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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. My friend just moved here from Los Angeles in January and shipped his car, when I get ahold of him I'll let you know the company he used. I want to say it was something simple like ABC Transportation
  2. ITT: I know what happened because reasons.
  3. Well, what'd your buddy say? I got a guy who wants to give me 10,000 internet points for my cool story, what can you do?
  4. Yup, that's it. He was making 3-wide lane changes with no blinker. I was on my way up to Sawmill and was behind him in various ranges from the 670/70 merge to Tuttle. Not really exceeding the speed limit too much, but there were multiple times where I thought he'd be crushed by a semi.
  5. I know this is now a couple days old, but does anyone know who this might be? Well dressed, non-white person (not going to venture any guess, just wasn't a white guy) driving like a complete fucking lunatic. Racing through traffic with a lady in an A8L during heavy rain at around 6:30PM. Swerving, trying to pass on the shoulder, almost hit each other during a simultaneous lane change, then got off at Tuttle exit. Yes, I realize this a real cool story, but I was amazed that people still drive like that. I hope it wasn't anyone on here, we've lost members who drove less crazily. If you know who this is, tell them to calm the fuck down.
  6. WHAT THE FUCK is a pregnant woman doing traveling to Afghanistan???? Cruel as it gets, but I have no sympathy for anyone but the baby. What's worse, being raised by the Taliban or being raised by someone who thinks it's a good idea to travel to FUCKING AFGHANISTAN while pregnant?
  7. Anyone who ever feels the need to throw that out there is lying, an asshole, or both.
  8. So what, you think US intel is just going to let those guys walk away, say "fair trade" and wash their hands of this? I guarantee they're going to be on those 5 bastards like flies on shit and they're probably going to be a hell of a lot more useful in helping us track down more important figures in the Taliban. What use is a prisoner whose most recent intel is 6 years old? A LOT has happened in 6 years. If they're not just murdered by their own for suspicion of being followed/turned, they'll be followed/turned to our advantage. The U.S. gov't may be stupid but at least knows you never go full intel retard.
  9. This guy gets it. This car isn't about being the fastest, or the lightest, or the best. It's pure American. It's a Red White and Blue FUCK YOU to everyone who says "you should do X differently". Maybe they should've, but this is fucking America where we're free to make it as big, cumbersome, heavy, loud, smelly, and obnoxious as we want.
  10. Ain't nothing but a twitch
  11. He finished 8th, they dropped him to 9th. And yeah, I've been a Bottas fan for a little while. I loved seeing him and Massa battle it out at the start of the season.
  12. Shit, I've earned all my speeding tickets (and all other moving and nonmoving violations) except ONE. Officer basically just wanted to nail me to the wall because he thought I owned a BMW at 17 yrs old (I was borrowing my dad's, only 4 seat car in the family) to drive some friends to a Mitch Hedberg show. As soon as he found out it wasn't my car, he had no interest in pursuing anything against me.
  13. Still don't understand the hate for Vettel. The dude is a mechanical driver who pushes his car as hard as it can go and sometimes harder. Never had an attitude, never really complained. I understand that, for the sport, it's not exciting to watch him win all the time, but I'd rather watch him win than Lewis who finds a way to complain about fucking EVERYTHING. Either way, this season is boring the fuck out of me. Monaco might've been one of the worst races yet.
  14. That may be the case but I doubt it. I think it comes down to the fact that NY, PA, MA all have state Police forces rather than state highway patrols. Their mandate includes protecting highways but you rarely see them camped out just generating revenue. I've done the OH-MA drive at least 25 times in the last 10 years, via i90, i80/81/84, and i70, and on none of those highways do you ever see traffic enforcement out in such numbers as OSHP.
  15. I don't get it. Drove from OH > Holyoke, MA and back this weekend. 99% of all the cops I saw were in fucking Ohio. Saw 2 in the total of about 700 miles of I90 I drove in NY. This is what happens when you have an entire statewide division of traffic cops instead of a state police force that actually can occupy its time with real crimes.
  16. 2nded. The day I got my Trophy was a turning point in my life. This kind of price and bike is perfect for someone looking to test the waters.
  17. Clearly this is just another attempt by the Obama administration to pull the wool over Americans' eyes. This fish is clearly a tool of jihadist militants trying to invade the Gulf of America (fuck you Mexico). If this fish had it's way, there'd be no prayer in schools, homosexuality would be mandatory and only cephalopods would be allowed to carry guns.
  18. WOOOOWWWWW he has like $4000 there he must've emptied his savings account that his parents set up for him to take that pic.
  19. Wouldn't beat the Panamera, how is Panamera vs RS7? I just think the Rapide is the most beautiful 4 door car ever created. It's the first "4-door coupe" style car that actually looks more like a coupe than a 4 door. And I love the rear command center style. And it's an Aston, it's not boring or common.
  20. Aston Martin Rapide S /thread. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2013/03/2014-aston-martin-rapide-s-geneva.jpg
  21. I was going to post this, but since you already did, I'll suggest a VW Taro. Badge engineered Toyota Hilux. Legendary durability, VW style.
  22. My boss has a Ps4 and says basically the same thing. He never even plays it, still rocking his PS3. They just released everything too early before there were any worthwhile games.
  23. Why would they save it? They have a need to be competitive in the market sooner rather than later. Very smart move.
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