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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. tonight leaving my Bestbuy store in grove city. there were two 18 kids sitting near the door with sleeping bags and food for three days. i was like what no tent haha that will be good when it rains. over night sure but 3 days before ps3 comes out hmm dont think so.
  2. http://www.p4c.philips.com/na4/3/32ps55s/32ps55s_pss_aen.pdf to my knowledge it is only a flat CRT TV not a HD TV.
  3. do you have a model number i am interested.
  4. Ha good point that might be worth seeing!
  5. http://www.flickr.com/photos/binkysgirls/ 2,700 photos of girl fun!
  6. interested in the igloo bag. Can you please send me pics. or like a link. stealthmonkey6@yahoo.com Thanx Scott
  7. send pics to me as well plz stealthmonkey6@yahoo.com
  8. my buddy just got done talking with tom. He appriciates your help for the people who have posted lawyers names and phone numbers.
  9. I wont at this point cause i dont know if he wants to come out and talk about this. And some of you know him. I will tell you this his BAL. was .01 over the limit. So he had like 1 beer and they still got him. He would never drive under the influance cause both of his parents were killed by a DUI driver.
  10. hey everyone a close friend of mine got a OMVI any suggestions on a lawyer for him? please post here. Thank you!
  11. canon and lexmarks are the best quality but both are top feeders which blowes. Bang for the buck HP good way to go.
  12. http://www.zylosbackyard.com/supraforums/3.jpg
  13. it was funny as hell when his ex jackie was out driving him in his camero as well.
  14. http://www.aww-kittah-aww.com/up/files/227/the%20voices.jpg
  15. kevin you have been offically labled the REPOST KING of columbus! Cause no one is fast enough to make a post of something that was posted earlier that day but you. So pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
  16. mark hollander in gahanna.
  17. but your still missing the point. Thats fine that you paid that much in may. but computers parts are worse than cars. The second you buy it, its already cheaper somewhere else. So what kinds of prices are you going to sell this stuff at that will be within reason?
  18. never knew that Nurkvinny could Rap! swear looks like him.
  19. sry guys i had a bad night. Had a flat and almost lost the car. I just got back home and safe in one piece. Not for AWS and AWD i might of been a gonner.
  20. basically i want to weed out all the stupid ricer people who usually see this board. PM's sent! In the seniors area i have made a post with the spot information. http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?p=337625#post337625
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