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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Always try to give the business to someone on the board, but when my dad wanted to buy my mom a Q5 via Euro Delivery, every dealer he talked to in New England where they live was a complete asshole about it. I called up my buddy's guy at Byers who is now their finance manager and he put me in touch with Justin Riddle. I don't believe he'd done a Euro Delivery yet but he was enthusiastic to learn and my dad said it was an incredibly good experience.
  2. Everyone I know who has switched from T-mo to VZW says the same thing. "I didn't know I could get service in [insert city with population under 1 million]" EDIT: I'm not VZW fanboy or anything, just providing a counterpoint.
  3. Current stickers have been issued, therefore it is a legally registered car (whether or not it's legal to drive due to not having registration displayed). Legally registered cars must be insured. Gotta get insurance, no way around it.
  4. I'm lucky in that my boss usually defers to me when he doesn't understand something instead of just thinking "well they made me the boss it MUST be because I know everything and that I'll automatically be right no matter what I choose".
  5. :megusta: Ampeg What's that neck through in the middle, Ibanez SR?
  6. My buddy does some of these guys' photography. http://www.ferrarine.com/all-inventory/index.htm If nothing else, give them a call because I'm dying to know what they want for the SA Aperta. They won't even tell my friend because he's just a lowly photog.
  7. Fucking beautiful bass! I've got an OLP Music Man 5 that I just disassembled after finding after 5 years. I'm going to sand it down, have my gf do some wood burning or some kind of design into the natural finish, then clearcoat it before putting a real EMG Humbucker in it. Then I'll probably sell it because I haven't played in forever. My cousin plays a Stingray 4 tuned waaaaaaaaayyyyyy down. http://www.metalsucks.net/2013/06/07/big-bottoms-jeff-caxide-of-palmsisis/ EDIT: And for what it's worth, there's only one bass out there I think surpasses the MM5 and that's the Warwick Corvette Neck Through but that's a totally different sound/purpose.
  8. I would take a Smart car over the new Mirage. That thing is pathetic.
  9. It's definitely an outdated way of thinking. Your competition sure as hell doesn't care about making one of their cars (whether a direct competitor or lower model) faster than your flagship, so either you rest on your laurels and let your competition catch up to and then surpass you, or you constantly find ways to do things better and cheaper to outpace your competition. That's reason #1 why I hate when car manufacturers don't have their high-end sports car in a race series. Race on Sunday, sell on Monday, and use the lessons you learn to make your regular cars better.
  10. The inverse argument would be that it's incredibly selfish to put a woman behind the wheel of an SUV like that thereby endangering the lives of everyone else on the road. It'd be like using your grandmother's PC (you know, with the AskJeeves search bar installed) to control a space shuttle launch. It might go well for a minute, but pretty soon something important is gonna be on fire.
  11. IMO if you can't afford a new one, you can't afford a used one "within budget". I think the Subarus are good options, they hold their value well. I've heard interior quality is going downhill slightly but that for the most part they're bulletproof.
  12. When the car breaks down and goes up in flames, the value will plummet and everyone will rage.
  13. I'll find out who my buddy used when he moved out here. His car is nothing special but they picked it up in Los Angeles right before New Year's had had it here in Cbus the exact day they promised, and his car was the last on their schedule (aka more opportunities for delays and fuckups). Something to consider, since I know we have a number of people who work at dealerships here, if you have them ship to a car dealer rather than a private address, they are MUCH more likely to take you very seriously as they see it as an opportunity to earn repeat business. The example I used above listed my dealer as the ship to address and they called me a several times to confirm we'd be open and to let me know they'd be on time. Very professional treatment. EDIT: The same goes for pricing. Most people only buy a car or two every few years and they probably won't ship every one of them. A high volume dealer may need their services many times a year so they'll cut us a break.
  14. In the sense that the car will not be all it's cracked up to be? I've got no leg to stand on one way or another, I'm just curious as to what perception of the car at launch will be.
  15. I'm happy to announce that my dealer group will be the exclusive Alfa Romeo dealer in Columbus. Just got the call this morning. I hope to be the only one in Ohio but I bet we'll have at least 1 if not 2 competitors. I've got no interest in breaking any rules regarding vendors/advertising so I'm not putting the name of my dealer group in here, but interested parties should PM me. If this post still breaks rules, please PM me a non-rule-breaking way to post this news up. Forgive me if I seem overly excited, this is a confirmation of 3 years of hard work I've put in to the FIAT store.
  16. Currently ultra-satisfied with my Galaxy S4. I see no reason to upgrade for another year or two, I've had no issues and this phone does everything I want. If I were to upgrade, it'd be a GS5 or Note 3, and I'd probably end up with a GS5. I am not a huge fan of the phablets for personal use, though they are fantastic devices. Not a Samsung devotee by any means (I've toyed with the G2 and Nexus 5 and they seem like awesome devices) but they've done nothing to lose my business, and I think they are vehemently trying to stay ahead of the curve instead of resting on their laurels like some fruity companies. I'd avoid anything Motorola like the plague. I got a Droid Bionic when it was sold as a flagship phone for some build of Android (can't remember which) but it took FOREVER to update to newer versions and by the time they did the hardware was too far behind and it was a POS. I'll never own another MOTO as this was the second time they've failed me (first time was way back during Ye Olde Flip Fone days).
  17. 6 speed Gallardo is one of my favorite cars I've ever driven. Super easy to cruise around at low speeds when necessary.
  18. yeah but at least that one won't catch on fire :dumb: :lolguy:
  19. If indeed you got it, any chance you're willing to part with Black? I freaking love that game.
  20. Actually, since we took on a professional standing army instead of using the draft, our military hasn't "won" a single thing. We've accomplished a number of missions, sure, but no war has been declared and we have never come away with a clear and decisive victory with a surrender and/or total annihilation of our enemies. I blame that on CIC and political interdiction into the military, but still...
  21. If you consider other locales, end of October is the start of the slow season in Monte Carlo, Monaco. A couple years ago I flew to Nice, stayed in Antibes, and visited Monaco in mid October. I wish I had just stayed in Monaco.
  22. Game, set, match. While the Armed Forces are certainly tasked with defending our borders, their most very basic purpose is to be one of the few forms of diplomacy. If we are going to use a PROFESSIONAL Army (as opposed to mustering a militia any time we need to put Kim Jong Un in his place) they should be just that; professional.
  23. If you like drinking and your woman likes being treated as an equal, I'd say avoid Dubai. Buddy of mine was just there with his gf on a short day trip on his way to Seychelles. Said "It was cool, but if you're traveling with a woman don't spend more than a day there. You can't do most things".
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