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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. In for pong skanks. Chea yea.
  2. A favorite of mine has always been a slice of corned beef, put cream cheese spread over it, and wrap a pickle up inside of it. Fuckin' delicious. That or nachos FTW.
  3. Not my fault this is the only car I own. Also, drifting home in my Mustang I still drive better in the snow than 90% of the fucks out on the roads today. I saw a guy doing ~3mph in his Honda Civic.
  4. I drifted my way home and there is only an inch on the ground. I think someone forgot the salt around here.
  5. Damn. Now he can tell people the rest of his life how much of a badass he is for dying once already. Congrats.
  6. And I thought the shit I took after eating half a bag of sunflower seeds by simply chewing up the shells was bad...
  7. Umm...no. If it is a box turtle or something of that nature it will die in the cold.
  8. If I come I will be driving my only car. Might as well rock the dailies. So fucking cold outside.
  9. Apparently Greenpeace doesn't do shit because the guy left and started the new whaling shit. Whale Wars on Animal Planet FTW!
  10. He said after 2005. :gtfo:
  11. I can just say I have done every fucked up video on the net; i.e. dudes cutting off their own dicks, etc. Couldn't make it through this. Me and blood and male genitalia don't get along.
  12. Fuck off spiders. http://www.theasc.com/magazine/mar05/deep/images/image3.jpg
  13. I thought he made a farewell post and left...??
  14. I just wanna see some boobies and drink beer on Phil's tab. Lemme know where.
  15. You brought up hangar space off the idea of the price of the thing, so therefore, yes, you did mention it.
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