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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. This story leaves me stumped. More cutting. More blood. That’s the power of the Home Depot. It could have been a lot worse. It’s a good thing he was... UNARMED http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQAg7Zqdh-YE4_9_tXdE2kPhuk8S-rwrthhnAoBecUsP5_2mqGwPg_5LKB6
  2. So I just found out from wifey that we're spending the night at her sis's place in New Albany Farms. I'm driving separately so I can rollout to C&C and the cruise in the morning...wife was paying attention to the FB page and suggested it herself! Cleetus, or Passat?
  3. GET THAT TREE-HUGGING HIPPIE TALK OUTTA THIS THREAD!!! *Zeitgeist57's house catches on fire
  4. Coming from my own Master Cylinder replacement, there is still air in the system. Take it to a shop, or get a PowerBleeder
  5. I had a small fire in my basement that smoked my entire house. Insurance is writing off most of my content. Items below were cleaned, but we are replacing anyway since my policy contained an "enhanced replacement" provision. Rowe sectional couch w/chaise lounger. Custom built in 2009, ordered thru Basista Furniture in Cleveland. Looks like this but longer, and a green/black upholstery. Was $2600+tax/delivery in 2009. $500. Will update with pics shortly... http://st.houzz.com/fimgs/fc9134ca0e5aae43_9620-w548-h206-b1-p10--contemporary-sectional-sofas.jpg IKEA Closets. 4 sections, can be separated easily. 2 sliding doors, 2 hinged mirrored doors. Was my closet, held all my suits, clothes, etc along with jewelry drawers for my wife. Over $1100 w/ accessories (including LED lighting) in 2010. $300. Like below pic, but with an oak finish and flanked on either side by hinged mirror-door cabinets as well. http://www.ikea.com/PIAimages/0151943_PE310137_S3.JPG 3/4 length Mahogany Mink coat (appx sz10-12). Older "heirloom" gift to my wife in excellent shape, kept in cedar closet year-round and will be cleaned again before sale. Appraised at $1500. $400 Full length black cashmere coat with black fox collar. Christmas gift three years ago, hardly worn. Great "formal/business" coat for your woman. Was $700 new. CR price $200 Sorry for lack of photos. Will update shortly with pics/measurements. Just wanted to get feelers out there. OPEN TO INTADESTING VEHICLE TRADES :)
  6. Will czech it out after work... EDIT: Looking at Mallard's post below...F THAT NOISE.
  7. zeitgeist57


    Watched it last night with the wifey. Denzel kills it, and it'll really make you think. 5/5 stars. :thumbup:
  8. Obviously his FB page doesn't cover anything....where can I read about what happened?
  9. Went to the range...nice on the inside. Definitely some old store/warehouse that they converted, but its done very well and great to see all new, clean equipment...unlike Powder Room, Blackwing, AimHi (all fine spots). Staging area behind the shooting lanes is a bit cramped...not much room for tables to reload magazines, etc... Store room is BIG and stocked but not a ton of stuff yet. Keltec, Kahr, Glock, your usual suspects, though I'm no gun expert. DeSantis holsters, etc... Overall, the newness and location win me over with it's proximity to Upper Arlington. Rick, I'll take you in sometime if you want to shoot a bit. We'll shoot FIRST, then hit Average Joe's for a beer or 5.
  10. http://jalopnik.com/the-six-letters-you-need-to-know-if-you-want-a-bmw-472513915 Curious from the Bimmer guys how easily the 2.0L turbo-4 could be upped to 250hp... Respekt to BMW:thumbup:
  11. Ryan....post up on FB about the cruise. The temp may affect attendance but I've spoken to a number of people that want to cruise over from the east side. Mention you're taking video footage and I'm sure there will be a great turnout with polished rides. CC&CdotNET FB Admins: Can someone "pin" Ryan's post for the cruise on the FB page?
  12. I Was JUST talking to this douchecanoe I know about them!
  13. Go to Mad Hatter Muffler on Sullivant Ave...those guys will fix it right for cheap! :thumbup:
  14. ....aaand I just spent the last 20 minutes looking at mantis shrimp vids on youtube:finger:
  15. CR Arcade happy hour? I've already got free parking at Columbus Commons
  16. http://www.columbusunderground.com/16-bit-bararcade-opening-this-summer After just seeing "Wreck-it Ralph" this weekend with my daughter, I can see this being very popular with the retro-hipsters, guys like us that grew up in mall arcades, and just putting a fun spin on the bar scene. It'll be right by my office...may have to walk over and check it out sometime.
  18. I do love the IS-F. I'll let the lack of a third pedal slide. BUT ONLY THIS TIME...
  19. We're card-carrying members! Dropping keeeds off with famiry and going tonight...
  20. *JUSTINWEBB wakes up to find concrete handprints and thrust-marks on the back of his Civic.
  21. Just saw the preview...definitely looking forward to this! :thumbup::thumbup:
  22. Sorry it's taken a whole day for someone to recognize Margaret Thatcher's passing today. ‘I came to office with one deliberate intent: to change Britain from a dependant to a self-reliant society; from a give-it-to-me, to a do-it-yourself nation. A get-up-and-go instead of a sit-back-and-wait-for-it Britain’. RIP
  23. Jason, I've got space in my garage if you still need room after Doc's Hangout...
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