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Everything posted by pg

  1. Like you and well over half the men on this forum can talk?
  2. To Jesse's edit, so truthful I was just wondering the same thing. Don't break family ties over stupid shit like this, it's a car, and a civic at that. Yeah its your pride and joy and you spend a lot of time on it but in the end family matters. Be the mature one here. And just because your family might need you later on and it may hurt them if you leave them, gauranteed, you will need them more, being 19, later on in life. Just think about it before you make stupid decisions over a car, I've been kicked out of my house for my car before and really when I look back on it I think of how dumb it all was.
  3. I have a red tail boa, just a little over a year old that I don't want anymore. He is just over 3ft long and will grow to be about 10ft and weigh in at about 80-100lbs. I am interested in selling him to someone who knows about snakes because he will be a large snake. If interested please pm me. Thanks, Ryan
  4. I think you should have to pay the ticket, you are fixing her car for her, but its not her fault that you havent put the plates on. Think of it this way, if she had gotten in an accident would you expect that she pay your deductible for your insurance? Because I would and she wouldn't have to by law, but its the right thing to do because it was her fault, its her fault she pays, this is the same situation but reversed, its your fault you dont have the front plate, you know its an Ohio law, you pay the ticket. At least that's how I think of it.
  5. chocolate covered strawberry
  6. Cell phones, thats a good one. Joe you must be the most calm driver on the planet if you drive like you say. I need lessons from you. I myself almost have a heart attack almost everytime I drive because of douche bag drivers. Again, I need quantitative things, like something I can classify by driving by someone who is being a d-bag and mark it down. For example bad driving caused by talking on a cell phone, I can obviously see that that person is driving bad because they are on their phone. Oh I also forgot passing in the right lanes.
  7. Obviously you can't read the own articles that you find on the internet. Apparently most of you dont know what quantitative is. For those who don't it means something that can be measured or counted. And for Joe, I'm sure you have tailgaited before, unless you stay a car length away from a car for every ten mph you are going, which I highly doubt. And how do you get people to get over who are driving in the left hand lane going 60 on the freeway and won't get over? I ride their ass, not anything that I wouldn't be able to stop if they laid on the brakes, but enough to get the point across. If I could get serious answers that would be great because I want to know what people think so I can add their thoughts to the list of things that I am using for a, I guess you could call it a study, that I am going to do. Thanks, Ryan
  8. What do you think makes a good driver? I am talking about everyday driving not like shifting fast or a good 60' time. I am looking for things that are quantitative. I think things like: using turn signal not tailgaiting(unless justified buy annoyingly slow driver) driving speed limit not driving in the left lane when not passing What do you think?
  9. This is Trouble Maker. Adam, what about your no front plate ticket?
  10. My car is lowered and yeah it really sucks, however I am more concerned with the people whose cars are breaking because of this horrible job done. I don't think my car will break because I go as slow as the crazy traffic at that interscetion will permit over that bump but people whose cars are not in the best condition break and I would imagine that the repair for that damage is expensive.
  11. It is not a pot hole, it is a seam in the road at the intersection of Lazelle and South Old State. I live off of Lazelle and I have so far, having only lived here for about a year witnesses 3 cars that have broken because of this terrible seam. All three cars have had their thing that holds the wheel on straight broken and their wheel is now sitting crooked and has left them unable to move their car and it is broken in the middle of the intersection. I have deduced that it is because of this seam because it is absolutely horrible to drive over and every time the car that is turning left onto Lazelle from S Old State that is wrecked is stopped in the same spot. Thanks for the input.
  12. I want to call in a complaint about an intersection that needs to be fixed, but I don't know who to call? Can anyone help me out with this? I live in Westerville/Polaris area. Thanks
  13. Bank ATMs take photos every 5 seconds or something around that, so if anyone does take money from people who leave their cards in the machine they would just get caught anyway.
  14. I don't think that's a zit. Looks like a toothpaste tumor, my dog had one and the stuff coming out looked very similar to that.
  15. Its funny how people who always bitch on here about driving are talking about women drivers, but most of the time when I'm driving I normally find that both sexes are equally at fault for ignorant driving. Maybe it's just me but I think men just like to bitch to their friends about women just as much as women do about men and this is just one of those things that men just LOVE to bitch about.
  16. Tool's music is incredible, thier drummer is sweet and they are the best band I have ever seen live, they actually sound like their CD. I love them, they are my favorite band. I thought it was funny how he said that he couldn't remember any of Coldplay's lyrics but then a paragraph later he said that he was scared because his mind was blank for three minutes until he realized that he had a Coldplay song stuck in his head. Makes sense.
  17. My dad had it done, and he said that after a while your vision does start to go back to how it was, it's similar to how glasses correct your vision but at the same make your eye sight worse so you keep having to go back to get stronger glasses.
  18. pg

    Door Dings.

    The only thing I've ever seen like that is for the person who does the door dings, it looks like a rubber covering along the edge of the door, but I would assume it really only protects against scratches for those people assumuing the rubber will bend with the door if they hit it hard enough against the side of someones car. And that won't really help you at all.
  19. That was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen, thanks a lot Linn. Only you (or Sam) would post something that disgusting.
  20. pg

    Black SRT4 on 270?

    Oh, I forgot I think the whole point of this site is to race, hence ColumbusRacing? But hey could have fooled me, I guess the whole racing part doesn't happen here. Yeah, you're real cool.
  21. pg

    Black SRT4 on 270?

    You were the one who brought his penis up. I'm not a ballswinger either, I'm his girlfriend, hmm lets think this out, uhh yeah if I have something to say to someone who is talking shit on my boyfriend, then, yeah I'm going to say it. Don't call me hun either, I don't like you like that.
  22. pg

    Black SRT4 on 270?

    First off, can you type? I know it's hard but do try, if in doubt you can always look at the keyboard. Secondly he doesn't need his penis to be bigger, its big enough. Third you weren't talking about racing he was and I think he called you out, stop being a pussy and race. And lastly he's not a bitch, YOU are. Oh, maybe you can clarify, whats a "so called 'bitch' correct"?
  23. pg

    Black SRT4 on 270?

    First off I never said you were going stage 3, I said it DOESN'T keep the warranty, and yeah the Viper badge is gay as hell, I'm sure people who like it have either A) Bad taste or B) They are lying to you so you don't feel gay. Which you really are.
  24. pg

    Black SRT4 on 270?

    And the stage 3 is a bigger waste of money, if you're going to get the stage 3 you might as well go bigger turbo and get out of mopar. The only advantage of doing the stages is to keep the warranty and with stage 3 it is voided. Anyway, I highly doubt that another SRT owner will want to meet you when they see you pull up with that viper badge, I'm embarrassed for you.
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