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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. I still have a Ford T18 tranny in my garage...moved some stuff around and the trans shifted, dumping a quart of gear lube on the floor. Attached garage so I started smelling it inside the house :no: Used Simple Green, lazily sprayed it on the concrete stains after wiping the gear oil up, and let it sit. In a couple of days the Simple Green neutralized the stains and I could scrub the mess with detergent and nylon brush. LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED. I like Simple Green and elbow grease on old stains as well. Just let it sit for a day or so.
  2. I love hot peppers...I just hate the paint-stripping my arse goes through a few hours later
  3. How can you NOT have seen it? It's bigger than life! I'm in an internal office on the 8th floor downtown and I see it rolling around Grandview right now. It's blocking my view of the laptop screen.
  4. Looks like Italian Stampede is a rally race out in California. Makes perfect cents for a failing shop in Grandview, OH (with no promotional compensation I could see on the website splash page) to promote it.
  5. FWIW, I made this post last night after trying to rekindle my love for a 155k-mile Passat that leaks oil and coolant, and will need tires now in addition to brakes/timing belt/clutch in the next couple of years. Slept on it and this morning's thought process is much clearer than yesterdays. No aftermarket rims needed.
  6. If I had songs I jam to but wouldn't admit it... *THINKING RAPTOR* Would I list them out on an internet forum?
  7. Makes me want an RX-8, b'cuz famiry.
  8. http://i.ebayimg.com/t/18x8-TSW-Spa-Black-Wheel-Rim-s-5x112-5-112-18-8-/00/s/NzAwWDcwMA==/$(KGrHqN,!rMFDIHBOKI4BQ7EGSIj+Q~~60_12.JPG I need a new set of tires for the Passat. However, the chinese 18"s I got from eBay more than 5yrs/60k miles ago are really corroded, some road rash and the black paint is starting to peel. Since I plan on keeping the Passat for at least another few years - even if I get another "fun" car - I was looking at name brand replacement wheels. Opinions are welcome... Passat is dark blue/gray, with blacked-out windows, headlights, etc...
  9. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh26/ol_dirty_bastard/magazinefacepunchedu.gif
  10. u mad bro? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) http://jalopnik.com/5981258/the-2013-super-bowl-car-commercials-watch-all-of-them-here Thx, Jalop....
  11. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1998-2002-SLP-Camaro-Firebird-F-Body-18x9-5-Gunmetal-Z06-Wheels-set-of-4-/221124074534?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item337c059c26&vxp=mtr http://i.ebayimg.com/t/1998-2002-SLP-Camaro-Firebird-F-Body-18x9-5-Gunmetal-Z06-Wheels-set-of-4-/00/s/Mzc3WDQwMA==/$T2eC16ZHJGYE9noojc(oBQUMfznsyg~~60_12.JPG
  12. My wife emptied some borrowed ammo at the Powder Room today...we're returning guns to the owner and she would like to replenish the supply. We are newbs to the shooting hobby but any help from CR Gun Crew would be appreciated.
  13. Scott, I hear ya about keeping it cheap. I do like the HotWheels-style American Racing/Hurst wheels...
  14. Gotta say... that's pretty effing cool!
  15. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Gmail has the pic oriented the right way, Microsoft too...they just come up on CR all Aussie'd out.
  16. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=669&pictureid=6938 I couldn't help myself. Used DJM Dream Beams for less than $300 are like hen's teeth...saw this CL deal in Virginia and hit up my brother in Richmond. Since I was definitely not going to find any 80-82 lowering beams, these are from a 1995 F150 and includes the spindles and newer brakes as well! I bought this setup for $180. Big thanks to my older brother who picked them up in his DD and will cycle them to my parents, who will then drop them off with me sometime next month. GET LOW, CLEETUS...
  17. Heard that too....fucking nuts! RIP
  18. Honestly, I can't say enough good things about Joe. He spent 12 hours with my family going through the CCW course, and instructed us on range time. Even my wife and sis-in-law's were raving about the man. He's extremely professional and thorough...a great teacher and communicator. I know we'll be working with him some more on what handguns to buy, and do a "home assessment" for how to protect ourselves. If you're contemplating doing your CCW, I truly can't see anyone else that you can offer your home to and trust to give you an excellent education. Well done, sir! :thumbup:
  19. Anyone here? I don't need people to drink, but it'd be nice...
  20. BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW THANX, OBAMA!!! http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTke9pYT3jft5AOdBaSnR7SohMhCxQbKH5ub-sj-inIwU_0_4Zw
  21. Shoot me a PM...I have trusts for real estate, personal assets that I set up when my daughter was born. It's also good for keeping shit out of probate in case something happens to you. My wife doesn't practice elder law, but if you need that I've got a fella that can help!
  22. I just love how gritty it is. Everything is on a budget (like the rest of us) so it's done in true hot rod spirit...operating on a shoe-string, asking people for help...and of course it's totally unscripted. Glad to see some other CR guys on board with this. :thumbup: I've been a HOT ROD subscriber since the 2nd grade thanks to my parents seeing my passion!
  23. wat? No...just off the top of my head. It was 9am, and already I was planning my happy hour.
  24. WHO: CR WHERE: The Daily Growler - UA http://www.columbusalive.com/content/stories/2013/01/03/bar-profile-the-daily-growler.html WHEN: Happy Hour (5:00pm-6:30pm) Friday, February 1st, 2013 WHAT: Drink half-off pints and I'm filling my growler to take home. WHY: B'cuz beer. Given the interest in da Growler, let's get together after work and enjoy a little pre-Cars and Coffee (http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.NET) happy hour.
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