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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. I think the biggest news from Apple is that they announced a dividend. Good or bad, that's a great way to get paid while holding onto the stock. Take a look at VNTV...Vantiv is the spinoff of FTPS (Fifth Third Processing Solutions). $17 IPO today...one of the largest credit card processors in the country. I'm slightly biased as I have been a 5/3 employee for a number of years, but this is a stock to watch!
  2. Buy a streamlight, receive "free" Bukket!!! (Price of streamlight magically $3 higher than previously negotiated.) Thanks for shopping at Troll Market :gabe:
  3. It depends on the turnout and weather but most people are gone by 11:30am-12pm. Since having a kid, I haven't been the last one at C&C for a long time...my daughter has a shorter attention span than I do!
  4. I was in college from 1996-2000, and our school gave every incoming freshman a Compaq laptop and Lexmark printer. I still have mine. I remember going onto Calmini's website and a few Suzuki sites, since I rocked a Suzuki Samurai back then...as well as a St. Petersburg, FL newspaper website that had a webcam (so I could dream about being in sunny Florida while I froze my butt off in PA)...but all of that is a distant memory. I remember pages taking FOREVER to load, let alone the fact that you had to go to the computer lab to use the internet. Waiting in line, being able to see what everyone else was viewing. Man, I sound so old! I guess I'm surprised whenever I see web content on a Google search that's older than 2001. Like YouTube is only 2005...how would I know what a Lamborghini's exhaust setup sounds like unless one passes me on the road or I'm at a car show? Sorry for waxing ecstatic...it's just amazing how the Internet has connected us, really only within the last 10-15 years!
  5. come again? http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQq8_jJTonI4Ym0MeBYVd89qsAtZ3mdP-WVst76eprVJ4zL7cgF8khEsKxX7g
  6. I still don't understand why you want to have a boat in Central Ohio: you can only use it part of the year, storage is a PITA, and you're in an overcrowded puddle. I would find a friend with a boat and offer beer/food/gas to go out with them a couple times a year. EDIT: So I'm not a hypocrite, I will add the disclaimer that I'm looking at buying a 2000 Hurricane 237 for my condo in FL, but at a firesale of a price and at a boat slip w/ lift in my condo complex.
  7. I was looking up "1998 Range Rovers", and Google brought up a review from Edmunds.com in 1998 covering the "new" Range Rover. I found that odd, because I can't remember the last time I've seen anything on the Intarwebbs older than 2000 or 2001. Anyone have some really old websites? It's amazing how I can't imagine a world without email or interbutt...
  8. It's the reverse: for people out east, they can gather at Easton, then cruise over to Lennox together. Leaving Easton @ 8:40am.
  9. What was in the bukketz? Something gritty, like sand or concrete? are they all scratched up? If you bring'em to C&C I'll take 3 for $5 dollah?
  10. I think it's Ba-Dass. Many happy miles (and sciatic nerve/erectile dysfunction) to you!
  11. My Corvette had flanges similar to the pic above, and used a donut gasket. It was still a shitty seal. In addition, the stock cast-iron manifold for my carb'd I6 had a flat flange, with a groove that accepted the donut gasket. These EFI manifolds look like they will seal just fine, provided the pipes aren't bent at the mating surface!
  12. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/245/Do_Not_Want_Dog%20(1).jpg Many happy miles to you, nonetheless!
  13. I will say that whenever I get around to the Factory Five Cobra...THAT will be a car-4-life. :thumbup:
  14. I'll take the taps and die...$20.
  15. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=717&pictureid=5816
  16. Big THANKS to Rick (LT1Rick) for coming back over on Saturday to help me get the engine and tranny married...and then put into the truck! I didn't take any pics, and tried to get more connections completed on Sunday but the tornado warnings and impending weather doom forced me back in. Big beeyotch to the RockAuto shipping center for sending me the wrong lower coolant hose. Srsly dood...LOOK AT THE PN# BEFORE DROPPING IT IN THE BAWKX! WAFFLING UPDATE: After momentarily getting excited talking to Matt (Tinman) over the weekend about a Crown Vic front suspension swap to lower the truck, I realized it would be a lot of work (and money to have Matt do it!) that I'm not willing to spend on this truck. Looking for used Dream Beams now: least amount of modifying hassle to drop the front end down. Cut springs are still on the table as well.
  17. http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net 8am - 12pm - Cup O' Joe, Lennox Town Center Easton Cruise - leaving @ 8:40am Heck of a turnout last weekend. THANKS FOR EVERYONE IN ATTENDANCE! :thumbup: Keep spreading the word to other forums, and car peeps you know!
  18. This is a timely thread, because I've been thinking about this over the last couple of months as I've worked on getting my Ford driveable. Almost every car I've owned and sold, I end up regretting in some capacity. Not enough for me to buy again, mind you...but I recognize the part of me that wanted to keep it. I guess I'm finding that my eternal passion for cars conflicts with my increasing real-world requirements for living; especially in the last year and a half as the family grows and business responsibilities increase. I have less resources (TIME AND MONEY) to devote to my hobbies, and my hobbies have compounded: being a good father, as well as flying. Now, it looks like we're buying a boat!!! CLIFFS: 5 years ago, I would've told you I'm a "car-keeper" for life. Now and forseeable future? Not so much. Too many other moving components in my world.
  19. Longshot, but I'm looking for dropped I-beams to lower the front suspension on my F100. It's the balljoint front arm, not the older kingpin. 1982, but '83-87 i-beams will work. Let me know and thanks!
  20. LOL @ Jungle Jim Gynahalul . . . OMFG A WALL CLOUD. LOOK IT'S BILL PAXTON WERE FKKED!11!1
  21. ISN'T IT IRONRONIC? /Alanis In all cerealsness, that was an impressive line of storms for March. I've been a weatherbug most of my life and I think this summer is going to have some wicked storms. May actually get to see a tornado in Central Ohio if this keeps up. I'm with Spam...McCoy/Reed in UA was ridonk. Was at the park with family, saw the skies develop literally in a 15-minute timeframe, piled into the car just when the sirens started going off. I knew it wasn't going to spawn a tornado, but the inflow was the most defined I've ever seen in a Central Ohio storm.
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