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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. The description I see most commonly associated with something like that is "Breakfront Secretary". Could aid you in your search.
  2. This. The bottom side of the drawers is a common location for markings
  3. :megusta: Anyone but Lewis 2014!
  4. Oh I know, I just followed it by saying I don't remember the type of vitriol Vettel sees being heaped on Schumi.
  5. I guess I just don't get it because I never really felt that was the case with Schumacher. Dude was a dominant driver, even more so than Vettel, and I never was under the impression that anyone hated him for making races uninteresting. Rather, I hate everyone else in the field for allowing themselves to be so thoroughly out-driven, out-engineered, out-everythinged. It's easy to hate one person for being great, it's a bit tougher to be critical of everyone else for not trying to reach the new bar that's been set. IMO that's what's gotten Ferrari to the pathetic position they're in now. EDIT: Hate is a strong word. I really do love Kimi and Alonso, because I don't feel they are unrealistic drivers. A lot of guys are idiots, like Perez or Old Grosjean (New Grosjean is finally driving like a grownup, I like him).
  6. It's one thing if you can't stand him winning all the time because you want some variety, but there's so much hate for RBR/Vettel specifically that I don't understand. He's an insanely good driver with an insanely good team, and I think what RBR is doing is going to make the entire sport more competitive.
  7. FIAT hasn't been around long enough for the 3-year metric. Next year you'll probably see FIAT at the bottom of the list with growing pains and all (for instance, the supplier for our armrests must've been making the plastic out of recycled bread based on the failure rate).
  8. I came here to post this. Take into consideration that this study is not on 2013 vehicles, but vehicles 3 years old. Also take into consideration what those numbers mean. The metric they use is "Problems Per 100 Vehicles", and the absolute best of the best is 71. This means that on average, each individual Lexus will see .71 problems in the first 3 years of ownership. Now go to the absolute worst, LR which is 220. That means that on average, each LR will experience 2.2 problems in 3 years. Honestly, even if you round up, you see that the ABSOLUTE best cars in the universe will all experience 1 problem on average, and the ABSOLUTE worst will experience 2 or 3. That's really not a wide gulf in terms of reliability, and IMO it shouldn't sway your decision. My parents got an E82 135i coupe a couple years ago. They absolutely love it and have had 0 problems. Theirs is a 2011 N55, so it will likely not have the same issues (accurately) described by the N54 owners ITT. Maybe look for one of those? EDIT: I always enjoy reading the VDS and other studies because it reinforces the idea that perception of quality is so much more important than actual quality. VW, Jeep, and MINI owners are among the most fiercely loyal in the marketplace, and yet they consistently appear at the bottom of the vehicle dependability studies. Everyone thinks of Lincoln simply as badge-engineered Ford crap, yet it consistently appears at the top of the dependability study. Perception is not always a reflection of quality, unfortunately.
  9. Haven't tried this, but all my best recipes are slightly tweaked versions of Alton Brown recipes that I just tweak to my tastes. That looks great.
  10. One year we did a giant potluck but told people (about 20 or so) that we didn't want it to be a traditional Thanksgiving beyond the bird. We hosted and did a midsized turkey/stuffing/gravy, but everything else was random. We ended up with delicious enchiladas, perogies, jambalaya, grilled brussel sprouts and asparagus, cheesy broccoli, baked ziti, garlic truffle mashed potatoes, and a few other random things. It was by far the best tasting Thanksgiving of my life.
  11. Cliffs: trade agreement would give corporations political clout in negotiations with foreign nations. Allegedly an attempt to keep corporations from leaving the U.S. for places with weak oversight.
  12. While I realize that Carfax is not exactly reliable, it worries me that there are no reported services for the first 25k miles. Not that they weren't done, but it's certainly something ask about. Rentals are usually extremely well maintained and the documentation is usually there, that just raises a small flag in my mind.
  13. Mad River Glen. 85% natural snow, almost always ungroomed, it's among the toughest in the country. They don't allow snowboarding due to the minimal amount of snow. Bromley is a very easy for the most part. There are some very tough trails but not worth the drive from Okemo. I don't know how it's managed (if your passes will work), but Jackson Gore is on the backside of Okemo and has some very challenging trails and is very steep. I think you'd like that. Also the South Face of Okemo is tough due to the sunny exposure and altitude. If you like terrain parks, take a day and go to Stratton. It's awesome. EDIT: And I agree with Mojoe, if you have the opportunity to get to Jay Peak, it's among the best in New England. EDIT2: Another thing. Follow the Google maps directions. I-80 is usually a clusterfuck and despite the tolls on I-90, you will find it a much easier drive. If you have a day that's raining/you're not on the slopes, VT's route 30 is among my favorite driving roads in the entire country. Manchester is a nice town and if your gf likes buying shit, there's some high-end outlets there.
  14. Ahh heading to Okemo huh? Parent's house is in Peru, just outside of Londonderry and about 5 minutes from Bromley, 20 minutes from Stratton, maybe 30 minutes from Okemo depending on traffic. Okemo is where I learned to snowboard, many fond memories there. Also love Jackson Gore. EDIT is that the hill around 315? Been there done that in a '95 M3 with Blizzaks.
  15. If you have to hope you were never that lame, you were definitely that lame. I was also that lame.
  16. No disagreement here. Besides Audi, Subaru is the best AWD you can get. I still will always say that the overall cost of gas mileage + maintenance + sale price premium for AWD isn't cost effective when compared to an equivalent 2WD car + cost of snow tires and wheels. At least in central Ohio. I still have yet to find a "hill" in OH (that isn't someone's driveway) that I had trouble with in 2WD + snows. EDIT: I'll let you know how the Focus handles Vermont when I'm there around Thanksgiving. My folks' house there has a pretty nasty driveway that my old Exploder 4WD had trouble with on all-seasons.
  17. For 3 winters that's excellent durability
  18. When a friend and I bought the blue slug off Jones, we left it outside unlocked. The trunk latch was broken and zip-tied down. And someone still busted the passenger window only to find out there was no stereo. People who break into cars are generally not the smartest.
  19. Call the police non-emergency line and tell them you've seen people breaking into cars late at night? They'll patrol around a few times. Thats what I did 3 years ago in my apt complex when a handful of cars got broken into. 3 years later and not a single break-in that I've heard of.
  20. Snow tires > AWD. Although I will concede AWD + Snow Tires > *
  21. Good follow up, it's always good to recognize a company that does the right thing. Also important that Goodyear recognized the issue and did the work elsewhere.
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