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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. CORRECT! :lolguy: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/jeopardy-alex-trebek-heart-attack-341331 Srsly, I hope he has a full recovery. He's one of the healthiest looking 71-year old men I've seen. I'm sure this accelerates the "retirement" issue somewhat.
  2. It's got a fixed yoke, Trey. If your driveshaft has a slip yoke into the tranny currently, you'll need to convert it. If you have a 2-piece driveshaft, then the slip-joint is likely in the middle, within the carrier bearing. This tranny could work. The only other problem I could think of is clutch actuation...newer fords have the abysmal internal slave cylinder, whereas this is an external linkage.
  3. Awesome details...looked fun has hell. Mad props for the participants!
  4. It's actually all good now...like CR knew I was talking about it. Srsly, from last night, It would get a "data didn't load" error message, or it would take forever to load, then crash again when I hit the New Posts link. I was trying to welcome Paul Milligan (Milligan740) but couldn't get it to load a thread response at least 3 times. Looks like he got burnt in Teh Oven anyway.
  5. Selling the 4-speed, non-overdrive (granny-gear Low) Borg Warner T-18 transmission. This beefy bish has a drivers' side PTO, and was common in Ford F-250+ from 70s into early 80s. It came with my F100 when I bought it last year, and while it bolted up perfectly to my inline-6 (and will for most Ford V8s), the driveshaft would be a custom affair on my truck. I ended up reusing the stock 3-speed manual. It was inspected and resealed by MD Transmission in Delaware. Clean bill of health, minor/normal wear on gears and synchros, but in great shape. Still filled with gear lube, ready for it's next home. Looking for a quick sale, $150. Includes bellhousing, shifter lever, but not clutch fork.
  6. Since last nite, I've been having problems loading CR on every computer in my house. Just CR: other sites work fine. I'm on my Crackberry which sucks... Curious if anyone else is having problems, or if there's something to do.
  7. I had a permagrin from this video...:fuckyeah: http://jalopnik.com/5920551/watch-a-bmw-turn-into-a-bullet-in-this-gorgeous-video?tag=bmw-m5
  8. SIGH... Don't make my comments on a few really bad eggs reflect negatively on your family, DJ. Seriously, I hoped you would think better of me than that. The way you read my comment is the way YOU read my comment...your inferences are wrong. Still love ya, just had to put you in your place. Let this one go, please.
  9. For CR purposes, it's openly mentioning it while posting an article that could easily be misinterpreted from other ignorant readers as homophobic. More to the point, it's having an open mind and fostering open communication with gay friends and coworkers, while being empathetic to the needs and concerns of the GLBT community.
  10. +100. Can someone please tell me where the resurgence-of-80s-fashion trend came from?
  11. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/gay-activists-visiting-white-house-take-photos-of-themselves-flipping-off-reagan-portrait/ Honestly, I'm shocked that anyone representing a group - whether it's a city, a country, a sports team, a company, or a social group based on sexuality - would take the opportunity of visiting the White House to troll at a level this low. I support homosexuality...just bugs me that there are probably thousands of gay activists that are more worthy of a WH visit than this cheeky kunt...
  12. Guys, thanks for the guidance! :thumbup: I'll steer clear (no pun intended) of a welded center diff in the rear.
  13. I fully understand the physics of open-diff-for-different-tire-speeds-radius-of-a-turn, but even with a little slip won't it be far easier to modulate when both tires have traction? Plus, with 250+torques to two wheels instead of one, I would think the rear tires have a better hope for maintaining traction. This thing easily does a one wheel burnout on dry roads when I'm trying to turn onto a busy road. I guess I'm weighing the option of a little bit of known slip and tire wear for more overall traction...
  14. CRAZY TALK Hate to admit that I didn't think of that one...however, the Futura's on the truck now still have a lot of tread left...
  15. This morning, I was taking Cleetus to work (Passat is on jackstands in the garage awaiting me to install new control arms). It showered last night in UA, and as I was taking the SB onramp to 315 by Riverside Hospital I nearly bought it. I was going along fine, giving it a bit of gas as I rounded the turn, and it ever so slightly started sliding...which I didn't notice until the sudden rotation of the rear end!!! I've been driving 2WD trucks in the rain/winter for awhile now, but the Ford broke free in spectacular fashion and I am now worried about it's driveability in the winter... With it's 133" wheelbase (long) and dinky, disposable 215-series 15" tires, can I get away with welding the rear differential to at least ensure I've got 2WD instead of 1WD? I'm not worried about excessive tire wear on the inside tire around every turn, because I don't drive it that much, and tires are relatively cheap (as opposed to Cleetus III's 20" tires). FWIW, I instantly corrected by turning into the turn and lifting off the gas slightly, which brought the rear end back quickly. The SUV mom behind me gave a large berth after that little asphalt dance though...
  16. A very close friend of mine in FL and his wife adopted a little girl from a messed-up young woman in town, and it was a nightmare. He and his wife are successful business people so they certainly had a lawyer, but I remember some of the horror stories they went through in adopting Bella. All is good now, but there were court hearings and the baby momma ended up being a f**king freak show. Unless you want to take care of any legal disputes 100% by yourself down the road - including any possible legal documentation mcsteaks - get a lawyer. This is not buying a $1,500 car; it's ensuring that the legal responsibility of that child is yours...well documented and court-supported!
  17. I wasn't going to sleep with this over my head....HAD to be in the car. Pulled trunk carpet out, looked with my big ass maglite...the lug socket slid down a small crack under the rear seatbacks, and was resting under the rear seat bottom!!! I looked there before, but I wouldn't have found it without going into the trunk as I did. Glad I found it!
  18. These are aftermarket lug bolts. Unfortunately I have the key for the stock lugs I'm going to use this mini crisis to clean my garage. I should have it somewhere...
  19. I'm trying to replace the entire front suspension (control arms, tie rod ends, sway bar links) in the Passat this weekend...AND I CAN'T FIND THE SOCKET FOR THE KEYED LUG BOLTS! :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu: I'm assuming the only option is to take it to NTB for lug bolt extraction, hope for minimal damage, and get new bolts? One of the front tires is down to the cords anyway so I'll need at least 1 new tire...
  20. +1. HOT ROD Magazine did an article on the V12 Cobra...amazing car...
  21. http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net 8am to 12pm - Cup O' Joe, Lennox Town Center Cruise @ Easton - 8:40am See you there! Weather will be sunny and a beautiful 83 degrees!!!:thumbup:
  22. THere is a Wednesday Night league that I and a couple of CR folk play on, but we had our second forfeit due to lack of players yesterday. Pissed me off. We may not get to play again.... It was every Wednesday, different time slots between 6:15 and 9:30, and all on the same field...
  23. "from 0:43 onward it looks like ET's driving it.." Roffles... When you see it, baked ceramic blocks will commence to be sharted...
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