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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. That's what I was thinking too.. Bill, Do you have any pictures of it from when your Dad raced it?
  2. this is going to be a long woot off if they keep putting these TV's up....... Also guys beware of the "Smartpost" shipping method. It'll take a bit more time to get your goods over regular shipping. Longest wait so far has been 47 days but I always get my packages.
  3. I have an old RCA VHS that needs a battery (I have everything else). You can have it for free.
  4. http://img378.imageshack.us/img378/2117/img2156ya1.jpg http://img378.imageshack.us/img378/2117/img2156ya1.56f0a36e35.jpg
  5. I've been using Dri Wash and Guard for over 10 years now. Works great. Even with the salty Ohio winters on a black car it made the ol ladies Tracker look like brand new. Spray it on and wipe it off. The only bitch I had about it was it's like $40 for a 32oz bottle. http://waterless-wash.com/
  6. I thought that about both of them. I chuckled when Danica said "It's not my fault you're slow!"
  7. I'll still take it. I'll let you know tomorrow what day I'll be in Lancaster.
  8. I'll take it but won't be able to make it to Lancaster until Saturday or Sunday.
  9. from that web site.... " Can I really buy a gun over the Internet? Anyone who is legally allowed to own an item is allowed to buy it here. The following information is not intended to be a complete guide to all applicable laws. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with all Federal, state, and local laws when purchasing from this site. What does legally allowed mean? You must be an adult who is able to enter into a contract. Anyone desiring to purchase a firearm or certian gun parts notated with "FFL Only" must be able to pass a background check ( Visit the ATF web site for more information ). There are age limits on the sale of certain items. And certain types of items are illegal in certain places - for example 'assault weapons' cannot be sold in California and certain types of ammunition are illegal in certain states and cities. The NRA also has put together a terrific state-by-state gun laws guide. The ATF has compiled information on the various state laws; click here to view this information. Again, it is your responsibility to make sure that you comply with the laws of your country, city, and state. We do not tolerate attempted illegal activity here! You do not have to be a licensed dealer to buy a firearm. If you are not a licensed dealer (also called an FFL Holder), you must make arrangements with an FFL holder in your state to receive the item and transfer it to you. Virtually anyone who is involved in the sale or distribution of firearms is an FFL holder, including gun shops. Non-firearm items, such as certian gun parts, scopes, knives, and ammunition, do not require transfer by a licensed dealer. There are age restrictions on many of these items, and you may be contacted to verify your age. In general, you must be 18 years old to but items on this site. To buy Pistol ammunition, you must be at least 21 years old; at least 18 years old for Rifle ammunition."
  10. getting stuck in the arm for blood isn't a punishment, but a means of collecting evidence for the possible conviction of committing DUI. Enforce the DUI laws with more strict sentences. What is the max possible sentence for a first and second offense DUI? I know every time I read about DUIs in the paper or heard about someone I know it has ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS been the minimum possible sentence. The first offense you can pay to go to a rehab center for 3 days instead of jail. Now how many people go to the rehab center to get rehabilitated rather than just 'get out' of going to jail for 3 days? How about 3 days at both. remember........ Guilty until proven innocent. Shit, I mean Innocent until proven guilty.
  11. I can agree with everything but you're last two sentences..... WHO ARE THEY ATTEMPTING TO MURDER? everyone? so again how many counts is that? How about drag racing.... Doing it on public roads can kill people too... So should everyone caught drag racing be charged with attempted murder? Also I would like to reiterate that I am AGAINST driving impaired.
  12. This made me lol. So tell me... Someone gets pulled over for their 3rd DUI and blows a .09, how many counts of attempted murder should the person get?
  13. In Anthonyland you're right... No rights to criminals........(got room for me in Anthonyland?) Unfortunately not the way it is in real life. So why not go straight for the root cause of the problem, Booze. Another prohibition? Yea yea I know it will never happen, but if there is no booze then people can't drink and drive. problem solved. maybe? doubt it.... Unfortunately this problem will NEVER go away.
  14. My tollerance level came and went!! When I was your age........ I'm stopping there.... DAMN I FEEL OLD NOW!! lol
  15. That's what I was trying to say...... I think they do 'impound' your vehicle on the 2nd DUI. A buddy of mine had the Club put on his car (at his house) by the Hilliard police after his 2nd DUI. He wasn't allowed to even move his car for any reason and the club was on there for about 6 months IIRC. They took his tags too. There are plenty of DUI punishments that never get used...... I bet maybe 80 out of 100 people that get a 2nd DUI won't get the Orange plates to use.
  16. I agree.. Don't drink and drive.... My problem is this is just another way to strip our rights away from us. Why not enforce the current laws better. Giving a cop the right to do what ever he fells he needs to do to get a blood sample is not right. So pretty much if someone refuses, the cop will have the right to taze you or cuff you, slap you into the back of a cruiser and jab you with a needle?!?!?! Just not right... But of course neither is drinking and driving.... I'm glad I'll never and I repeat NEVER have to have this done to me.... If I drink I do it at home. The last time I did drink I had a terrible hangover that really made me think... "Is drinking really worth this kind of pain?" Hell no!
  17. it's only for people with 2 or more DUI's already. Still is bullshit. I'm sick to death of M.A.D.D. and S.A.D.D. They are the asshats pushing this shit on us.
  18. I was just going by what Grabit was reporting. It was downloading so fast I was wondering if I was getting anything more than a bunch of empty files.
  19. is it a 1 piece or 2? how heavy? Where at in Galloway are you?
  20. for about an hour last night I was pulling 30meg/sec
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