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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. Wait a second...you met Finnegan and Freiburger?!?!? I'm a HUGE fan of Roadkill...
  2. I like his last look at the tiller and "Fuck That Mess!" toss to the side at the end.
  3. Hey Ryan, even if you aren't doing it could someone update FB with cruise info from Easton? I know a few non-CR guys that want to do that!
  4. Been using American GPS. Scott Epelbaum. IT WORKS FOR FIRES!!!
  5. www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net 8am to 12pm - Cup O' Joe, Lennox Town Center Sunny and 70*...TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!
  6. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=forrest+gump+seats+taken&sa=X&hl=en&biw=1004&bih=356&tbm=isch&tbnid=8qsKplHDpScN6M:&imgrefurl=http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3p5ddc/&docid=GvzGAdUPcVR5pM&imgurl=http://i.qkme.me/3p5ddc.jpg&w=610&h=350&ei=sVV5UdeOL8TerAGOkoDICg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=444&vpy=29&dur=1406&hovh=170&hovw=297&tx=37&ty=195&page=1&tbnh=126&tbnw=220&start=0&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:91
  7. FWIW... I was at a Kiwanis Downtown luncheon last month and the speaker was deputy registrar to Mike Rankin, Ohio BMV director. He went on and on about an "interpol"-style shared directory between states for drivers license information, new DHS requirements for getting state IDs and DLs, and a database for family information in case you're in an accident (so police/EMS know who to contact). WHATEVER... Anyway, at the end of the program he was taking questions, and of course all the old suits in the room were going on about how much regulations stink and illegal immigrants are ruining it for everyone blah blah blah. I raised my hand... "Sir, can you comment on the possibility of repealing the front plate requirement in the State of Oh..." He cuts me off, somewhat politely. Gives an answer clearly delivered many times before - and he was tired of explaining again - why any house bill against front plates will get defeated. Mike Rankin himself is a huge Corvette guy, and they all admit that OSHP and every police group in the state is against it, as well as MADD, SADD, DARE, whatever... Not sh!tting on your efforts...just offering my first-hand experience where I myself trying tried to push the issue. CLIFFS: I got the distinct impression first-hand that the front plate requirement in the State of Ohio is here to stay for the next several years at least...
  8. NICE FIND!!!


    Great time yesterday. Thanks, Gerg.

  9. How far away is Wilmington? I ask because I'm going to take the kids somewhere after C&C...was leaning towards Drag Day because Hebron is close and I can have them fed and home for naps by 2ish. I would REALLY like to see the Ohio Mile sometime...
  10. I don't know about Panama City, but part of what makes Naples such a great place to visit from Columbus is AirTran. My wife books long weekend trips when she can secure R/T for less than $250 all-in. With small kids, that's a non-stop flight too. Hope Southwest doesn't f**k it up. If you're not tied to anything in PCB, I would highly recommend Ft. Myers (RSW) as you should be able to get some pretty cheap prices on both airfare and lodging in July. If you're vacation was more than 14 days, I know of a place in Naples you can rent as well.
  11. He'll say something about how the women of his day weren't afraid to drill rivet holes without wearing any gloves. If he's had a couple to drink, you might get a "I split those hotties like logs, back when you didn't worry about diseases" comments as well.:no:
  13. I love these pictures!!! Thanks, Joans. :thumbup:
  14. http://www.autoblog.com/2013/04/24/mars-rover-draws-giant-phallus-on-red-planet/ $$$Multi-billion trip, nuclear-powered robotic rover, every route carefully planned........... MAKES HUGE CAWK'N'BALLS PICTURE ON MARTIAN SURFACE Well played, NASA! :thumbup:
  15. Wow...read this for the first time and didn't expect to see that outcome. Congrats!:thumbup:
  16. I've never been a fan of mushrooms, but I've also never known their nutritional value... http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/calories/the-nutritional-value-of-mushrooms.html I realize these fitness sites usually oversell the benefits of something, but sounds like 'shrooms may be pretty healthy to eat...
  17. He probably kept the driveshaft zip-tied somewhere on the frame "just-in-case"... Witness: "HOLY SH*T MAN, I just saw you crash!!! Glad you're alright! THat was the most.....hey! What are you doing under there, dude? You're Lambo's trashed!" Tony: "STFU and hand me that front driveshaft, bro! I need to reattach it before the cops get here and make their report!!!"
  18. http://www.buzzlol.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/You-Dont-Say.jpg
  19. Thinking about CTD's "2,000hp" Lambo...even if it runs, I'd be surprised to hear that it makes 100 miles before Tweedle-Dee wraps it around a tree. CTD's RWD "conversion" doesn't seem to be well thought-out...
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