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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. whatch out he may light a fire on your desk though. Does this position come with the pyro boss?
  2. and she plays HOCKEY! its a good thing you married her eric.
  3. lol wow some people. and they all come from Kentucky
  4. heres your clue. Kind of like the blue coller tour, heres your sign.
  5. would this be a strap on joe or a dildo? .. .. Oh you meant your rubber cock.
  6. ty it was either DID UR GF or TT4U2NV
  7. http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e116/glocke/IMG_2671.jpg
  8. HOLY CRAP how did you get that video of linn and his girlfriend?
  9. wow Linn you have issues. i dont know if i am more disturbed that i watched that or that you found that.
  10. In, what ever you guys want to do. PS i know i am behind on my daily CR but where ya going Berto?
  11. stealthmonkey

    Free fish

    fish still forsale if they are i am interested.
  12. saying you have impeller on a boat is like saying you have NOOOOSSSS on your car. Its called a prop and it probably has been bent.
  13. Taking bets. I got $5 on Eli! and another $5 that we never see Joes tuna can this summer.
  14. if its version 1.5 or 2.0 would you be interested in a possible trade? with some $$
  15. dude sorry to see what happened to your cousin! that self sacrifical thing must be a big hit right now in your family huh?
  16. Linn you need to end your own life on that first link. this is a funny pics thread for gods sake not so disturbing i want to end my life thread.
  17. He should of said the truth. Got fired from job dreaming about game lost wife from loosing job while dreaming about game cant afford to live other than in a car cause the dreaming of the game. Ditch the game get life back! I agree. Its one thing to persue your dream but not to force yourself to live in denial for the current situation. By the way that game sucked. It should be called paddleless Ping pong.
  18. saw a special on a guy who got bit by a cobra. He had to have the same thing done on his side from his ribs to his middle leg.
  19. what are your MOS's in the National Guard getting ready to join the NG as well. I am going to be a 15tango till waren officers training.
  20. it will be in the late afternoon early evening. and should last about 45 min. to an hour. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cordnaitor: Geoff (stealthmonkey) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
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