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Everything posted by nathan

  1. Go to a dealer with the VIN number for the cars and they will cut you a new key. It shouldn't be too much more than just a key. Of course you have to figure out how to get there
  2. Maybe it is just residual from when the radiator was leaking. I replaced it recently, but it really doesn't smell like coolant, it smells more like finger nail polish remover or even xylene. EDIT: I just looked and the ester oil MSDS states that it has an Ether like smell. Where would the oil be leaking from?
  3. This is not the usual musty smell, it is more of a sweet smell. It is not the ethylene glycol smell, but more like a perfume/alcohol smell. The AC works okay, but the smell is a little strange. Anyone know what it might be?
  4. His expression was the best!
  5. Hadn't thought of water in the gas, that could be a problem too. Those Coil Pack setups are great if you are turning over 7k, but for most of us they are really not a high priority. The pain of the opti is the cost and the install. Where did you fill up, so that we can all avoid that place?
  6. Joe, I disagree, the Jet Chip plugs into the harness before the PCM on his car. They do not do custom PCM programming at JET as far as I know, they just sell those modules. That is why I suggested he contain Ion or Bryan. Also the opti would most likely be felt more at high rpms. It is commonly the culprit for the high miss that a lot of LT1 owners complain about. I suppose if the gas really wasn't the octane that it stated, that could throw off what the JET chip is expecting to see creating the detonation problem too.
  7. +1 retard timing so you will not go BOOM! Check out madz28.com or pcmforless.com for programming solutions. You should be able to cover the expense of programming by selling the JET chip
  8. The Jet chip is probably the causal agent as it is advancing the timing to get more HP. The SES would come on if the EGR was malfunctioning since he has an LT1.
  9. Closer to Columbus=higher cost. We drive to Utica from Westerville because of the prices. It makes more sense to drive 45 min. than to pay three times the amount.
  10. If you are open to trades, then I can trade pretty much straight up for a 1990 V6 camaro.
  11. Lowes and Home Depot sell kits that are precut, all you have to do is set the posts and put them together. All the hardware is included like joist hangers, screws etc.
  12. +1 on the Pacesetters, they are identical to the hookers but have slip fittings. As much as I like pretty stuff, just get them uncoated, as nearly all coatings find a way to chip or flake on headers.
  13. In the market for a pair of 235/75/15s, thanks. I'll probably call you about it tomorrow.
  14. What type of job are you looking for? Ag is about as vague as Business.
  15. I say honda, those things are one pull everytime! The only thing is that they are out of your price range I am afraid. Rear tined will be much easier on your body, and the weight will allow them to dig in a lot better than the front tined
  16. I know what you mean on the spreader. That thing would have been great, but it couldn't come out for like two weeks and even then it was on a weekday. My neighbor was bitching about how she is going to be selling her house and my front yard was a "mess". I told her it would take a few weeks, but that it was going to look way better than hers. I put in irrigation too, so watering the yard will be a breeze.
  17. If you do want to completely pull the engine I can lend you my hoist, but I would go Rolla's route if you are just removing the k-member
  18. Anthony, Here is what my suggestion is, lower the car with pro-kit, and keep the rear springs from the stock suspension handy. When you go to the track, change the lower springs for the normal height. Since those rears just slip in and out, should take like ten to fifteen minutes, plus you'll have to take the wheels off anyway to put the DRs on. I am going to try it at Norwalk and see how it works.
  19. I moved 8 yds around in my front yard with a shovel and wheel barrow on Saturday so quit your whining! Jones does have great pricing though, cause it was only $172 delivered for all that dirt.
  20. Nothing like making someone write about nothing. Why is it that English is required, yet when you have a real job, you never would write anything remotely like that?
  21. I would, and Jegs won't fill my bottle since it is painted.
  22. That's weird, because Dal was only cheaper on the optispark that I was quoted. Everything else O2 sensors, LT4 springs, partsdirect was cheaper. Of course they inflate shipping costs, but it was still a few bucks cheaper, and frankly that is all that matters to me. I have seen a few people who problems from every place mentioned. Do a search for Cromer on camaroz28.com
  23. I think it is when they did the controlled flood a few monthes ago. It did not have the desired effected on the fish, in fact they killed more that way than if they had left it alone.
  24. You can also try http://www.gmpartsdirect.com I get a lot of stuff from them, although Dal is probably a bit faster, the prices are pretty much the same since you have to pay sales tax from Dal.
  25. Did you have an adjuster come out and look at the car? He/she is the point of contact and should be able to help out. You can also request that someone beside Ricart examine the wheels to confirm that they are not statisfactory. It sounds like Ricart replaced with used equipment, since $374 a wheel actually sounds pretty low for brand new stuff, unless they get a huge discount, which they are not going to pass onto the ins company anyway.
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