headlight harness needed to be grounded for the car to start. It was kinda odd to me but thats what the issue was. I didnt have those all wired up yet as I havent gotten that far but that was the issue
Right I am just more concerned right now trying to crank the car. I found the wire but still cant get starter ignition wire power, pats system was disabled (thanks to Brady @ Pick-ups Plus), and completely out of ideas now
I think this is holding me back, auto setup in it now. Anyone know what wires I need to mess with or how to bypass. I dont have the switch
help meee, I want to start this car
damn I didnt notice I didnt put I needed fronts. I was in a hurry as the tow truck driver was here. Pistons were a bitch to press back in and drove it back to the house and looked like it was on fire. Its weird since its both fronts but they were both nearly seized.
I just dont understand how you cannot duplicate that yourself with the car cost for under $250k. Say $150 on the car as thats about what they go for(2006) and leave $100 large on the front seat and drop the car off at a selected shop. I just dont see how you couldnt get close to that. I know they have some serious time in it but there is no way there is $850k worth of mods there.
Evolution performance is pretty legit and I dont know how much more real world you can get than their testing on this first post. Now it looks like they are even going fast with it now, should get interesting nonetheless.
I do understand though as far as running just a standard radial tire like you would drive it daily and say like a nitto 555r on the back. Its still going to be an 11 second car all day
Mustangs are the best cars ever built, gm will probably quit producing the camaro in the near future once again since no one will buy it and everyone will be buying the mustangs.....
Didnt know this car would bring that much, hell I wouldnt have guessed $500k. Pretty interesting there is a person at the bottom in the q&a section asking to trade his Veyron for it and he declined.
where you shooting all the time? tom came up to the shop and bs'ed for a few, we are going to go shoot this week I think. Should come out, not sure yet where we are going. I think he was talking about going tomorrow or friday
sweet its gotta be fast, hell its chipped up and ready to reace, 93 corvette tranny, shit I gotta have this. I bet andrew mernan already owns it, never misses a good deal and this has his name all over it
why? the only reason I can think of would be if you have zero assets. This is one of the precautions in order to protect your personal assets if something were to go wrong. Along with many other reasons but thats just one of the important ones