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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/yhst-11870311283124/caulk-asphalt.gif
  2. What I gathered from this thread is that, raw fish, no matter where it is from tastes exactly the same.
  3. That makes absolutely no fucking sense. Why do I need to volunteer somewhere to complain? Better yet, why would I volunteer somewhere I help fund? It is the fucking people who are using the service that should be volunteering. If I ate at the soup kitchen -- I would take a day out of my homeless life to help serve at the food kitchen. Do you know how many people do that? Probably not that many. Yes, I agree taxes keep our country running. But we do not need to go into a fucking unrealistic budget deficit just so you can get a fucking deal on windows -- a deficit I will have to help pay for later. If you are so into volunteering give your window rebate to the homeless, douchebag. http://blog.oregonlive.com/petoftheday/2008/04/large_thanks.bmp
  4. Haha. He had to slow down for a motorcycle. That is sad.
  5. http://4gifs.com/gallery/d/33555-1/noplzyouretookind.jpg
  6. Well, it isn't like they are cutting those things -- only adding to them -- so I will just be paying for broke ass people and people with money now. So, I can pay for some raggedy ass bitch's free cell phone and Trowa's windows.
  7. I'm so amped my taxes in the future will be paying for people to upgrade their homes and cars. Fucking Obama.
  8. I agree. Not signing just because this is useless and does not explain anything. You are just saying "I don't like this." That is not how a petition works my friend.
  9. In case you missed the leather pants: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOHOH0B1nq0 fap fap fap fap
  10. Pretty funny, especially the end.
  11. I'm getting pissed. Been out most days this week and have not even seen one. That is ridiculous. Found a good spot where it looks like all of the deer in the area cross a shallow river so heading there in the morning....praying.
  12. Pretty fucking sad world when the dispatcher says that.
  13. So they are against hugging because it leads to fucking? WTF?
  14. Yeah YouTube does that for videos now. That wasn't even funny since it was so rehearsed.
  15. GM stock doesn't exist any more.
  16. Same thoughts here. At least then you know it will go to the kids.
  17. Still haven't seen a one......:bs:
  18. The news said she suffered brain damage and has mental issues. She was walking and talked okay to the camera which is good to see. They showed images of the wreck as well.
  19. Just saw the story on the news. Monica Durban and her mother were on there.
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