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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. yeah man i used to have one of those commodore 128. they rule!
  2. wanting to get some car parts aniodized and just curious rates and who does it.
  3. WOW sam i thought that you had better choice in Women. She almost looks like a dude.
  4. hey everyone my roommate and i need to get rid of our cat. Our apartment is making us get rid of her . Her name is sammy, Shes 4yr old. She is already spade and front de clawed. She is kittylitter trained and is a good cat. Doesnt get sick or cause problems. she is very affectionaite. Here is a picture of her. She is kind of small as well. she is about the size of a 1yr cat. PM or respond to this thread if you are interested. http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e116/glocke/12-25-05_1321.jpg
  5. Would you be interested in straight up trade maybe with a game or some money etc..?
  6. i have v2.5 is there anything that anyone can do to help me out? or am i screwed?
  7. You think thats something you should see this guys wife. HOLY SHIT HOTTNESS!
  8. Wow so how many of you guys been asked to meet some old weird guy. Besides that site is stupid nothing but 15-18 yr olds. :gay:
  9. wow he drives almost as bad as you clark.
  10. I will need to enter registration so i will need a desicion if you would like to join us by a week from sunday.
  11. na dude they arent your crowd they arent peeing on anything.
  12. 1,000,000 BC - God creates earth 1943 BC - God creates Marks mom 0 - death 1 AD - god creates weird looking motor that someone named eric posts 1999 AD - God gets confused and CR was born.
  13. On Friday nights there is drop in / Practice. So if you are rusty and want to be ready for the next session i would recommend coming to a drop in on Friday nights. The E league is a fun but slower league. The D league is more fast paced and more competitive. The equipment you are required is skates, helmet, gloves. I believe. I recommend that plus shin / knee guards and a cup if your a guy
  14. http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/238.html wow
  15. yeah for this league you need to be somewhat hockey swavy, the thursday night leagues are for beginer and average players. I would defantly recommend starting there to see how you come along.
  16. The Helmet is Bling bling thank you Jon. btw i will be starting a Monday night Team in about a month if you are interested for Roller hockey. It will cost around $80 for 12 games.
  17. Hello everyone. I am starting a monday night Roller hockey team in the D league. It is average to above average players. I am looking for 6 Offenders and 4 defenders and 1 goalie. Please let me know if you are interested in playing. The session will consist of 12 games and will cost around $80. ~Geoff locke stealthmonkey6@yahoo.com
  18. hey can you pm me your number. I'll swing by today and look at it. I have couple games tonight that i could use it for.
  19. jon i'll call dibs on the helmet as long as it fits my giant head. I'll have to look at your other stuff sticks etc.. to give you a better idea what i am interested in.
  20. yeah thats pretty fucked up.
  21. Funny video its too bad that The video is probably older than you are.
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