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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. yeah the guy who runs this site. FTV. his wife you have probably all seen. nothing but the famous tiffany taylor from playboy. she has shown us on the 3s site some of her personal pics. here is a teaser. This is his new toy as well. Yup all your porn money hard at work! http://www.jesabele.com/mel02.jpg http://www.jesabele.com/mel01.jpg
  2. Erway not taking care of business for ya?
  3. but do you have the money to shoot there? I am thinking about going to Black wing in Deleware to shoot my sks. interested? Heres a picture of my roommate and i when we went shooting a month ago. http://www.ohio3si.org/pictures/gun/0099.jpg
  4. any intrest selling snatch and namco gallery for$20?
  5. Ok first of all your an idiot. Appartently you have never driven one. So you shouldn't say looking at specs. Supras are 3400 lbs and the vr4 are 3800 lbs. dont knock on what you dont know. ok one 3800 lbs gets you safety. If something hits you. you know your going to be ok. The car is a tank and it is extremely nice to have that protection. EVO8 extremely expensive to fix. if you find one for under $20k expect to fix something on it. Cause it has been beat up. I know of plenty of people in the area that are selling decent good condition Vr4's for under 10k. So if you want to reconsider you know where to find me.
  6. interested. I have cash in hand when can i come look at it? pls call. 614-371-2258
  7. http://www.consumptionjunction.com/content/detail.asp?ID=63513&type=1&page=1
  8. josh you seem like a cool guy. I am going to be frank doesnt mean i dont like ya. but any technical questions. the people on 3si.org are the best people who have done this over and over. No disrespect to the people on here or anything. Want the experts opinion check with the guys who has had 4 or 5 of them and did stuff like this. HanzGT, jefflucias, adamvr4 are some of those guys. Stop wasting your time and check it out. PS we have a christmas party PM me for details.
  9. he has a extender paton. like what police use. but that was some weird shit. that video would prolly be better for stoners. lol.
  10. ya know that at Best buy they have HD 51" hitachi Tv's for like $699
  11. josh lemme know if you cant find any more that you may need. Thanks
  12. Well Lynn what do you expect when there are people like yourself that promotes it.
  13. tomorrow we'll see lynn on the front of the newpaper. Another one caught by dateline this one in your neighborhood!
  14. http://www.ohio3si.org/pictures/funny/pic_02693.jpg
  15. vinny i would like one as well but i do not have paypal how can i get you the money? and can i buy more than one?
  16. everyone that is thinking about getting a PS3 just to let you know. If you really want a PS3 and not pay over sticker price just to let you know that best buy bought over 60% of the PS3's coming to the states. We will be furnishing the bestbuy stores with 5-7 shipments of these systems before christmas. Each shipment will contain anywhere from 10-50 systems each so if you are thinking of paying $1200 - $2500 to some A hole on ebay or locally keep calling the stores they will have them. so Happy shopping and merry christmas. ~Geoff.
  17. ok, Did you know that the script OHIO was first done by the Michigan Marching band to show their respect for OHIO? Well to some of you michigan is just a shit stain to you but to us. We admire your enthusisim and wished that you OHIO fans would be more respectful to the game.
  18. Just came from the bar where we toasted to Bo X how many times. Before that we were at the airport cheering the players on!!! GO BLUE! WE will miss you BO!!
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