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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. When my clothes dryer went kaput I had the same reaction. Then I got online, searched the problem and the model number and it turned out a common fail point was 2 specific solder points on the control board. Got myself a soldering kit, watched 3 youtube videos on "how to solder you circuit board without destroying it" and fixed it on the first try. Total time invested: 3 hours including disassembly/reassembly, going to store for materials, etc. Total cost invested: about $25 As someone else said, a multimeter and google have pretty much replaced the handyman in today's world.
  2. http://againstro.org/ there's a link to their criticism of RO's amendment
  3. That's why I say a lot of the campaigning suffers from immaturity. The issue at hand shouldn't be "LOL I CAN HAS DOOBIE ON LUNCH BREAK", it should be more that the state and federal government should not spend any more resources enforcing excessively draconian laws for such a relatively harmless drug. Take away the illicit market and it's no longer a multiyear jail sentence for someone who happens to be a gun owner and a pot smoker. I guarantee this would have a nearly immediate and significant impact on prison overcrowding issues.
  4. Has to be 60GB or more, let me know what ya got. Mine got stolen last night.
  5. BINGO. The level of immaturity with the legalization movement is its biggest threat, honestly. The way to look at Responsible Ohio's ballot measure is that it's not legalization. It's prohibition EXCEPT for a few investors.
  6. I'm pro-medical and still on the fence about all out legalization (plus = taxes, minus = idiots moving to Ohio and being homeless for instance), but no one in their right mind supports Responsible Ohio. Everyone should vote against this bill. Then again Kasich loves helping out megacorps so I'm sure this will pass and he'll get a huge fucking kickback to his presidential PAC while appearing progressive enough to get some moderate GOP voters on his side.
  7. That'd go really nice next to an above ground pool and sixteen broken down 60's piles in the front yard.
  8. why is there a Smart Forfour ad on their website??
  9. So far in the last 12 months i've taught myself how to solder a circuit board (fucking dryer) and replace a starter cord (fucking lawnmower), i'm very hopeful that I can learn to clean up this bike. baby steps.
  10. Everyone's a whore, the only difference between people is their price.
  11. Sounds like cooler heads have prevailed in this thread and that's the consensus.
  12. Long story short my fiancee has a 1993 Yamaha XV535 Virago. Cool bike, but it was her father's and he passed away almost 4 years ago and it's been rotting since. I figure it'll need an oil change, carb cleaned, new battery, and probably 2 new tires to get running again. I really want to get it up and running so she's motivated to get her endorsement and ride with me when I get a new bike (sold the Triumph). Plus I wouldn't mind putting around town on it. Just wondering if there are any good shops that help out CR members. We live in Columbus but the bike is currently at her mom's in Mansfield, so anyone who can transport it would be greatly appreciated.
  13. 35 views and no offers? what, you need a pic of the thing? it's basically this. http://support.logitech.com/product/rumble-gamepad-f510 pm me if you've got an offer.
  14. Thank you for the response to the original question. And as I've said multiple times. Competition breeds excellence, Eric's reputation precedes him and I can't imagine this will do anything other than force everyone to step up their game. Everyone wins.
  15. I mean I know it's perfection and all...but don't you think it'd be a little more perfect if we _________?
  16. By all means, if there is consensus at the top that the thread was BS and CR is no place for that, then that's cool. That's the kind of community mods/admins have every right to foster and if users don't like it they don't have to participate. Purely observationally, though, it felt like a kneejerk reaction by few rather than a consensus. No problem if this thread needs to be deleted for stirring the pot too much.
  17. Completely agree. Still, if this is just ONE moderator quashing debate or opinion to protect a friend, that's a big issue and should be talked about. If, however, this was a decision that mods feel is in the best interest of CR, that's a whole other thing that I have way less of a problem with.
  18. No, it was in The Passing Lane which I found curious for such a critical thread. I figured it was destined for The Kitchen but when I look at my own "find all posts by el karacho" it doesn't even show up there, meaning the thread was scrubbed entirely. I can understand closing a thread before it devolves into chaos, but deleting it entirely? Seems like someone has an agenda. Maybe that agenda is justified and righteous, but I still think things like who to do business with should be up for debate. There were no personal attacks on anyone, just some debate on the quality of work people have performed in the past with some vehement supporters and detractors. I think that kind of debate is helpful, personally.
  19. 1) I realize this is not a democracy, and is in fact a dictatorship that we all agree to abide by. 2) I realize that the aforementioned thread could've damaged a business that had not done anything wrong. 3) I realize there may not be a desire for another D-Wiggs-esque saga thread. With all that said, I find it curious that the thread was wiped from CR rather than people standing up for the business and its employees. I believe there are more rational people than not (regardless of how people conduct themselves behind the keyboard) here and most would've seen that this new business is NOT just another shitty Wiggles adventure, and in fact is a viable business that could help the Columbus performance car community. That thread might not have gotten off to the best start, but why scrub it entirely instead of cleaning up posts? “It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.” EDIT: For those unaware, Crucial Performance is a new venture involving who I understand to be a fantastic tuner (no personal experience) named Eric who has worked at a couple controversial local tuning shops, one of which is now defunct and the other of which is a site sponsor. A thread was started last night that was critical of this new venture for allegedly being tied to CTD. After a little back and forth, that thread is completely gone.
  20. You know what they say, though. "If it drives, floats, flies, or fucks, rent it."
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