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Everything posted by stealthmonkey

  1. lol. It is a Time Distance Rally. It is done by accurate time taken. The course will be spread around columbus i will need spotters to stand on a corner like a prositute, cept with a stop watch and note pad. Recording times of cars going by that are in the race. It will be at desinated check points. This will be for people who may not know the area and may ask for assistance. for the volunteers I will prolly have a small party later on or at another date.
  2. Hey guys i am looking for 3-5 volunteers for spotters for a rally that i am organizing for May 27th. Can anyone come and give a hand?
  3. hmm you forgot the cheap car stickers like apexi and greddy. besides that Ricochet your my new hero! welcome btw
  4. give me a call i am interested in one of the bikes. ~Geoff locke 614-371-2258
  5. My buddy is looking for a decent running reliable beater. He has about $1000 to spend. Please post here or call Nick at 614-403-6626. Thanx
  6. Hey everyone i have the most perfect spot for hang out! it is secluded near 70 and 270 on the east side. No cop interferrance. It would be perfect. I will only tell Anthony and anthony alone. So PM when you wanna meet up for me to show you this spot!
  7. it doesnt matter where you are at. You can get a DUI for being in your drive way in your car with the keys in the ignition with the car off.
  8. stealthmonkey


    http://www.ohio3si.org/pictures/funny/fc56ea53.jpg oh I c, bens already posted. Welcome.
  9. but but what about the RABIT!
  10. it doenst even matter if he was driving or not if the keys are in the ignition and hes wasted DUI.
  11. for you guys that havent been to 3si yet. Please register and check in on this page. It is for Ohioians only and trying to get a censius how many there are here in Ohio. thanx http://www.3si.org/forum/showthread.php?t=268365
  12. wow it must suck to be one of these victims. http://www.nbc-2.com/articles/readarticle.asp?articleid=6884&z=3&p=
  13. and now you will run 12.99 instead of 13.1 lol j/k looking good cant wait to see ya at the track or on the road.
  14. not as lame as you posting on old videos on the internet.
  15. good video but that also was made and posted before you were born!
  16. that is the best post you have ever made. You have completely redeamed yourself.
  17. actually here is the solver. http://www.ohio3si.org/pictures/misc/untitled-1.jpg
  18. he knows how much. this is rummored from what he has done to his car. The price is high cause he has alit of custom fabricated pieces on his car.
  19. wow that really hurt. man try to be alittle more orginal next time.
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