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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg

    6 - 10 inches...

    I hope we don't get any I have to drive to work tomorrow and I really am not looking forward to driving in snow again. At least I get to go to Florida for nine days on Thursday.
  2. Cute, I should get one for my basset hound when I get him next year. Wouldn't that be ironic basset hounds are the nicest dogs in the world. Cute dog too, I like that the ears are natural.
  3. pg

    Halo Books

    This is true, I just found it strange I guess its not though.
  4. pg

    Halo Books

    oh yes, there are like four different books, I'd say about 200 or less pages.
  5. pg

    Halo Books

    So I was at work today(Barnes and Noble) and I noticed that there are actual books, I think like stories, about Halo. These are acctually inspired by the game. Is this strange to anyone else?
  6. Wow thats a killer trailer trash paint job right there.
  7. I know Drew, I could get his number probably if I looked in my old h.s. directory. Why don't you just pm him his name is dewman0012, I think. If you want his number just pm me and I'll try to find it for you.
  8. Hell yeah I did, Clark helped too, I think big papa's advice sounds like a good idea that way you'll have new tools and get the others tools you wanted, killing two birds with one stone. smile.gif
  9. I feel you with the mustang I can't get any kind of traction in my car either, drving to work yesterday I went sliding across the road into the nieghboorhood across from mine then back on the road it was awful. Oh and Drew your gated thing sucks driving back last night out of your driveway my car was all over that road. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  10. I agree and the roots of her hair being dark and the rest being blonde just looks bad.
  11. Well those people are assholes and I know they're just doing it to get in front on everyone else and I think thats bullshit. I hate assholes like that, its like getting in front of a semi when you're just going to be stopping and then you make them stop too, its just gay and I hate it.
  12. I like it when people try to cut me off at the powell road and the meijer road where Powell road turns from two to one. I stay next to the assholes thats lane is merging into mine and don't let them get in front of me and I make them stop. It's funny.
  13. If you're really serious, what kind of plastic surgery?
  14. I didn't think any banks were open late, I thought all of them had the shittiest hours possible, like when everyone is at work.
  15. What are commercial plates?
  16. I can't tell because Drew is on here, but I made a game that he has to play to find his present. I wrote out all these clues on sticky notes and I'm going to put them around my house and he has to use the first clue to find the second and so on and so forth until he gets to his present, its going to be fun.
  17. Wow that was a big waste of time. I hope people don't talk like that.
  18. pg

    Nice Old GTO

    WOW!! That is in perfect condition, it looks like it's brand new. I like the stacked headlights and the hood scoop.
  19. pg

    Groupe Ski Trip

    I've been to Idaho and New Mexico snowboarding, that was fun, it was my first time and the girl I was with took me on a double black diamond in a forest. I was falling on my ass the entire time and I had a killer headache at the end from landing on it so much, but it was much fun.
  20. pg

    Boss Mustang?

    Thanks for all the responses I was always wondering about those cars, really clears things up. smile.gif
  21. pg

    I hate...

    I'm sure that would make everyone feel better... or throw up. Good suggestion. Hope you feel better.
  22. Is it illegal to not have a front license plate? I thought that it wasn't.
  23. pg

    Boss Mustang?

    What is this? All of them I've seen are yellow and they have this black stripe down the side that says boss on it. Is this just graphics or what?
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