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Everything posted by BiG BeN

  1. http://img45.exs.cx/img45/3916/10-25-04_2107.jpg weaksauz...i'm too drunk for img tags....
  2. you're doing the right thing by going into a safe enviroment with people who are experienced.my tip is this. at the range find the old guys,and ask them what they like to shoot before dropping big cash on your own piece.also consider caliber,as alot of people prefer different makes and models for different calibers.someone that tells you to get a glock for every application is probably biased,and inexperienced.also there's a few places that have loaner guns you can shoot,that helps alot when early in the purchase process.
  3. BiG BeN

    new car

    in that size, and level off offroad-ability.the infinit fx comes to mind.it'scey too,but the nissan murano is the same thing without as many bells and whistles.
  4. you could probably buy a low mileage DOHC KA for the price of a SOHC head. they go dirty cheap quite often.
  5. i got back 8k in taxes filing seperate.woulda been 11k if we filed joint,but she had no income so i don't know how the hell that works.plus i couldn't get her to sign without a cut so i lost the benefit.
  6. i put over 180k on a cummins starting at 400 in a period of 2 years.the only problem i had out of it was an auto tranny that bunked out,but that can be blamed on a ghey electricain that back into the cooler with a piece of emt and never said anything.
  7. i had a hemi crew cab for a couple months.defintly nice as far as pick-em-ups go. needs a little juice or something though.not much on the highway.
  8. a nice running kick on the tire usually works for me...if not then PB Blaster around the lug area.
  9. BiG BeN


  10. this is the first time i read this thread. i was honestly hoping noone would so i could.he musta just heard that referenced in a movie or something.thats way beyond his appaent comprehension level.
  11. like most other outdoor/construction jobs. when you start green you carry an old mans toolbag for about 10$/hr.but if you stick with it and bust your ass you can make a ton of cash.using myself as an example i started in 96 at 8.50/hour. now i'm in the 6figure club.not bad for a high school education.
  12. http://www.ngksparkplugs.com/techinfo/spark_plugs/partnumberkey.pdf incase you just wanna pick them up from napa. the zone doesn't stock much for ngk's
  13. they have a steel ladder with a 3/8" cable running up, you gotta have a harness w/ cable grab to get up it(in compliance) once you get there though there's a lot of hang dangling under antennas and stuff. so you need a wide assortment of positioning gear.and yeah it's occupational for me so i gotta watch out for the man and stay compliant.they hand out personal fines for willful violations in my field.
  14. i'm a climber,this kind though. http://img81.exs.cx/img81/4553/prtower.jpg
  15. BiG BeN


    The Beast> all other cheap beer.
  16. there's a singlecam engine we never got that has 2 stage vtec,but it's more of an economy thing than performance i think.
  17. does the pedal feel ok? did it just start happening? and what did the clutch look like when you did the swap.also you may be able to see something through the hole the clutch fork goes through if you're really lucky.most likely though you should just drop the tranny and see WTF is happening. you'll need to do that to fix it anyway unless it's a hydraulic problem.
  18. you mean new and improved?
  19. welcome, i saw where you registered on another ohio forum.we have a few turbo 240's floating around here.we're hovering around the same HP i think.
  20. welcome, i saw where you registered on another ohio forum.we have a few turbo 240's floating around here.we're hovering around the same HP i think.
  21. BiG BeN


    haha...yeah,forgot about that.i think i get the most satisfaction from whoring my garage when i request payment in a 40oz,or other alcohol early in the morning.
  22. kazaa isn't bad if you use K-lite.it'such leaner client with no adds or spyware.but i still prefer d/loading full albums. i have yet to find a better source for that than good ole hotline.
  23. i wonder if it will sound like a diesel with that injection.
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