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Everything posted by pg

  1. Stained Skin, I got mine there not too long ago and they were really great! Greg Donchatz was my artist and he was really cool and the price was good.
  2. You people who will be at Barnes and Noble tonight are losers why cant you just get your book later when you dont have to stand 2 hours in line to get a stupid book? I work at Barnes and Noble Polaris and spent all day preparing for this retarded shit called Harry Potter, there were people there at 5 when I left work what the gay? People are lame.
  3. If you really want to loose weight you could only drink water and cut your meals down to like 1 a day. Its really not healthy but I lost 30 pounds doing it and you get used to being hungry to the point that eating a lot just kinda makes you feel sick. Once you get used to it being hungry is what is comfortable to you and being full feels just straight up nasty. Good luck with your weigth loss, this isn't a good strategy if being healthy about loosing the weight is what you have in mind, some would probably say anorexia but mehh. I fell I can keep it under control so I'm not worried.
  4. pg

    i busted up my car

    I pick up more guys in my neon than in the forester Marc. Thanks. Brandon and Marc are secretly in love with eachother that is why they bicker so much, its their own little way of flirting. I love you guys. tongue.gif
  5. pg

    i busted up my car

    I wasnt racing or anything and it wasnt in the rain, I just lost control around that really sharp turn right before the Marion track. Thanks for all the offers for help, the car is at IPS right now getting fixed so hopefully I will be back driving it some time in the near future and not driving my moms Subaru Forester. It's really hot I get lots of guys when I'm driving it. graemlins/nonono.gif
  6. pg

    i busted up my car

    So i wrecked my car, it needs a new front bumper, hood, wheels, front mount and some suspension stuff. Sucks huh? I almost slammed into a teleohone pole, i was really just about an inch from hitting it, it was a bit scary and i went about 100 ft sideways through the grass and over a ditch. It was no fun. graemlins/doh.gif
  7. I run 6 minutes right now, and pre tris' I do mid to high 5 minutes. I actully like riding better, cause it dosent inflame my knees. But ya man if you want I run at alum 90% of the time, your more then welcome to get droped . Dude who cares if i take roids, they work dont they . (This is Brandon again...)
  8. Bring it pussy!!!!!!!!!!! tongue.gif (edit this is Brandon)
  9. I'm a punctual goddess who loves to sniff crotches.
  10. To Mowgli I think its pretty apparent that you really don't know much about MJ, as a smoker I know that I can do anything that I can do sober I can do high because I've done it. I acctually prefer to study in my so called "altered state of mind" and have found that I can memorize things much easier and understand things better like that. For example I had to memorize a presentation in spanish for a midterm I had the mext morning, I was studying not high and was having a real hard time remembering what I was supposed to say after about an hour I had three sentences memorized completely, then I went out and lit up a fattie and bam came back in studied and in 30 min I had finished the rest of the sentences and had no doubt in my mind what they were, so thanks to the supposed, makes everyone a lazy bum "drug" I got to bed early and memorized my shit and I also got to work a little on my calculus too. Next morning woke up saying my spanish and I can still say it so I don't understand much about what you are talking about, but I can pretty much say it is inaccurate. I guess in a few years I'll have to get back on here after I get through med school and tell you, you were wrong, until then tongue.gif
  11. No he did not, maybe he sould though. It's only been in the trunk for probably over a month. Adam isn't your car not running right now? Hehe just kidding, kinda, hehe.
  12. Thank you very much.
  13. I think thats really sad, and I think its really disturbing that people think its funny to see another life ran over and mutilated like that. graemlins/nonono.gif
  14. Wackiness: 20/100 Rationality: 50/100 Constructiveness: 46/100 Leadership: 76/100 You are a SEDL--Sober Emotional Destructive Leader. This makes you a Dictator. You prefer to control situations, and lack of control makes you physically sick. You feel have responsibility for everyone's welfare, and that you will be blamed when things go wrong. Things do go wrong, and you take it harder than you should. You rely on the validation and support of others, but you have a secret distrust for people and distaste for their habits and weaknesses that make you keep your distance from them. This makes you very difficult to be with romantically. Still, a level-headed peacemaker can keep you balanced. Despite your fierce temper and general hot-bloodedness, you have a soft spot for animals and a surprising passion for the arts. Sometimes you would almost rather live by your wits in the wilderness somewhere, if you could bring your books and your sketchbook. You also have a strange, undeniable sexiness to you. You may go insane. Of the 120369 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 5.5 % are this type. Surprisingly semi-accurate. I love animals.
  15. pg

    Kung Fu Hustle

    The previews look stupid but I guess I'll have to go see it now.
  16. That would seem like it would require some training to be able to shoot that. It would kick in a direction that people aren't used to and where people aren't as strong, because its not going to kick into you it will kick to the side. Is that right or am I missing something, because I think that would be really hard to keep steady when it kicks to the side, where you have nothing to brace it on, and not into you. Seems like a really cool thing.
  17. I'm going to write my will this weekend, just in case. I don't want any of this kind of stuff happening to me.
  18. pg

    Anybody here Shoot?

    I wanna go shooting at Adams again, that was so much fun!!!!!
  19. pg


    Neat, the only word I had trouble with was yuo in the last sentence. Which makes sense.
  20. I really like it when truckers signal and start to get over when I'm right next to them. Thats my favorite. Now I know that sometimes they can't see you and I always try to get out of their way and be courteous to them but I know that when I can see there face from looking in their mirrors that they can see me too, and when they get over on me in those situations it just straight pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the squirrels are out today one just climbed down a tree in front of my room and is now hopping across the parking lot, they are really cute.
  21. pg


    Empty your pm box! How am I supposed to write you back if your mailbox is full? This is for The_Wang_of_Fury if there are any other people named Lance on here.
  22. pg


    Empty your pm box! How am I supposed to write you back if your mailbox is full?
  23. I love Video game, music exchange on Tuesdays they have buy one get one free deals. Which, yeah, is the shit!
  24. Basset Hounds are the best dogs ever! I would just lie about it if I were you, or maybe consider that the dog really might not be a good choice to get.
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