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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Convert steering in Vette to airplane controls, enjoy both
  2. Oh we did, but I have good friends. The ones that stayed the night helped clean up in the morning. And the dog ate the Yukon Jack-induced puke in the backyard.
  3. The 1 and only time I had a massive party at my parents house, I rolled up every decent carpet in the house, removed all the artwork and pictures from the walls, and put every breakable thing in a locked closet. Nothing got spilled, no one got hurt, and everyone had a good time. My parents found out because they noticed one of the carpets was turned around and 2 pictures had swapped spots on the wall next to each other. I wasn't really punished because I was too old to be punished, but we sat down and had a long talk about "other people's shit". I felt like an asshole for weeks. I can't even imagine the level of selfishness and idiocy it takes to do something like this is mind boggling to me, and the fact that only one kid showed up to clean up is astounding. That any parent would defend them and not make them help clean up says to me the parents need just as much punishment as the kids.
  4. I would've waited, but I dusted off the PS3 just for this.
  5. In what part of town do you live? Someone tried to break into on of the cars on our lot last night, pried off the door handle assembly with a screwdriver and tried to pry the door open as well. This happened just off Brice rd.
  6. I find myself playing a lot of the tow truck missions just to see what crackhead Tonya and JB are getting into.
  7. Tomorrow night at 8PM on Science Channel, How It's Made: Dream Cars is going to be on showing the RR Phantom episode. Should do a good job of helping you understand just what goes into a $300,000+ car. Also consider that cars in this price range are often not as much a depreciating asset as other vehicles. Hell, an Enzo Ferrari that sold for under $1million new can be worth $1.5million today.
  8. That bank robbing scene is just the intro to set up some character development later in the story.
  9. I love the multi-character system. It makes the world feel like you are insignificant, rather than previous GTA games where it felt like everyone knows you and the world is super small despite big maps. I feel like I've been in a 10-block area and have completely gotten lost in this map already. I just gotta find the grove and check out CJ's old place, I heard it's in-game.
  10. Downloaded via PSN...seeing the fanboi outcry on gtaforums about the DL being 42 minutes late was hilarious. Installed it as I left work work this morning, told the gf not to bother me tonight, I've got hookers to murder.
  11. Have sex with your woman outside next time the dog jump the fence. Never break eye contact with the dog. Show him who's alpha.
  12. CR would get on CR and post about shooting it, then do nothing.
  13. Just what the title says. Must be -Somewhat reliable. No GM, she recently bought a Buick that has totally fucked her on repair costs, no desire for anything GM. -Auto -A/C working -FWD preferred -A car, no SUV or trucks. Consider whether you'd put your own grandmother in it or not. He's looking at Accords, Focuses, Escorts, Civics, for her to give you an idea. Thanks in advance.
  14. If you'd told people in 1983 that in 30 years the president of Russia would be sheltering an American whistleblower who exposed massive state surveillance, and would be attempting to prevent direct American intervention in a middle eastern nation's civil war, every single person would assume you'd gotten your countries mixed up.
  15. '95=OBDI Doooo eeeeet. My dad's '95 just went over 100K, even being driven in the winter the car is a champ with Blizzaks on it.
  16. Burnt ends :megusta: I want Ray Ray's now, is it Friday yet? I'll say The Top is your best bet, OP.
  17. this. For that money, you can afford some new shoes for your 918 and donate the cockwheels to some poor CGT driver.
  18. This. A race car is only interesting and actually a race car if it can turn consistent laps in a race. If it had a KERS system that could keep up with the electric demands, though.......:megusta:
  19. State officials, and anyone with a driver's license and a pair of eyes.
  20. I say the same thing every 9/11. The people who died in this attack, and in the ensuing conflicts are the heroes of our generation. Just like many in Vietnam, WWII, and myriad other conflicts, many volunteered and many were chosen to give their lives for our freedom. Civilian or military, young or old, each drew a line in the sand with their blood to ensure we can live free lives. I'd like to make a point or two about terrorism and politics, but today is not the day for that. Today is a day of mourning and remembrance for the victims of ignorance, bigotry, and hatred. Let us not fall victim to the same. There, but for the grace of God, chance, or whatever you believe keeps us alive and well, go we.
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