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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I think it was R&T or MT that did a "best drivers car" test at Laguna Seca that had a wide range of cars from Focus ST to Bentley Continental GT. Focus ST was completely undrivable after the track day, the torque vectoring had completely destroyed the brakes.
  2. I totally get what you're saying, I have brake based torque vectoring in my Focus ST. It's bleh.
  3. It's not just the lack of alum/CF. It's adding stupid shit like power seat. Convenient? yes. an enthusiast option? hell no.
  4. Not if he's listing it on CL. I gotta think if you've got the wherewithal to get a car that you're trying to flip for $90k, you can afford to list it somewhere that people who have $90k budgets shop.
  5. it's amazing how you can do everything the police want you to do to make their jobs easy, and they still won't do anything. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0Zs40dM4oPA/Td4og4fVemI/AAAAAAAAAWM/_jZNT20BBgM/s1600/God%2BDamn%2BHippies.jpg
  6. :lolguy: I don't know how the Nazi War Wagon aka Gestapomobile got past us, but for the record I voted Mercedes in the poll.
  7. This springs to mind (sorry for mobile link)
  8. Can we also make this a list of stereotypes that go with certain cars? Like not only are Prius drivers terrible, but they're the most likely to ride your ass when you're doing 75 in the left lane, then when you move to let them by they stay in the left lane and match your speed exactly to make everyone behind them want to murder them. Or how no one has ever seen a BMW turn signal in less-than-showroom-new condition.
  9. Subaru drivers are the type of people who come to a complete stop on onramps.
  10. My X360 has been sitting in a closet for the last year and a half, I'm thinking in the neighborhood of $5 for whatever games I don't want
  11. A guy in my apt complex has a similar truck. His front tires (same as yours) are worn down below the wear bars, I laugh every time I see him understeer out of the complex.
  12. Look down, make sure he didn't take your pants too. OP, I might have a couple. Looking for age-appropriate stuff or just anything? The only thing I refuse to give up for X360 is Red Dead Redemption. I think I have a copy of Forza 4.
  13. In Indiana you have to have a permit to transport guns. FOPA prevents you from transporting across state lines if firearms are in any way accessible, IIRC.
  14. He's lucky he's alive if he had a gun between his legs and didn't inform the officer. Traffic stops are the most dangerous things police do, they're always on edge. EDIT: the madison press article quoted below. It would appear as though he was going to cross state lines with all these guns and "explosive devices". Who cares what his intent was, the laws are pretty clear and he was pretty willfully ignoring them. Guy's a fucking moron.
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/ohio-police-man-stopped-speeding-had-48-bombs-164840670.html People are fucking crazy.
  16. I have no idea what AnalEeze is, but I'm going to guess it has to do with buttsex and that you're more than able to vouch for its usefulness.
  17. Among FWD hatches, fractions of a second are the only measure of difference other than "LOL NAZIFAG" vs "LOL AMERICAN'T"
  18. Who buys either of these cars for 0-60 or 1/4 mile times? All those publications rated the ST better than the GTI. All of them said the handling was better. Slalom was only slightly better, but GTI registered .9g on the skidpad, ST registered .96g according to R&T. I've driven both. I like the ST more. I'm not sure if you've driven the ST, but you obviously like the GTI more. Agree to disagree, but you're right, an ST won't outrun a GTI...until stock for stock the GTI hits the governor at 129mph :dumb::lolguy: That is of course until MKVII when everything changes for GTI.
  19. The upcoming GTI will definitely be a more stiffer competitor than several year old version for sure but I thought Aaron knew something I didn't.
  20. Can't outrun as in the GTI keeps up or can't outrun as in the GTI beats it? Because I've not seen a GTI best an ST.
  21. A friend of mine just moved here from LA yesterday. 90 degree swing in temps :lolguy:
  22. Yeah, dropped a wheel size for a little extra sidewall, too. 205/50R17 Goodyear UltraGrip Ice WRT have been fantastic and they were very inexpensive for winter tires. I have 4k miles on them, the fronts are at 11.5/32, rears at 12/32 (they shipped with 12/32). They were great in VT ice/snow, and plowed up my parent's steep driveway that had about 3-4" of untouched powder with no problem.
  23. Yeah, fortunately the business is changing to get the old school "i've got no time for you if you're not buying right now" guys out of the business for good.
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