and stay safe.
  6. That is: Fucking insane Tragic Offtopic
  7. Okay. here's the lines for you gamblers. Steelers +9.5@Colts over/under 47.5. <---For you non-familiars, that means that if the steelers are within 9.5 points (aka within 9 or less) they cover. The point of it being 9.5 points means that there can be no draw. Over/Under means that the aggregate points scored in the game will be over or under 47.5. I wouldn't touch this game with a 10 foot pole. Redskins +9.5@Seahawks over/under 41 Patriots +3@Broncos over/under 44 Panthers +3@Bears over/under 30.5 These are all Vegas odds, btw.
  8. Yeah, you're too late. I'm betting all different ways this playoff season at school, this is just a personal bet for shits and giggles, so I don't want to take too much money from you suckers:D.
  9. its called darwinism; that bastard will probably kill himself now
  10. i once rode in a mormon's car...does that count?
  11. hahahahahaha hahahahahahahahha god hates dorks
  12. I strapped Mr. T to the back of my car, and had Chuck Norris deliver a roundhouse kick to his chest. The resulting physical phenomenon is what inspired the creation of the U.S.S. Enterprise's engines that propell it to Warp 9.9.
  13. my anti-gravity mod negates the need for torque
  14. I've never been there, but several friends have and they all have had great experiences
  15. The outcome of the game will be determined by one thing alone; time of possession. If the colts have the advantage in that, they will play their own tricky game. They'll use the no-huddle, not allow substitutions, and generally create melee among the defense. If Pitt gets the advantage, they'll force the colts to play their smash-mouth football, go head-to-head on every tackle, and they will earn every yard. its gonna be a close one, folks
  16. practices with the jr high golf carting club, sleeps with the jr high cheerleading squad
  17. knows that its not whats under the hood, but who's behind the wheel
  18. $500,000/5 years/2 people = $50k a year. if someone was desparate, and another person was dumb enough to pay, it wouldn't be such a bad idea on their part
  19. or how the displacement of men's engine is directly representitive of the size of their penis
  20. find WavePad on cnet.com, or if you just want it for your computer you can use iTunes
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