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Posts posted by zeitgeist57

  1. As someone who enjoys tax law and has an education for it: real estate has the largest investment tax credits available to an entrepreneur. It’s completely within the realm of reason for trump to have pulled that off, legally. His work on historical buildings alone could shield him for years to come.



    Ok everyone back to fighting.


    im surprised he paid THAT much....


    Yes, to be clear gents...I'm not worried about Biden's tax hikes as there are ways I will take care of myself, let alone I'm not at $400k. "Losers" and "suckers" are going to pay full sticker. Corporations are going to pay their fair share.


    Trump or Biden, someone's going to HAVE to make some tough choices and up tax rates. We've got a 27 TRILLION deficit we need to start working on or our kids and grandkids will be some other country's bitch.

  2. Michael, You’re more scared of change than I have faith that Trump will continue benefitting our society, our economy, and our world. Smart, resourceful people can look out for both themselves AND the greater good. That’s where we have the greatest impact.


    Our country prospered more through people working together, than being hoarders with thousands of rounds of ammo they’ll never shoot.


    Now if you gentlemen will excuse me...I have a Lincoln that needs rear air bags fitted. :cool:

  3. You and I both know Joe doesn’t have the answers for the economy. The markets will tank if he wins. With him winning comes shut downs and we can afford another one of those.


    Some of the smartest economic minds with significant skin in the markets worry about a Biden admin and how it will demonize high earners.


    Trump gets away with paying $750 a year in taxes.


    I’ve gotten a refund every year since I’ve been married, largely to the deductions of taxable income my wife and I benefit from. As Biggie said, “my accountant handles that.”


    The macroeconomic data I’m seeing from BofA/Merrill, PIMCO, Vanguard, Bloomberg/Economist, Euler Hermes, etc shows government stability and collaboration as a far better benefit to the US economy than right-wing scare tactics would have you believe. You and I BOTH know the economic data over the last 15-20 years - even with the Great Recession - supports this.


    Looking back at the 2016 CR Election thread I posted above, there was a lot of guessing back then that never happened either.

  4. So is Biden your "pro-business" pick over Trump? You do work in that big bad sector that needs to be taxed way more according to certain folk....


    Biden is no more “pro-business” than the fact that Trump caused more long-term damage in his last 4 years than people feel he’ll be effective in the next 4. Srsly, you think Don is going to do LESS golfing? If the Senate goes blue, you think he’s going to get more done? Gotta look at the big picture. Trump’s caused irreparable damage locally and globally that won’t be fixed with him still at the helm.


    I didn’t vote for Obama, but he was our President and I still did well. Many of us did. Do you really think Trump’s got aces up his sleeve for the next 4 years that he didn’t already pull?


    Why would dozens of past administration officials (many people he picked) and top brass in the military rip him apart? Maybe he’s not as good as he says he is?

  5. Clay is voting for Trump again this election too.


    He will say he isn’t, but we all know he can’t stomach that a vote for Joe is a vote for Kamala.


    Honestly, I’ve seriously considered both. Here’s where I stand going into tomorrow:


    - If I vote for Biden, I give a chance of meaningful societal change for my fellow Americans. The markets have baked in his impact on the business landscape already.


    - if Biden loses, as a business professional with a diversified investment portfolio and a savvy CPA, I’ll still be well-positioned for continued economic success as much as can be afforded under Trump. :gabe:

  6. Food for thought:


    When an Asshole complains that every other person in the room is an asshole, and they are totally corrupt and fake news towards him....maybe, just maybe, HE'S the arsehole?


    Trump's still complaining today about the prior administration. He's had 4 years to "lock her up" and Hitlary is still a free woman. #winning #promiseskept

  7. US voters in a nutshell.


    "He has no policy positions!"


    "What about these policy positions?"


    "I don't want to read those!"




    Trump: "Sleepy Joe's gonna take yor covfefe guns and hamberders!"


    Geesammy: "Antifa's taking over Portland! THEY TERK OUR JERBS!!!1!1"

  8. is it reasonable that the same can be said for others in this group?


    Being called a racist or worse for 4 years gets a little exhausting wouldn't you say? Specially when it couldn't be any further from the truth (its silly to me that I even have to say that...). If theres a scenario that I can accept that my views have been polarized/hardened by the mud slung at what I would call regular, decent Americans, shouldn't that be an option for others on the opposite side of the political spectrum?


    If your answer is no, then we cant have a productive conversation.


    I agree: when people say that someone who supports Trump is automatically a racist, that is hateful speech. I've been called that as a Trump supporter myself.


    However, the thing more disappointing than Trump's ongoing, tone-deaf behavior or commentary that paints him as a sexist or racist are the people that back him up, and react so negatively. Fundamentally, that is what I have a problem with after 4 years of him as President: he's stoked the divisiveness in our country more than a few thousand Antifa/BLM participants could do for the next 100 years.

  9. I dont think so - Im still a civil, pleasant person outside of my views of the extreme left.


    Like I said, I dont wish harm on anyone, but when it comes to defending what I think is *more* right for the direction of this country, I will speak up and if I must, defend it.


    Im pretty sure there are several in this thread that you couldn't pay to sit down and have a drink with me because of their views of anyone that doesn't vehemently denounce trump.


    Everyone takes issue with either the extreme left, the extreme right, or both.


    The problem you're exhibiting is you're letting that hatred for a very small subset of our society occupy too much of your political views and decisions.


    No doubt, MSM, social media, and the current administration thrives off of ginning up this sort of ill-will. Everyone thinks of themselves as civil and pleasant until they're stocking up on ammo. :lol:

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