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Everything posted by Kuruma

  1. I was out earlier, thought everyone was leaving a while ago though.
  2. Ah, there's no garage to rent at all only covered parking in the lot (which I get to use for a couple weeks, because my roommate and his Mercedes will not be here), and I'm not exactly on the lease, so I don't want to attract that much attention. (It's one of those roommate setups that just came together at work when I moved here a year ago, and haven't really had the need to find a solo apartment just yet, though I've been thinking about it more) An engine swap on his Civic right across the street? Damn. What did they have to say about that? How much would that space be north of Delaware anyway? On a rent-when-needed basis?
  3. I live in an apartment complex, so any serious work on a car, or any painting type activities can't be done in the complex parking lot. Anyone else in this kind of living situation know of any good places to go where you can work on something without anyone telling you to take it elsewhere?
  4. I've been thinking of getting a 240SX hatchback... I'd like pics too, please.
  5. Well, the stuff is getting into the system just fine, it just isn't staying in the system like it needs to, IE, the pressure builds up, the compressor starts to run, and then it shuts back off immediately, and a high pitched sound can be heard as the pressure drops back down to nothing. Already wasted one of those really big cans of r134-a Meijer sells with the re-usable gauge into the system, and it must have just gotten expelled back out into the air. Might try to get some of that stuff with the UV dye in it, and the special light and glasses to look for where the leak is coming from. I know the general area it's coming from though, because I remember when the Valvoline shop down the street tried to charge it, they got it running nice and cold, but then the stuff all shot right out at once (quite visibly, and was a pretty disturbing sight to see) and it was coming from the area where the compressor is located on the Neon. I'm wondering if the compressor itself may be damaged, as it's a possibility, because of the incident with the engine mounts, and the pothole, and having to get a new engine because of it. It's possible that part of it may have hit the ground as well, because three of the engine mounts were bad (read: Broken) at the time, and the old engine was sagging BADLY, as was the compressor. Is it possible for it to be cracked open, but still able to turn on and run for a few seconds/minutes/whatever?
  6. Thanks... Just replaced them and tried to charge the system, but no luck. I can hear the compressor kicking in, but it cuts off almost right away, and there's a BIG drop in pressure at the same time... Something else must be causing it... Any ideas on what else might be the problem that I could handle myself, or should I just save up to replace the compressor with a working one from a junkyard?
  7. It came from where the hoses connect to the compressor, they said the seals there were likely to be blown.
  8. One thing I really loathe about my Neon is the A/C... Mostly the "not working" part about it. The A/C has never worked since I got it, because I never bothered to get around to charging it until a while ago. When I did, it ran nice and cold... Until all the refrigerant shot out of the system, and up into the air. (I didn't know about this issue, or I wouldn't have tried) The guys at the place I had tried to get it charged at were cool and didn't charge me since the A/C didn't work, and said from where it came out from I'd probably need to just replace the compressor seals on it, and it should be fine. Anyone able to give any advice on going about this?
  9. If this car is available after 10/7, PM me. Can't buy it now, but I can put in enough OT after my vacation to buy it then for the 500 you're asking. Is it a manual or an automatic?
  10. Eh, my cars have been: PAST: 1982 Buick Century (Bought it from a member of Ray Charles backup band when I lived in L.A.) 1991 Buick Century (BAD transmission.) Current: 1995 Plymouth Neon Highline I really haven't had anything that great yet. Next car I get has to be decent smile.gif
  11. Anyone on here own a red Camaro with the license plate "PASSEN U"? Saw this car on 70W yesterday on the way to work, near the entrance to 270.
  12. Running IE these days is about as safe as sending your 12 year old to Michael Jackson's for a sleepover. Something's gonna get fucked tongue.gif
  13. Heh, I already know tongue.gif But, I signed an agreement before I knew better, and I have to honor it, so I'll be driving this thing until it's no longer my problem. Might as well make the most of a bad deal. One thing is for sure, though. I won't buy from JD Byrider again.
  14. Not as good as what a friend of mine did on HIS last day. He said it would be "not a whole lot of anything" when we asked... He sat around using telnet to talk to his GF all day, didn't log in until 11:10 PM or so, then logged off 50 minutes later, and left an hour early. They didn't even notice. smile.gif
  15. I try not to take anything said on an internet forum seriously unless it's obviously meant to be. smile.gif No need getting worked up over something you can just turn off and walk away from, right? smile.gif
  16. *laughs* I work there, actually... You wouldn't believe the things you can get away with there if you know the right people. Pay sucks, but it's fairly laid back if you keep your stats good and don't annoy the wrong people smile.gif I was hired in before the BS with the training pay, thankfully.
  17. Kuruma

    IT Crash

    I guess if you consider tech support IT, I wasn't particularly affected by it... There's always a need for people to fix Grandma's internet so she can get her spam for viagra and Paris Hilton videos.
  18. OK, I'll remove it then... Didn't know it wasn't allowed.
  19. I think I'll try to show up at one soon. Word of warning though... At this time, my neon is pretty much stock, so it's not the fastest thing, been going through some very rough spots with it since a few months ago, and it's just now getting back to "normal" (got rid of the vibration at high speeds this afternoon by replacing 2 very worn tires and having the wheels balanced). Once the AC gets working again, then I can move from making needed repairs to actual upgrades smile.gif [ 05. July 2004, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: Kuruma ]
  20. Been lurking for a bit, waiting to be ready to say hi and introduce myself. Since it doesn't seem like it would fit anywhere else... Here seems good, so... Hello
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