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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. A great price indeed, especially considering the inclusion of season-appropriate tires and wheels. I have a friend who has had his eye on similar cars for a while. Do you know off the top of your head what type of snow tires, and approximate tread depth?
  2. 43147 probably has a hell of a lot less crime and claims than 43215 or similar.
  3. Where do you live? Bumblefuck nowhere generally has better insurance rates than more populated areas. When I had my '98 Explorer, insurance in Blacklick was $150 every 6 months. If I wanted to transfer registration and residence to Boston, Liberty Mutual wanted $3000 every 6 months :dumb:
  4. When I turned 25 I called my insurance company (Progressive) and asked if I could get a better rate since I had crossed the magical insurance threshold. They said no. I then called Geico. They saved me 50% on renters, moto, and car, and were still 50% cheaper when I bought the Focus.
  5. Unless they're getting calls all day on that thing, they'll take $8k soon. No one wants to try to sell a RWD vert with snow on the ground.
  6. Is this the guy who opens the LEDs in his fart can so you can engine bay the stock rap music?
  7. :lolguy: Not at the dude cheating though, that's greasy.
  8. Everyone who sees you drive it will automatically assume you're gay. Anyone who sees your woman drive it will automatically assume you cheated on her and needed to say "I'm sorry". ESPECIALLY if it's red. Source: I can't count how many of these I parked when I was a valet, and 90% of drivers fell into one of the above categories.
  9. I think Americans in general, both servers and diners, go about the dining experience all wrong. Anywhere I've been in Europe is a better dining experience than in the U.S. 1) Tipping. Servers should be paid a wage upon which they can live a comfortable life, and tipping should not exist. Bartending is a different story, but the tipping culture blows my mind. It causes servers to rush their customers out, it causes problems when people don't tip, and it creates issues when you have multiple people getting tipped out of the same pot. 2) High end restaurants and the bootlicker server. This is also wrong. A server at a Michelin rated restaurant will understand his customers needs without being told. When I ate at a 1-star place in France, we had a team of servers that swooped in simultaneously when they could tell everyone was finished with each course, removed all applicable tableware swiftly and with little to no conversation. This is, of course, also a result of the fact that they have reasonable portion sizes spread across more courses. I got the sense that the service there was a rehearsed art, not unlike a play being executed in several acts. Whereas in the U.S. I feel like they're all trying to kiss your ass for a big tip and make you feel like you owe them because you were SO helpful. 3) Casual restaurants need to get your food quickly. Again, this comes back to many things being heaped on one plate. When you go to a cafe in Europe, you are expected to hang out for a lot longer. There's no rush to get the table free. You are welcomed as family, you will make friends with the proprietor or the servers. It's a much more truly casual dining experience, and I often found that I'd skip plans to visit X Y or Z because I was enjoying having a few snacks and drinks with the owner exchanging stories and taking in the atmosphere.
  10. Galaxy Nexus is a great phone. I'd offer my Moto Droid Bionic for half that price but I wouldn't wish that phone on my worst enemy. Moto FTL.
  11. I can't believe there are so many peasants who don't have multiple platforms upon which to game. I'm alcax on steam edit:but i dont CoD.
  12. Have you taken it to Carmax? They're usually solid on newer model appraisals.
  13. Obviously I haven't been hounding you, it's not high on my list of priorities either. Just gimme a shout when you get it done and save me a pepper maybe?
  14. I've never cooked with super hots, but my uncle makes a mean chili. He uses beets, and they absorb flavor insanely well.
  15. That chart made me hungry for some piri-piri chicken. I'll take some of your peppers when I come get my iPod...one day...
  16. It's because they're used to getting paid $20 to pick their nose and you're not paying them for the valuable time spent on the phone. Isn't someone here at Germain Benz?
  17. Don't forget that Nissan is a joint venture with the cheese eating surrender monkeys at Renault.
  18. Jet Custom Performance Jet Speed Shop Cousin Jet's Go-Fast Whatnots & Doodads Emporio Jet
  19. Nice car :megusta: And yeah, I drove mine home in the snow on brand new tires last March. Ridiculous to drive.
  20. Perception of quality is 10x more important than actual quality when it comes to people actually buying cars. The latter is definitely caught up from the Daimler era, and it's nice to see the former is making some strides.
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