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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. and considering other versions of the 51-30 retail for $2k+
  2. If my gf hadn't just bought me a watch I'd be all over this. Nixon FTW.
  3. So tempted. Let me see if I can reallocate funds, I was planning on spending less than 300.
  4. It's called the Entitled Pigeon. It's just a regular pigeon but because it's white, it feels entitled.
  5. No disagreement there. This isn't about what Trayvon did or didn't do leading up to his assault on GZ. It's about what GZ did or didn't do leading up to the confrontation he initiated. FACT: GZ was legally in possession of a firearm at the time he decided to go out of his way to confront TM. FACT: GZ had many options OTHER THAN confronting TM. FACT: Knowing full well that a confrontation could ensue, and that if he was indeed dealing with a hardened criminal that he may have to discharge his legally carried firearm, GZ opted to initiate a confrontation. OPINION: This is poor judgement, and against the philosophy of people who legally concealed carry for personal protection. Who cares if TM waited for GZ to catch up to him. GZ should never have gotten out of his car. The ultimate goal of anyone who has a CCW license is to never have to use their firearm. Hell, that's the ultimate goal of the police! The difference between regular citizens and police is that regular citizens are responsible only for their own safety and should avoid conflict where it is avoidable. EDIT: Opinion =/= fact, fixed
  6. I'll also go on record as saying that I don't think that Zimmerman is guilty of murder or manslaughter, but he acted irresponsibly and will now suffer the consequences. He is certainly innocent of all crimes, but definitely guilty of poor decision making.
  7. Because that site isn't steeped with the same bias you accuse the TV media of. I don't know all the facts. But I do know that Zimmerman was not on his own property and could have avoided conflict by never leaving his car. When you're carrying a concealed weapon, I've always thought that it is your primary goal to never have to use it, and that includes removing yourself from any potentially contentious situation. EDIT: WOW that guy makes a lot of specious connections. I drink Arizona Watermelon and skittles sometimes, guess that means I like "lean". Also, I love the fact that there was "stolen property" and a "burglary tool" in his locker, but no source cited. I don't take anything as the word of gospel, but if you're going to make claims one way or another there had better damn well be a solid source behind it. This video is complete crap.
  8. Feds seized it as part of their investigation. Also, while he certainly defended himself legally, he was stupid enough to get himself in a preventable situation. Definitely not following the philosophy of CCW I've always understood.
  9. I think women who obviously and provably falsely accuse men of violence against women, knowing the social impact of their statements, should be charged and sentenced in equal proportion to the sentence any man would face for actually striking a woman.
  10. This. My dad tried to get 2 dealers in CT to do a Euro delivery program on a Q5, neither would cooperate. I made a call to Justin who immediately called my dad. He (Justin) had never done a Euro order before, but he set it up perfectly and my dad (who has done 3) said Justin was the best. EDIT: My dad lives in CT, works 1 week/month out here in OH so it was certainly a consideration to Justin's credit that he'd rather buy the car here and drive 700mi home than deal with New England Audi dealers
  11. That looks like 3 people who aren't having any fun at all edit: also I'm sure I've asked before, but in what part of VT do you grow up? My parents split time between CT and VT, but it seems like they're spending more and more time in Peru/Londonderry.
  12. in the name of the kush, and the skunk and the holy chiba...
  13. When I first saw this I kept thinking "please don't be the one on Tussing, please don't be the one on Tussing". Then I realized its all girls who work at the Tussing store with 1 exception. And they're all pretty cool too.
  14. Wow that route is gonna be amazing. Not sure if you've ever done a NE drive before but you're in for a mega treat if you haven't. VT > TN > all other states in terms of driving fun.
  15. Start leaving them food. Earn their trust. Make peace with them, and then bed their women and integrate your families to their society. Maybe this? http://www.organicgardening.com/learn-and-grow/yellow-jacket-trap?page=0,1
  16. My coworker wants to know if you are interested in any high-end bicycles to trade.
  17. Wow that sucks. In Boston where they're ultra strict on everything all I ever got was a citation and a verbal warning for underage drinking, serving under 21 (my sister was at a party of mine). I never had a fake ID, but I did work at a wine/liquor store and we'd have cops hang out every so often to help bust fakes. All they ever did was confiscate the ID, give a short lecture about how it's a felony and a mistake that could haunt them for life, and send them on their way. Unless, of course, the person decided to be an idiot and make a scene in which case the paddy wagons would appear.
  18. Bottom line is no, a 50s 60s 70s truck is not the safest contraption to put your daughter in. Nor is ANYONE on CR's car the best suited to do what we use most of our cars for (commuting). I'd even challenge most of CR to a vanity/utility comparison of their daily drivers, I bet you'd find most DDs are just as much about wanting a "fun" car than a pure safe/utility DD. I understand it's different when it comes to kids, but put yourself in your 16 y/o shoes.
  19. You've gotta be pretty unruly to be arrested for underage possession and fake ID as opposed to getting a citation.
  20. Gabe Speigel just tweeted that Hyde has been dismissed from the team.
  21. WHAT IS YOUR NATIONAL DECENT Seriously, SSN question is on there? I'm guessing this is an ID theft attempt.
  22. DING DING DING Johnny what do we have for our winner? While safety is certainly a legitimate concern, you can't live life making decisions based on what COULD go wrong or how dangerous it might be. If you do that, just wrap her in bubble wrap tie her down to the bed and never let her go outside because she MIGHT scrape her knee get a staph infection and die.
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