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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. http://www.ohio3si.org/pictures/funny/EvilMonkey.gif
  2. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26917 R
  3. how much does he charge? I saw Nates car after andy detailed his as well.
  4. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=5733044300866646599 :):):):) LMAO
  5. I will buy it from you tonight for $80 call me and let me know Ty Geoff locke 614-371-2258
  6. calling dibs on the skates are you here in columbus or in Detroit? paypal etc.. ?
  7. pics on bag, bauer skates, and gloves. Ty
  8. wow i am glad that someone gave you a hand with what was going on! Hehehe ok bad joke. Well i hope things get better for you.
  9. http://www.sexuploader.com/?d=KZ4AW8NK
  10. http://rapidshare.de/files/24950300/NDN_Springer_Top.zip.html look familiar?
  11. Hey everyone i have 256mb Scandisk Compact Flash drives and 512mb simple compact flash drives. Retail: $21 for 256, and $50 for 512. I will take $15 for 256mb and or $30 for the 512mb. Please email me if you have any questions.
  12. stealthmonkey

    July 4th?

    if you get anything going ben give me a call.
  13. go to Indiana its cheaper and you get bigger fireworks there.
  14. did you have a nipple on your arm to begin with?
  15. I'll speak for tim and i as well about coming with in a foot of getting hit by this driver and car. I think Tinman and i are going to have to lay the facts down for her.
  16. GW was here for a fundraiser. Dealing with the Mike Dewine campain. The place where it was held was at Randy Wilcox house who is the CEO of Sarcom.
  17. hey dont forget you were bragging last night you were going to have sex with yourself. and yes you pretty much felt everyones butts last night. Had fun i enjoyed it. Brian your a crazy mother. lol.
  18. Your my hero!! (RX7)Joe , Your fired! Yeah NO SHIT!
  19. i have heard mixed things about it. My cousin got it when they first started doing this acouple years ago. She says is kind of fucks with your night vision other than that its not bad. I dont know if Steve still checks the board who had the maroon firebird but he had his done and i think he liked it.
  20. Cause the orginal 1st gen gforce chipset is acouple years outdated.
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