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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. a friend of mine spoke very highly of trulia.com when he was searching.
  2. IMO you should consider CSCC if you don't have a philosophical thing against them. Apparently their academic standards are getting much better, and I've heard (from unsubstantiated sources) that it's because they're working towards being able to offer Bachelor's degrees.
  3. GET OUTTA HERE WITH YOUR LOGIC if I could rep you, I would
  4. Basically for large corporations, the tax rate is 35%. Many use ridiculous accounting practices and loopholes to pay closer to 12%, or even less in some cases. The "we do so much good for the community/country already, we shouldn't have to pay tax" argument is ridiculous. So yes, your idea that deductions need to be eliminated is spot on. Lower the rate, and eliminate bureaucracy and loopholes, and we'll be in a better position.
  5. Maybe you and I are not as ideologically dissimilar as I once thought. I disagree with some things, but agree with many. The only thing you left out is tearing down the ridiculous corporate tax structure. Corporate personhood needs to end as well, but you mentioned closing loopholes and IMO the first step towards that is dealing with companies, not individuals.
  6. No but I did have a random encounter that (spoiler ahead, highlight text) resulted in Trevor waking up stripped to his skivvies on a train tracks as a train approaches
  7. I read up on it on reddit, huffpo just happened to have the top link on google search. EDIT: and regardless of whose money bought it, it's absolutely retarded for a university to think it needs military equipment, forget about the fact that they'll need to spend more money training people to maintain and utilize it.
  8. I was thinking it was just an excuse for OSU to test out their new MRAP. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/18/ohio-state-university-armored-truck_n_3949750.html I wonder when they'll announce the next tuition hike...
  9. People don't buy cars just because of value. It's an important component of a buying decision, but just as importantly is how a car makes you feel. Different people look for different feelings from a car. I look for driving feel, for steering response, and for the je ne sais quoi that makes me smile when I drive. Some people place a greater emphasis on value, and for that person a Kia may be the right car. No one will ever convince me that the most bang for the buck is the right car for me. I put up with a Korean tub of shit (Hyundai Santa Fe) and I will never own another Hyundai/Kia again. I don't like what they do to the car world. I don't like that they place a greater emphasis on value than the experience of driving. They are not for me.
  10. This article is complete speculation, generalization and offers no supporting evidence. Author uses the strategy of asking "what if XYZ happened" to imply that XYZ will happen, but because it's a question he doesn't have to support his thesis. EDIT: Not that everyone needs to always be right, but here's another op-ed piece in the WSJ where there's more doomsaying and speculation that we're all going to suffer. Guess what, 4 years after that article was written, we're in a better position than we were prior to the collapse. This recent article is more of him sticking to his guns and not admitting he was wrong.
  11. Yeah between here and the Twin Cities (largest Somali population outside of Somalia in the world...Cbus is #2) they were running guns, drugs, child prostitutes. Some serious shit. I know they rounded up a lot of people in a raid or two but I'm sure it still goes on. I'll echo the sentiment that my interactions with Somalis, especially in rec league soccer, has been nothing short of fantastic and courteous. Imagine that, when you treat people with kindness and respect you get the same in return!
  12. I've noticed that the parking garages that are separate from the save locations (the ones in LS that each character has at a different location) don't lose cars. I've got an Infernus and a Cheetah that have remained in the garages through multiple character switches/deaths/missions.
  13. No, Alfa and Mazda are going to work together on a totally different design. I've posted it here before, the Alfa Duettottanta is the concept car you should refer to for a tent-pitching glimpse at the future. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/03/02-pininfarina-alfa.jpg edit: Not going to say anything more about the 4C other than serious buyers should contact me. They've already increased their expected production numbers, but they'll only send around 500-1000 to the U.S by my estimate.
  14. You're asking CR, so the default advice is gonna be "shoot your neighbor's dog, poison their children, slash their tires and sell their mailbox". EDIT: Also, "move out to the middle of nowhere"
  15. Shit, those aren't even that hard to obtain. That's on my "cars I might realistically buy in the next 5 years" list.
  16. Classic I've been lusting for years: 1970 Oldsmobile 442 W30. First year for the Rocket 455 tuned up to 370hp, 500ft.lb. Slightly trumps my desire for an AC Cobra on pure style alone. Modern Call me crazy, but I want a BMW 1M so badly it hurts.
  17. Anyone who buys an Equus or this car needs their fucking head checked. Sure, they may be nice in a vacuum, but you consider all the other vehicles in that price range and what they offer and you'd have to be a fucking moron to go Korean.
  18. Anyone else experiencing the garage glitch that Rockstar put out a comment about yesterday? I've lost a fuckton of money on modified cars that disappeared from my garage(s). Rockstar is saying don't use the garages until they've got the bug worked out.
  19. He probably thinks you're being racist calling them "tribes." Somalia is just a geographic region that's been constantly disputed between rival tribes for years. This president they've got now appears to be one of the only positively viewed leaders by a majority of the tribes, which is why he's so important.
  20. Dude's done a lot for that corner of the world. I hope he gives Somalia a chance to succeed.
  21. Open you phone, go to "internet", then click "money & services". you can invest in either LCN Exchange or the BAWSAQ.
  22. After you get the money, Franklin gets some Assassination missions that affect the stock market...gotta invest before you start the mission, but it's easy money.
  23. I've never had my car personally done, but my friend had Andy do his STi a while back and it looked top notch. EDIT: and by a while back I mean 6 years or so.
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