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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Best I could get it. Better off scanning it as suggested.... http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/Thorne-TimeSlip.jpg
  2. I don't think the 1 sq. ft fire affected his boy.....
  3. Whoever keeps letting that British mother fucker host these things needs shot in the face more than Kanye. BRITISH PEOPLE ARE NOT FUNNY. *except in Forgetting Sarah Marshall where his character is brilliant.
  4. A fire place in the yard?
  5. Parents bought it for me due to the fact my car could break down at any time. I want to boycott them because they wouldn't bring me a gallon of gas when I ran out because I didn't have cash on me. However, they would tow me a mile to the gas station a half mile away and could get there in an hour -- as I sit on the corner in the middle of the ghetto in downtown Columbus. Thanks AAA! Fuckers.
  6. This thread is the epitome of why women should never be president. Fucking mood swing crazy. "FUCKIN FUCK CHINA FUCKER FUCK ASS FUCK STAIN BOMB THEM FUCKERS" "Ya -- good point -- but still fuck China." "Good point. China seems okay but they often hurt my feelings." "FUCK CHINA. MISSILES NOW." "Hehehehe I'm going to fuck China now."
  7. BTW you sound like a boring person. I can watch videos of people riding roller coasters online for free but I would rather be there in person.
  8. I too bet he said "my girlfriend's pussy" and if so that would be a joke. However, if it was not a joke and he was serious -- although it may have hurt your feelings -- maybe your pussy smells.
  9. This is why the kitchen is back, so you can stay in it.
  10. Interesting words from Terrell Pryor. Did not know he wore "VICK" on his eye black to support him. Just thought it was kind of funny. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/249606-hey-its-cool-everyone-murders-right?just_published=1
  11. I saw on ESPN that "he will continue to go to class, he will continue to practice with the team....things will turn around if he treats this as a learning experience" Doesn't sound like he willl lose his scholarship and will prob. still end up in the NFL since he will continue to practice.
  12. I don't think you need to lose weight if you are 6'1" 170 man. You'll wither away.
  13. Your coach cries. /thread GO BUCKS
  14. Great work man. Good way to make some side moneys since you don't suck at it...
  15. Shove a guy in a booth with nothing to do early in the morning....I can see where nodding off might be inevitable. But, they got caught...deserve to be fired.
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